Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1973, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, THUR.-;AY MAY 10, 1973, PAGE il j B B I dj SPORTORIA L On Fni. May 4, 1 took rny family to the Brooklir Arena to watch the B & R Transporters take on the Oakviile Cornets in a Jun- ior "B" lacrosse exhibition game. It was a fast, exciting * game right from the open- mng face-off, with the B & R*s showing fantastic Sp. the Transporters are stoc- ked with a lot of fine yo 'ig (aient. Goaltenders Paul Bo- land and Tony Cannella made a number of real good save% on hard shots froni close in. Both goal- tenders picked up one as- sist each in the il-5 win. One thing that really botbered me duning this game wa sthe very incon. sistent officiating. The off iciais, both local fel- lows, seemed to forget what the rules were made for. One of the B & R players, during a stoppage in play, walked over to the Oakville bench where it iooked as though he was going to have a chat with the visiting club's tramner. instead, he have him a good bard push for no apparent reason. After domng tbis, he walked back across the floor and took a couple of real cheap shots at some of the Oak- ville piayers. After get- ting about two feet in in front ot one of the smaller Oakviile players, he wheeled around anc gave bum what is common- iy caiied the "sucker shot". A bard swat ir the nose wben you are not expecting it would floor the biggest of men, let alone a smail one. For ail this, he received a 5 minute major penalty for fighting, while others received game miscond- ucts. One of the B iýR players to receive a gaie misconduct was Russ Ar- buekie, who stepped <nil on the floor after everv- SOFI CLUB This year the Whitby Intenmediate Softbail Club wili be playing in the Osh- awa City and District Soft- bal League "A" Division. This is a seven teani league witb Oshawa Tony's and Oshawa R. and H. Cabinet playing a haif schedule each at four points per game. Others include Cobourg, Oshiawa, Falcon TV, Oshawa Lucky One and Oshawa Kissel Fuels. Alil balîplayers who are interested ini frying out are welcome. Pactices are set for Ttûesdays' at- by.DOUGWMA LES thing was finished. He k did flot take part in this t battie in anyway whatso- ever How does a player who cornes off the bench 1 after order bas been res- tored rate such a severe penalty, wben the fellow * that went out of his way * to. get it started oniy re- k ceived a figbting major? * Did the referee overlook some of these dispiays of * poor sportsmanship be- cause he knows the player? Another cail that the officiais made that left a lot of doubt as to their abiiity was when a piayer froni Oakville reached out over the penalty box and interfered witb a Whitby player wbo was leading a rush on the Oakville net. This player was ai- ready serving a minor pen- alty when he decided to take part in the play froni the penalty box. For bis efforts, the officiais gave him il additional minor penalty for interference. Why dîd he flot receive a game misconduct? No sport deserves tbis kind of inconsistency in officiais. Note: The game of lacrosse is one of the most ex- citing games to watch or take part in, if players such as the one mentioned ini the above article are either properiy penaiized or removed froni the game before they ruin it for everyone concerned. r The Whitby B & R r Transporters Junior "B"" Lacrosse Club is one of the finest teanis in tbe Province of Ontario, and rate Your support through- out the 1973 season. Home games are played in the s Brooklin Arena every Tues. night from May 8th until July 31. Douglas. J. Weales. Sports Editor "THE FASTEST SPORT ON TWO FEET"f The Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association was very pleased and excited at their last meet- ing with the way the registra- tion has been going, but they are stili waiting for last year's players to form the Ail-Star teanis. The chocolate bar drive has also been going well, and the association would like to thank ail the people who have supported this drive. The head coach Don Gragg reported that this season will have a good start with teams in every category and it pro- mises to be a great season. Mr. Gragg said that he pro- mises and wil make sure that every player wiil participate in the games, with everybody having equal time for the hou se league and ail-star play- ers. Don Gragg also said that every coach wiIl have to at- tend the coaches clinic to be held in this area. The referee's clinic with Bruce Hood, N.H.L. referee, will be in Ajax and Whitby with local referees attending to pick up pointers. Anyone who is interested in refereeing, please contact Whitby refèee-in-chief Garry Mitchell as soon as possible in order to attend the clinic. Whitby House