Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1973, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 G rRENA DA The prettiest town in the West ludies - that's the way Most vistors deseribe St. George's, capital of the littie southeastern Caribbean island of Grenada. This photo, taken high on a 'hilI that overlooks the town, would seem to support the contention. The islandý is becoming an increasingly popular destination with Canadian holidayers. Last year it attracted 5,431 Canadians eompared with 4,662 the year before and 2,074 five years earlier. Outside the photo to the right are the deep water docking facilities, the carenage (where boats in byg- one days were seen careened for cleaning and repair- ing), and the business section of the town with its Georgian architecture. Here the camera focusses on the yacht laguon which is one of the best retreats in the Caribbean for yachtsmen. That's the Caribbean Sea beyond. Grenada is serviced out of Canada by Canada and British West Indian Airways little help from the islands-hopping airline, the Iast short leg of the journey from both Air - with a LIAT, on Barbados. WEED INSPECTOR County of Ontario A Weed Inspector is- requfred by the County of Ontario to enforce the provisions of the Weed Control Act in the Towns- of Ajax and Wbitby and the Township of Pickering. Salary $25.00 per day and 12 cents per mile Apply i writing on or before May 25th, 1973 Wm. G. Manning Administrator and Clerk-Treas. County of Ontario. 605 Rossland Road East L1 N 5S 6 USED VOLKSWAGENS W. he 30O cars to Choos f rom *Guaranteed 1,000 miles or 30 days *Ail Certified Select Yours Todav INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK OPENS OSHAWA OFFICE ',,. J,- K. W. Bolamn J. D. Cairnitiers The Industrial Development Bank announces the opening of an office at 22 King Street West, Oshawa, to serve its customers in the counties of Durham, Haliburton, North- umnberland, Ontario, Peterborough, and Victoria. Mr. K. W. Bolam is the manager and Mr. J. D. Carruthers is the as- sistant manager of the new office. The Industrial Development Bank provides financing, usually in the form of term blans, to smaller businesses which are unable to obtain financial assistance from other sources on reasonable ternis and conditions. IDB makes loans to almoat every type of business including manufacturing, tourist industry, construction, whoiesale and retail trade, agriculture, and many others. Mr. Bolamn has had some eleven years service with 1DB andp rior to his present appointment lie was manager of the Kitehener-Waterloo office of the bank. Mr. Carruthers joined 1DB in 1965 and previously lie was an assistant manager of the Mid-Ontario office, Toronto. The staff of the new office also includes Messrs.4W. S. Beatty, F, D, ai~n, JA.. McKieiian, . .Ge. Norrise and Si A.. .Shoü- roaker who were formerly at other 1DB offices in Ontario. OSHAWA -- Gener- ai Motors of Canada I- mited announeed today that it was selling part of its "West Plant" pro- perty to permit redeve- lopment of the down- town area. Transfer of the pro- perty will take place March 1, 1974, to To- bercurry Investments Li- mited, Toronto. The two and one-haîf acre site is bounded by Mary, William, Ontario and Richmond Streets. Opened in the sum- mer of 1900, the build- ing is a major link with Oshawa's industrial past as the manufaeturing site and head office of the MeLaughlin Carniage Company and the Mc- Laughlin Motor Car Com- pany. "We have worked closely with the Oshawa civic administration in planning the redevelop- ment of this area of downtown Oshawa," John D. Baker, President of GM of Caniada.,said in announcîig the sale of the property. -"General Motors is flot ini the real estate development business. and when we decided that this building was N. .k.OUAIS WISHES TO ANNOUNCE TH E OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO. 7, WHITBY, ONTARIO *Goreski's Summer Resort Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCI MUL PHONE 955S-:306î Fsshing -Swinimin8 -Tu'IIm, ç8mpws & Maim ONLY ko MILES FROM WHITDY -R. R. 39 PORT PERRYS ONT. that mortgage nowi. Right now, before the cost of mortgage money rises further, is the time for you to borrow money to buy that summer cottage or to build that dream home. Remember that, over the years, the value of houses tends to rise sharply. Remember, too, that the people here at Victoria and Grey have behind them over 80 years of experience in satisfying the money needs of people like you. Corne see 'us first. WC7ORa4 a 6REY TRUST COMPANY SINGE l8tN9 MANAGER - LORNE REIOD continue in Canada. Since the first'154 cars completed in 1908, Gen- eral Motors of Canada has produced 8,502,505 vehicles in Canada up to May 1 this year. T'he 73-year-old-buil- ding was erected by the McLaughlin Carrnage Co- mpany, following a fire that destroyed the plant that had housed what was to become the lar- gest carniage manufactur- er in the British Empire. The original building was of mili construction with five-inch floors and castings on the main posts designed to keep the walls standing in case of another fire. An un- derground water tank and a fire pump were also installed, as the building was constructed five years before Oshawa built its first civie wa- terworks. The building also included its own generator for electric lights, making it one of the most modemn plants in Canadian industry of the day. In the years after World War 1, the area lioused som-e body-buil- ding operations. Imme- diately prior to and fol- lowing Worîd War il, the buildinig was used princi- pally ini paint shop opera- tions. During World War 11, GM of Canada pro- duced fuselages for the Mosquito bomber ini that part of the West Plant. The last vebiicle pro- duction ini the building mus in 1965 through the end of production of 1966 models.. GM pain- ted truck bodies there until aIl truck operations were transferred to the the new Southi Plant complex. Sijice that time the building bas served q5s storasye facilities. Help the Whitby Historical Society SAVE LYNDE HOUSE $35 ,000 needed to move and restore this historie relie of 1812. Donations payable at Royal Bank or mail- to Box 281, Whitby, --Ail donations ineomne tax deduetable. Contributions received to date: Town of Wbitby.... $5,000. E. P. Taylor...$,000. For further information, caîl 668-4023 or 668-4174. GS.M. SELLS PROPERT not of the type that could be re-constructed along modern lines, we advised city officiaIs of our decision to make the property available to en- sure that any redevelop- ment of the area con- formed with eity plan- "We believe that the decision to seli the pro- perty for redevelopment confirms our confidence in Oshawa as a grow- ing, modemn community ideally located for indus- trial and business growth as welI as providing high- quality residential accom- moda tio n. "Several interesting concepts to develop this site were proposed to us, but we believe the ac- tion taken today will be in the best interests of the community," Mr. Baker said. A condition of sale is that the building will be demolished. The new owners expect to start this work immediately after taking over the pro- perty. Announcement of their building plans was made simulta neously with the statemnent from GM. Mea ntime, Genleral Motors will begin salva- ging historic items from the building, încluding the cornierstone which is expected to contain tumn- of the-century mementos. The first Oshawa-built automobiles -Mc Lau- ghlin-Buicks -- were manufactured iinthe plant in late 1907. In 1915 the Chievrolet hune was added and the carniage companiy was sold. In 191j8 R. S. McL.aughlin sold his business to'Gen- eral Motors Corporation to ensure that automo- tive manufacture would 7Z 7:_ 77

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