Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1973, p. 9

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One of the impor- tant jobs on the Whi- tby basebali scene for the upcomningsea- son belungs te, the Umpire - In - Chief of the Whitby Base- bail Assoc., Bill Link. In the season wbich extends from May 26th., when the Wbi- tby Reds become the first Witby club te take the field in their home opener against Kendall in an E.O.B.- A. Junior fixture un- tii the end of Sept. over 500 games wili be played by clubs in tbe W.M.B.A. pro- gramme. It bas been often sa id tbat a good game un any sport can be spoiled by bad officiating, and there is no sport where this holds more true than basebali. Over the years the W.M.B.A. bas been fortunated un the ca- libre of its men in blue and t-be W.M.B.- A. wants to main- tain the same high, ~ ~ level un the coming season. The varions convenors have been busy assigning play- ers to clubs and Re- gistrar Gerald Robin- son reports that any boys who have not yet registered wili have to apply direct- ly to the Convenor in charge of the par- ticular age grou p. The association can- flot guarantee 'that late registrants will be placed on a club in their own neigh- bourhood. Where- ever possible those who registered previ- ously will be placed on a club close to their home area. Co- nvenors for the 73 season are: Tee-Bali . Winston Muschett, 668-2771; Tyke - Perry Stover, 668- 9994; Pee-Wee - Bill Watters, 668- 4609; Bantam-Mid- get - Mike Pageau, 723-3320 or Mike McArthur, 723-1233. The Whitby Reds are the first Whitby Whitby Minor Bosebal11 The best protective equipment against job accidents is already yours- your eyes, your ears, Seif-defence is the secret of safety. You've got a lot to live for; work defensively, and enjoy life. your brain. Keep alert, work The sure way to defensively, and you'1l stay aaevi on th job.Seif-ISefence. Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The SafetyAssociations, Ontario t,., îl; THE CARSON FUNERAL HOME& CHAPEL Personol Foi y Service To Er@oklln and Surroundlng Areos Pobert J.Carson- Fuverol Dlrect@r 655-3662 Doy or NighI Funerais WIthi,, The M.ant 0f Agil Familles 7e Baldwin St., Iro@kln * Hwys. 1 2 £7) <r~~~~~~ fr r j eyr 1*rr%,jfiV -1 fi t U I i -f,r y f i fi i q ýfis club to have swung into action, opening their season against the Legionaires at O- shawa's Kinsmen Sta- dîum on May lSth, and opening at home the 2tb against Ken- dall. The Steelers will open their E.O.B.A. Ban- tma schedule on Sun. May 27th in Ajax and will miake their first ap- pearance before their borne fans on Tues. Mayý 29th at E.A. Fairman. The Canadian Tire Mid- gets journey to Orono for their opener on May 23rd and welcome Belle- ville to E.A. Fairman on May 26th with a 6 p.M. start to get their home schedule underway. The finalized schedule for the Tyke and Pee- Wee series have not yet been released, but these clubs will probably be getting underway during the Iast week of May. Ail clubs have been wor- king out as much as possible with the last indoor sessions held re- cently and ail future practices scheduled for outdoors. The K of C Tyke club have issued an invitation for any boys who would like to have a tryout witb WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973, PAGE 9 the club to corne to tage of equiprnent has slo- of runs. Randy Sorochan Peel Park. There wHIl wed up preparations.for led the Whitby attack with be workouts several tiru- the season. This week tbree singles. The fourth es during the week and boys should' have heard inning contained much of the on Saturday mornings from their coaches flot- game 's excitement when the for interested boys. ifying them of the club Legiônaires tied the score on they are to be playing witb three singles and a triple, and practices should begin while the Reds contributed, -Biggsst in earnest shortly if the to the thrills with a double weather cooperates. The steal, which combined with N SWS upsurge in basebail interest another pair of Oshawa errors bas created an unpreced- gave the Reds asingle tally in B sbl ented demand for basebaîl and then in the fifth- the equipment and the W.M.B. Reds manufactured three runs Biggest news on the A. is awaiting shipment of out of a lone hit by Harold Whitby basebaîl scene this equipment which should Moore. week is that the 'Officiai have been avalable some On Sunday the Reds made Opening Day for the Whi- time ago, but manufact- their debut at. E.A. Fairman. tby Minor Basebal Assoc. urers cannot meet the de- in a splendid opener for Whi- ma endlydoew- rand. tby fans in whicb they lost has ben el ay.Jed n we-hibyRd te out 3-2 to Kendall in ten i ek ntil a. lu n-2nd. TheWhitby cReds, gte innings in a contest which in oderto aoida c~ ffst Witb clu toget featured some fine defensive fluet with the walkatbon mnto action started their moves by botb clubs. The being staged to raise funds 'E.O.B.A. Junior season off Reds went into a one run for the new'Whitby swim_ on the, rigbt "foot coming lead in the ffrst inning which Mingpoo. Wen Bs*eall up with a 11-7 win in their tbey increased to 2.0 in, the adiming ' p ool. WhnfBaebaî opener_;gainst the Oshawa fifth. Greg Cairns wbo came ials realized that they were jumped into a 4-0 lead inl und for Whfine y amonkted both planning Major events the first inning, the Leg- the visiors untiy laedh for the samne day the W'M. tonaires tied it up at one hen stey got on the board BA. offered to delay the Legionaires at Oshawa's Ki- wietha sigle run. xthebor parade and the opening nsmnen Stadium. ul!xe Ieds eigth, nainl ed Ithe re cermones hih ae hld point, but the Rieds camie In tbe bottom of the ninth to mark the officiai open- on to take it with a four the Reds looked 'as if they ing of the local basebal run margin, 11-7. The Reds might pull it out of the season. On lune 2nd. the used three pitchers during fire, only to have a sensa- players of the W.M.B.A. tegaeplae nbualtoa ac b h ed wîl paad frm insen weatber. Dave Ross startd second baseman dim their ho- Park beginning at 10 A.M. for the Reds, gave way to pes. I the top of the lOth and will march tbrough the Greg Cairns, and HarolId Kendall got to Harold Moore downtown area to Peel Pa- Moore who finished came up who relieved Cairns in the rk for the traditional "1first with the win. The Whitby 8th, for two bits whicb re- baIl" ceremony involving cas wsaie byoe sulted un the tie-breaking run. caue ws adedby omeMoore wbo picked up the local dignitaries. There wi- loose plaV by the Legion-dfa a h inru h Il be airesjohodcommittetha pair earlier gamne un Oshawa. If Il esno mpajsor eheyinoth of miscues in the first inning the game was an indication ie n ' pl n fo the v ro s W M boys to bep the -Reds into their of w a s to c r e u t e in he arjus .M..A. four run lead. Harry Long,of seats o foWhithean House Leagues wbo make Miles Shrider and Doug War- 17locasuppforers y an up the bulk of tbe 600 low contributed to the first' oa upotr are in for registe,4 with the associ- inning outburst by the Reds an " nteresting season. The ation since the backward with singles, wbile the Legion- gamne featured some fine pit- weather and a serious shor- aires answered in their haîf ching for both clubs, parti- of the inning with a pair cularily for so earlv in the Continued on Page 1I j The rewarding rt I #t of Self-Def ence. I là

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