League wili have interiocking games with Ajax, Garrard Road, and Osh- awa with a final champion- ship for a trophy. According to Mr. Gragg, the Ho u se League wiil get just as much attention as the Ahl-Stars. The Whitby executive are trying very hard to please the parents and playerg, and it is feit that with an executive like this, and withDon G ragg as head coach, they can't go wrong. The executive is headed Up by-Mr. Carl the President, with Garry Mitchell as Ref- eree-in-Chief, and M. Miller, George Purdy, Les Reid, Bey Davis, Bill Ritch, Larry Don- aldson, Bill Schroer, and Bill Watson. Not to mention the support from the Ladies Aux. iliary. BE So corne on boys let's ca keep this game of lacrosse in de 'BA LL life, it's Canada's own Na. cc tional game and sport. It is lic UEE~ the înost exciting sport in - the world, "the fastest sport AI N Won two feet". fo Alil boys who haven't signed up yet can do so by C( St. South diamond. Other contacting the following per- workouts wiil be scbeduled sons: during weekends. The North of Whitby-Larry Don- coaching position is, at the aidson, 916 Donovan Cres., moment, stili open and 668-6637 interested individuals are Centre of Whitby-Bill Ritch, requested to contact the 508 Peel St., 668-8615 manager.East of Whitby-Judith Day- manager. es, 244 Lupin Dr., 668-2837 West of Whitby-Max Care, In addition, the team 1010 Henry St., 668-6772 is stili without a sponsor Port Whitby-Gord Nieuwen- and wouid appreciate hear- dyk, 1446 Brock St. South, ing froni any businesses 668-6197 wbo may be interested. The Whitby Minor Lacrosse For further information Association executive wish to -ontact Jack Townsend eXtenci an> invitation to ail thu, .(Manager) at 668-8050, or p eeof Whitby bothyoung 1,4r'Y BthersoQu at -6$ ~ Qdf ttnj¶$gMes, CLUB LOREL.EY Oshawa, Saturday April 28 at the German Club Loreley on Dean Ave., A- jax, Housefrau was crown- ed Queen. Mrs. Ruth Renz, 163 Simpson St., Ajax was the best marks- man out of 17 lady con- testents. The German Club Loreley bas among its many active groups "Air Rifle Association". T'he group participates in target shooting and bas approximately 40 members including several ladies. In 1967 the Club Loreley Sch- utzen group was started by Kurt Wagneî, present- ly Vice-President of the Association. In the brief existance of the Air Ri- fle Association the group bas participated in many matches in Ontario, and are proud to have won theni ail. On Saturday the Club Loreley was ho- sting one of their merry making e vents, the "Schu- tzenfest" in honour of the Schutzen Queen'and King - Reinhold Muehlbach. The 'Schutzenf'est*" is much older than the now famous Oktoberfest, but they have many similari- ties. Both events have many barrels of beer run dry and German Umn-pa-pa bands entertain the Guests. Honours and Trophies were J presented to many of the JK CIub's Marksmen. J 'NOTICE le you " own a travel traiter or camper... NOW is'the tirme to have your propane equipment and appliances thofoughIy inspected and adjusted. esure of a fun-filled, arefree holiday with ependable propane ooking. cooling and ghting systems. l11it takes is a phone caîl r an appointment. 'omplete service just $1 2.00 PLUS PARTS GLEN COOKSON at 668-3328 (Whitby> St. Marks Holds Auction Sale The St. Mark's 4 W's Couple Club members of Whitby are busy preparing for their 8th Annual Auc- tion Sale. The sale is to be heid at St. Mark's United Church at 12 p.m. sharp, May 12 with Mr. L., Pogue as auctioneer. Furniture, appliances, dishes, toys, books, plants, and homnebaking are being collected. Anyone wish- ing to donate articles may do so by calling 668-9281. Ail proceeds of the sale are used in missionary and community work. OOPS! WE GOOFED... The management and staff of the Whitby Free Press would like to apolo- gize for any embarrass- ment or inconvenience we may have caused the fami- ly and friends of the late Heber 'Down by the mis- speliing of the name in the last issue by our printers. Bonus I nterest Mayl1to Mayl15 Money you move to a Special Savings or a Regular-Savings. account at Victoria and Grey Trust at any time during the period May i to May 15 will be accorded -fuit interest. (Special Savings 5 70, Regular Savings 4 %~) from May 1. This up-to-two-weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost . . if you ac-t now! TRtUST COMPANY SINCE 1009 MANAGER - LORNE REID 2 SPARKLING SPECIAL PRICE FULLOOLOUR 2 jA 5x7" lffor 4 ENLARGEMENTS oniy f rom your favou rite Kodacotor negatives, mou nted in deluxe studio mounts. -----CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT To DEALER -- -- SPECIAL COUPON'OFFER EXPIRY DATE MAY 30, 1973. WHIBYONT.j DISCO:UNT,ý STO]RESý -----------

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