Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1973, p. 5

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- t ~ The word from Mospurt is that Mark Donobue is the man to beat ini this year's Can. Arn. Mark Donohue, Capt. Nice, will be unveiling bis new Iong-tailed Porsche, painted in the familiar blue and gold Sunoco colours. at the Labatt's.BIue Can-Amn at Mosport Park, lune 8-10. The car is a radical change fromn the Penske Porsche of last vear wbich won the series with the help of George Foilîmer. Mark lias said about the new car "the only thing that's the sanie is the rear wing". He also said "It' a dif- ferent approach. It's going to have a long tail, like a Le- Mans car. 'Me wing wiII stay at about the samie position as on last year's car, but the tail will corne underneath it"". Last year's opener was very coîitroversial as race ex- perts and enthusiasts alike (including yours truîy) ex- pressed opinions on the new turbo-charged car and won- dered whether it would Iast the race. Well. when the race got iînder way it looked like no one would ever catch Donohue until a valve in the turbo-charger stuck forcing him into the pits. One squirt of oil was ail that was nee- ded to get himi back into the race, and Mark was back chasing after Revson and Hulme. He pushed Revson so liard Revson blew bis engine two laps from the finish, and Hulme took the checkered flag with Donohue brea- thing bis exhaust.. This year Donohue says lie will have "substantially more power. One thousand for the race as well as prac- tice. The way Porsche looks at it, wliat ever you caîî get from the engines, you should be able to get consistently ail the time". Last year, Donohue was using over a thousand horse- power to quaîify, but turning down the boost 0o1 his tur- bo-chargers to use only 900 for races. By using less hor- sepower, hie was hoping for reliability. OneoU en*14'sfears is thatif develpment pro- blems hitthe new car, tbey'weuld liei avery orn'bar,- rasusng po sitasa -affer seig let year's cars te U.bby Rimifr. (Riazier ftacing) whâeh wU lie piloted by Cau- AM cham Ge«See FoNmcr aad Chside Kemip. "I expect it wiH lie better than last year's cars,"'said Donobue, "but tbere's always thse possibifity that it won't be." He bas -a great respect for the car lie belped develop Iast season. "Tbe safest bet of anybody today - right at tbis moment - would be to go witb last year's cars. Witb our kind of preparation, tbat would be the way to go. But tbat's not tbe way Porsche looks at it." "We at Porsche are trying to improve, and tbat's wby we are coming witb a new car to Mosport. 1 know that Rinzler's guys will be tougb, because tbey bave avery proven product. We know exactly wbat that car can do. It's a verv good car." Mark's final test program on the~ new car swings into operation early and will go tbroughout tbis montb while lie practices for tbe Indy 500. But needless-tosay THE FINAL test is the Labatt's Blue Can-Am. Lynde House Fund Raising Campaign A $35,000 fund-raising campaign by the Whitby Historical Society begins this week to save the Lynde bouse, a reîic of the War of 1812. The Lynde bouse, bo- cated on the north side of Highway 2 at Lynde Creek was donated to the Historical Society in lune 1972 by Loblaw Groceter- ias Ltd., with the stipula- tion that it be moved to a new site. Althougb Lob- laws had given the histori- cal society a year in which to move the bouse. (lis time has been extended. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 8V THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS RESPECTING STREET AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION1 -TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Cnrporation of the Town of Whitby intends ta appîy to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of the following streets and roadswithin the Town of Whitby, at an estimnated cost of $461 ,545.00 and that the sumn of $213,000.00 shaîl be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period not exceeding 10 years: 2. Application will be made 10 the Ontario Municipal Board for an order Io dispense with the assent of the electors t0 the under- taking of any of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the first publication of Ibis notice send by post pre- paid to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby at the address given be- low, a notice in writing sîaîing bis objection t0 such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the Statutes that the assent of the electors shaîl not be required and may approve of the said works but before doing so il may appoint a lime and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered. 9oads and Streets (Location) Sideroad 20-21 Con. 9 Sideroad 22-23 Con. 9 Sideroad 26-27 Con. 9 Sideroad 28-29 Con. 9 Sideroad 34-35 Con. 9 Garrard Rd.-Dundas St. to 1,200 feet north Raglan St.-Dundas St. to Giffard St. Dunlop St.- Lupin Dr. ta Mason Or. Coîborne St.-Brock to King Coîborne St.-Brock 10 Byron Wellington St.