Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 KALNINS ON COLUMNISTS It's tough to be a weekly columnist. It must be even tougher if you have to write a.daily colunin. One could almost feel a littie sorry for ail those chaps who are in the rat race - trying desperately to meet their individual deadlines. But, there is one aspect of the newspaper business that always puzzles me. Why, on earth, do so many reporters aspire to become daily or weekly columnists? As 1 see it, the newspapers are already overcrowded with col- uninists. And besides, it's very easy to become onie. Ail you need is a piece of paper,' an old beat-up typewriter (preferably still with soine ink left on the ribbon) aiid an editor wlîo's williiîg to provide space for your iiîtellecttual mi r ni n rings. One day. much to my personal amazemenit, 1 picked up a Torointo newspaper to find 12 columnists crammed into 46 pages. Sorne of the names were quite famiiliar; some 1 have neyer heard before iiinîy life. Two weeks later, 1 learned that the city of Toronto alone can boast close to 200 column- ists, including chaps who write for 23 ethnie newspapers. This would indicate that there is a surplus of newspaper columiîists. This fasci- nating trend, l'm told also, prevails in the United States and many Westernî European cou ntries. Many people have asked me how do 1 write my Free Press columnn. Wlîere do 1 get ail those controversial ideas? And some wanted to know if 1 get some outside lîelp. The trutlî of the matter is that I'm a lone instigator of niy weekly columns. 1 gather my own infor- mation and, when time permits, 1 try to sift it out. Some. of the best (or most contro- versial) ideas 1 get while l'm on the road and listening to a radio station. But, some of the most infuriating ideas 1 get from daily newspa- pers and television progranis. Thle toughest thing is to START the colunin. ,Many a time I'd sit in front of the typewriter and just stare at that whuite blank sheet of pa- per. And then, out of nowhere, a brilliaiît idea dawiis upon me. Yeah, how aboutpo- lice brutality? lt's iot liard to write any col- umi on police work. lt's always excitiiîg; it's always full of surprises. Also, it is very easy to write a coluiîn on nudity and publie morals. People, for what they are. like a bit of dirt and smnut ini print. Take for instanice the Englishi tai> <>ids. Iin- variably , they ail tlîrive on crimie aild sex stories. The News of the World would fold today if it wereiî't for the explicit sex ini words and pictures. [n Canada the situation is sirn i. lar - except for Wlitby. Local folks, 1 have learned. are somewlia t tim id wlîeiî the trutlî lias to be toild - unpleasant as it inay seesm. However, I would fiiîd it very difficuît (well, ail almost imipossible. task ) t write a gardeuîing or flower columui. But believe it or uiot, 1 made the grade once because the lo- cal editor by mistake put tlie gardening col- umn's head on my girly coluunn. Tlîus, quite iiîadvertantly, 1 was "inaugurated" as the pa- per's flower columnist. And wiîile on the subject of difficuit col- umIns, 1 think, 1 shouild include any attempt of expressing my thought on sports activities. I'd rather work ini a factory, thla n try to write a column about basebali, football or even hockey, for tlîat matter. it's ail Greek to me. Someday, however, 1 would like to write a weekly or monthly column on music or photography. Both subjects are close to my heart. Alas! loin the growing armny of newspaper co lum nists. Contînued from page 7 cis Sillius, Cathy Brown, Cathîy Adey, Laurie Kirk- ton, Elizabeth Sillius, Gaila Nicholîs, Karenî Church, Terry Torrence, Danielle La Londe. Gold - Theresa Hefferiian, Karen Powell, Micliele Brownî, Kathy Shea, Wendy Nieuwendyk, Jackie Tripp, Colleeii Fitzgerald. Excellence -Lisa Berry, Ginney Hefferiaii. A seconîd series of tests were completed for anotiier group and the results will be announced later. The Whitby Y is planning to coîîduct more of these tests in the future. Girls soccer As you may ail know by iîow girls soccer has hit Wlitby this year for the first tinie. Beyond ail expectations it is turn- ing out to be very popular. At the moment tlîey have branclîed out to six teamns, five in Whitby and onie in Brooklin. The team in Brooklîn, is coached by the well known boys soccer coach, Mr. Terry Beauchamp the well known boys soc- cer coach, Mr. Terry Beau- champ -and sponsored by East End Quality Meats ini Whitby. The atom team in Whitby, sponsored by Red Cycle and Sport. is coached by Mrs. Terry Borg. "Bobcats", coached by In- en grid Heuidriks is as yet not Nfow i, s a a sponsored, and the third atorn teamn, "Cheetahs", LOTS OF PEM NG PECALSstill ueeds a coach. So comne on Mothers and Sis- ters over eiglhteeiî lets give INCLUDING this teamn a coach before MICKEY THOMPSOH the season starts. Caîl Mrs. Borg at 668-9288 or Mrs. TIRESHendriks at 668-61 10. The mosquito teamns, "Tigers" L6-4 495. coaclied by Betty Sacchett, j61 and "Pauthers" coached by a.l7i White NelI Hendriks. still need ASSOCATE TOREsponsors. Corne on Whitby ASSOCATE SOREnercliauts anîd hairdressers, Ai h iéPerformance G0ooies! here is your chanice to sup- Ail he Hgluport girls soccer and ad- 1206 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA 7533 vertise at the samne tine. 2 SPARKLING SPECIAL PRIC FULL COLOUR 2 E4 5x7e" for 4 ENLARGEMENTS 01 1Y1 f rom your favou rite Kodacolor negatives, mounted in deluxe studio mounts. - --CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO DEALER - - -- ISPECIAL COUPON'OFFER EXPI RY DATE MAY -30, 1973 - Brok SreeSouth WHITBY, ONT. O e of i- grcts STORES ALL STAR WRESTLING BROOKLIN ARENA FRIDA Y# MAY 18 LOVE BROTHERS WORLD'S MOST EXCITING WRESTLERS Accompanied by manager Beautiful Bruce Swayze vs THE EXECUTIGNER AID NICK DE PAULO THE McGUIRE TWINS (THE WORLD'S LARGEST WRESTLERS vs. -700 Ibs. EACH) BAD BILL COLEMAN & GINO ANGELO THE MONGOL vs. YVONNE CARPENTIER PLUS ONE OTHER ALL STAR BOUT DON'T MISS THE ACTION STARTING AT 8:45 p.mi.

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