Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1973, p. 13

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Burgess linl of tho'wssk Pretty twenty-two year old Maureen Boyer is a recep- swimnming. But don't get up your hopes fellows, tionist at the law office of Coath, Irwin, and Living- she's a Mrs! stone. Her hobbies à.,clude bicycling, fishing and Photo by Mike Burgess. Municipal Building 405 Dundas St. West LIN 2M8 RE: 1973 Homecoming Year Dear Resident: As you may know by now, the Mayor and Mem- bers of the Council bave proclaimed the year 1973 as "Homecoming Year" for former residents of the Town. It is proposed.that the period of July 27th to August 6th, 1973 will be the main perîod in which residents will be particularly encouraged to returti to Whitby. This period of time will coincide with the County Town Carnival and, as in the past, it promises to be an exciting period in which residents may returti to Whit- by and participate with us in the Carnival activities. Various service clubs are also participating by inviting former residents to return to Whitby at other times throughout the year. The prime purpose of this letter is to ask that you provide us with the names and addresses of any former residents of Whitby you may know, so we may send a personal invitation to them to attend this year's Homecoming during the period noted above. A pro- gramme is in the process of being arranged for this purpose and will be published in the near future. If the Homecoming is to be a success, we require your co-operation and assistance. Please gîve this request your prompt attention so that many of our old friends can be with us on this occasion. Kindly send these îiames to me at the above address. With kindest regards, 1 arn, Yours very truly, Jirn Gartshore, CouneillOr, Whitby Homnecoming Comnîittee. e.4' i*.*e "ý A q 'q-A 4 j, 1 1 4' MUKE KOLLARD WINS 10 -SPEED The 7th Whitby Par- ents Committee held a draw recently for a 10- speed bicycle. The win- ner was: Mike Kollaard 803 Byron St., North Whitby, Ontario The draw was made by the president of the committee, Mrs. Eleanor Simpson, of 920 Dono- van Crescent, Whitby. The bicycle was pur- chased from Wilson's Sports Centre, Whitby. Pine cones are cither maIe or female with both sexes bcing fotii on the same trec. $35,000 needed to move and restore this historic relic of 1812. Donations payable at Royal Banik or mail to Box Z81, Whitby, -- AUl donations income tax deductable. Contributions receîved to date: Town of Whitby. $5,000. E. P. Taylor. ,000. For fuither information, call 668-4023 or 668-4174. WIIITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973, PAGE 13 b y Murje Rutter GEMINI - May 21 to June 22 This week holds a pleasant surprise for you. You acliieve a great deal; forge ahè'ad and bring yourself into the foreground. Your social life will improve tremendously, and you will be in a position to help and advise your friends. CANCER - lune 21 to iuly 22 Although the week starts off very slowly, by the weekend you wiIl be very ambitious and could ach- ieve a great deal. Use diplomacy, but stick up for your rights. Be positive; be thankful for recent pros- pects. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 Realize your potential, don't try to play a situation by ear. Although the middle of the week emplia- sizes your social life, use caution; there could be strings attachied. Acquaintanceship grows during this period. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You May receive good news from a distance, or go on a journey. ihere could be a culmination of ev- ents; good news, financial success, promotion, or breakthroughs; A of which could stabilize and last for a long period. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This is the beginning of a very active period for you - you are in demand. Use caution when dea- ling with documents, contracts or other legal papers; scrutinize them carefully. You need time to be by yourself to meditate; but don't daydrearn! SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 21 Sit on the sidelines this week; don't get involved. Your mate or partner assumes importance at the end of this month. Don't allow important material to pass through your hands before giving it due con- sideration. SAGITTARJUS - Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 This is a very challenging period, when you will be called upon to perform to top capacity. Go out for public entertainment in' the evening when the hus- tde and bustle of everday living tenses you up. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Take good care of your health; your energy may be low this 'week and it's important for you to be Get projects finished within the deadline then take time out for relaxation. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Use tact and diplomacy, restore harmony. Don't be careless or extravagant with money; live within your means. Speculation is favoured if ail aspects of the venture have beenconsidered. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Staîl legal affairs (mortgages, etc.) 'tiI later - stick to practical things- do first things first. Don't sit around mnedîtating- get the facts and mnake decisions. On Jutie lst, communications' becorne better. and re- strictions are lessened.

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