Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1973, p. 2

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As you report cou- ncil's debate on the mat- ter of selecting a con- tractor for the Iroquois Park projeet, two basic issues seem to have been overlooked. Firstly, the 'time to resolve the acceptabiiity of a contractor is when you consider giving him a set of plans and speci- fications, flot after he bas spent bundreds of dollars preparing his bid. Once the bids are open, oniy the question of how tbey compare shouid re- main. PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 Letters to the Editor Dea r Sir: Vol kswa ena n nou nces a Iliited-editimon Volkswagen. 1h. Sporti Bu9g Bet you thought we'd neyer do it. WelI, catch this:1 Oversize radial tires. Mounted on snazzy mag-type wheels. Indy-type steering wheel. Covered in simulated teather over thick padding. True sports bucketseats.VVith contoured vinyl sides and no-slip fabric. To hiold you conifortably while cornering. Short-throwsyn ch ro stick shift.The [aste r you shift, the [aster it shifts. Spirited air-cooled engine. Cisith lightweight aluminum-r-nagnesiur-n alfoy. Just like in Super Vee racing engines. Four-wheel independent suspension. McPherson-design coil/shock comnbo up front. Double-jointed rear axie with n- dependent trailing crirns in bock. Special high-gloss paint Io.n saturn yellow or marathon silver metallic. Jet black trimming.............. Options? Ail kinds. Like racing stripes. Flare-tip pipes. Stereo radio. And more. If this sounds like what you've been waiting for [rom us. Wait no more. We builf only a limited number of our special-edition Sports Bug. After aIl, we can't make too mnucli of a good thing. Secondly, howdid the price compare with the, budget establisied for the project? My im- pression is titat there was considerable discrepency; and the question of whe- ther to proceed, witli- out prior effort at re- conciling the difference should have been resolv- ed before accepting any bid. Time again seemed to be the overriding factor. Hlaste fosters waste. But 1 don't construe the ar- guments you ascribe to Councihlor Hobbs as cau- tion, - in fact they smack of irresponsibility. If bis promises to have ice for the next hockey sea- son! were predicated on bis having absolute pow- er 'to cail every shot, then they were even >. w ~ c I j- THE WHITBV FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie end Ashburn;,serving Ajax and Pickcering. Publisheci owry Thursday Published by Whitby Fre. Prou Inc., Bruno Harilaid, Presidmnt. 212 Brock Street South. Whitby Mili Box 2M1. Whitby. Phonoe6611il or 668-6112 "tSo: Mike Suges tm es:Editor: .Nm CluiI MAILING Sparts Editor: Ooug Wo.mP EIT Advorthuing: Ron Winstawley NO. 2941 1 Greenhouse's %Mile 'AMile N w-t- j' shalhower titan the aver- age promise of a poli- tician. Yours truiy, H.R. Stratford 337 Fairview Dr. Whitby, Ontario Prosorving a way of lifo8 Whether you choose ta make your home in a 20 storey high-risc in the heart of a city with canveniences such as public transportation, nu- merous shopping centers, en- tertainmcent etc. or buy 25 acres of land and build your own home so as ta achieve privacy, peace and quiet or just ta have some open space about you, I think you have a right ta expect it ta remain, basically, the same for an ex- tended pcriod af timie. The majonity of people who have iived in this cam- niunity for many years and also most who have moved here have donc so, I feel, for a ý"way of life"-definitely not a city way of life-but thiere have also been twa ather types of people move into this arca. Originaliy number anenc oyen wantcd ta get away fr0111 city living but Mhen lie arrived lie found wc di d n't have those "lit tic" things liec had taken for granted in the city-sidewalks, public tra.nsportation, shop- piug centres, street lights-io and behocld lie iissed thiem- did lie nmve back inta the city' wvhere thiese progress things wcrc available?--don't be silly lie began ta screani because lus taxes were hiigli and hie wasu't getting any- thing for the price. Sa lie starts circulatiug petitions and presenting briels ta council thiat 'we" should have sewers. sidewalks etc. Now those of' us who stili preter tlic peace and quiet mnusî put up withi thle City iîte Ilue'lbas broughit into tluis country atimosphiere or pull up stakes and inave somiewlere cisc. Thase of' us who have lived a long tinie in tluis area have put a lot of tax dollars inta the tili kuow- ing tuil well il wasni't gaing ta buy LIS "tiugs". quite fthe opposite, it was buying us "ýnoue th ings". Now wve have nuniber twa kind of a guy. He usually lias a fcw extra dollars lying around that hie can invest for awhile if it looks like there is a chance hie will get a good return on his investment. He moves in and probably will purchase an aider smaller hause on a large piece of prapcrty. (Have you got the picture?) He waits two or three years until your "city people" have managed ta bring in sewcrs etc. which in turn wil reduce the size of the building lots ta 50 ft. or even less and then cames the builder. Now you sec new raads going in, the splitting of prapertics allowing 5 homes ta be buiît on land that really shauld accammodate only 2, multiple famiiy dwellings even high risc; who can tell where it ends. People who think and feel for their communities the way 1 do are nat completcly anti pragrcss. We prabably ahl agrcc it was nice ta have the con- venience of water. The side- walks rnake it c as i er for mothers with baby carniages. The resurfaced raads make it casier an aur cars. The street lights niake it better for those who have ta walk at night. Sewers are badly nceded in some arcas of the community. A bus service would ccntainly benefit peaple without means of transportation. We have no quarrel withi apartmient dwel- lers or subdivision living if that's what you want. BUT whiat of people already living in establishied residentiai areas that hiad certain building regu- lations when thcy purchased their homes. Should they not have the righit ta expeet it ta remiain basicaliy the saine? We preserve old churches and aId monuments can we not preserve aId establ islied cami- 11Lunities as weil? WVenay, in this Commun- ity, hase aur country atmnos- phere- thîs we c a n n o t get back. But somecthing we can do is Io stabilivc thNe zou ing by-law and kccp the size of thc. building lot taoiimumls o f. le t's sa y, 1I0QO't. fro n t age s and miake suire ve oniy have single family dvelîings bUilt înstcad of higli rîse and imul- tiple fainily dweiiings. Why dues every residentiai area have ta bc inade inIta sub- division living? Surely people nmust be able ta chioose thieir own envirannment! We at the Whitby Free Press We are thej in thq "OPEN Lloydsà' Greenhouûses ý- TELEPIIONE n8-3636 Arrangements Spring Garden Plants - Fhower and Vegetable A Complete line for Sun and Shade Roses, Canna, Geraniums, Evergreens, Shrubs, Trees, Hanging Pots, Mixed Pans, Peat Mass, Fertilizer are Pie ased to announce that we the exclusive dealer for PORSCHE the AUDI e.Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering& West Hil 2171MMWT9, 1 m

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