-Giffard St. -northerly NOTICE Nature of Work Railway cr0 ssing i mprovements Railway crossing im prove ment s Railway crossing im prove ment s Railway crossing im prove ment s Esîimated CosI $ 5,000.00 19,2 70.00 20,800.00 13,325.00 Railway crossing 9,550.00 improvements Reconstruction, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, bot mix asphaît 171,500-00 Reconstruct, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphaît 67,500.00 Curb & gutter, pavement widening 20,000.00 Storm Sewers 35,000.00 Reconstruct, granular base, curb & gutter, hot mix asp hait 50,000.00 Reconstruct, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphalt 50,000.00 Dated at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day ot May, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Cerk, Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario.j The bistorical society estimates it wiIl cost $35, 000 to raise the bouse, move it and restore it to its original condition. At its final budget meeting last month the Town of Wbitby granted $5,000 to- ward the Lynde house mo- vîng fund, and this bas been supplemented by a $1,000 donation from E.P. Taylor. Donations to the Lynde houîse fuîn<t mav k naid at t. Fim hot hy ded soý lac neg tby for plag tori ted the teni st. sub of Sts. TIf FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAYV100- 1973. PAGE Sý thse W*ybrançis of TIrLynde oms u ~oy* Bker t~ied bWll by'Jabez Lypdeyw" tise WhIÉby Histoticl Setltled h-i*Whitby ini 1804. cîety, box 2@1 Whâby. r iW, sàatthse' thie rtiser isdwmati.* n the of jas contm-ucti.m was Ce«- anc and' the - und wiN sidered thse best ,hmu e ie supplied by caling "68- tween York (Toronto) seul 23 or -6"8-4174. Att Vîingston. nations are income tax Mr. Lynde and lais sons luctable. were dispatch carriers du- The Whitby Historical ring the War of 1812, and :iety under President the bouse was used as a k Mason, bas opened tavern and stopping place gotiations with the Wbi-. for British soldiers. in iplanning departmenr 1808 it was used for tbe- ,a site on wbich to Wbitby and Pickering town. ce tbe bouse. Tbe bis- townsbip meeting.. ical society has sugges- In the early years of 1tbree possible sites-- the l9th century, salinon -southern end of Cen- were so plentiful in the iniaI Park, the Annes creek whicb runs by tbe park in the Lynde Creek house that Mr. Lynde division, or the corner could spear tbem with a Dundas and Cochrane pitchfork. Wolves often cbiàsed deer up to the THE WHITBY FREE PRESS <VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday' Published by Whitby Free Press Inc., Bruno Harilaid, President. 212 Brock Street South, Whitby -Mail Box 2M6. Whitby. Phone 668-6111 or 668-6112 Editor: Mike Burgesa Assistant Editor: Jim Quail MAILING Sports Editor: Doug Weales PERMIT Advýertising: Ron Winstenfoy NO. 2941 - ra uc'pal NOTICE 0F APPLICATION 8V THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBV FOR APPRO VAL 0F A BV-LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE1 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whîby intends 10 apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer described in Schedule "A" at an estimated cost of~ $521,500.00. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 15 years upon lands that wilI or may derive a benefitlherefrom described in Schedule "B". It is proposed t0 raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimated at 1.63 milîs. The following is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling properîy having an assessment of $5,000.00. $8.15 annual for a period of 15 years being a total of $122.25. (a) The area upon which such sewer rate is t0 be Ievied is described in Schedule "B" attached 10 and forming part of this notice. (b) There will be no exemptions granted. Any ratepa yer may, within 21 days after the first publication of Ibis notice, send by prepaid post 10 the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating hisobjection t0 such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant t0 the Sîatutes and may approve of the said works, but betore doing so it may appoint a time -and place for a public hearing when any objections wiIl be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have givar iacîtice of objection as provided for above. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day of May, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Sreet West, Whitby, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" COMMENCING at a point on Thickson Road South approximately 1,000 feet north of the Canadian Pacific Railway where it intersects Thickson Road South; THENCE northerly along Thickson Road South a distance of approximately 1,850 feet; THENCE easterly and north-easterly on easement a distance of approximately 2,57 1 feet 10 a point on Dundas Street East approximaîely 1,350 feet east of Thickson Road; THENCE easterly on Dundas Street East a distance of approximaîely 667 feet 10 the intersection of Dundas Street East and Scott Street; THENCE northerly on Scott Street a distance of approximaîely 5.52 feet 10 thé intersection of Scott Street and Lloyd Street; THENCE easterly on Lloyd Street a distance of approximaîely 726 feet Io the intersection of Lloyd Street and Garrard Road; THENCE southerly on Garrard Road a distance of approximately 240 feet and northerly on Garrard Road a distance of approximately 662 feet. SCHEDULE *B" COMMENCING at a point at the souîh-west angle of the former Town of Whitby where il int8rsects the north shore of Lake Ontario; THENCE norîherly alonq the west limit of the former Town of Whitby ta ils norîh point uid Township Lot 31, Concession 2. THENCE east paraîlel to Dundas Street (#2 Highway) ta a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE north paraîlel ta Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossîand Road;1 THENCE east paralel ta Rossland Road 10 the east limit of the former Township of Whitby; THENCE south along the easî limit of the former Township of Whitby ta Lake Ontario-, THENCE westerly along the north limit of Lake Ontario to the place of beginning.

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