Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY, 31, 1973 KALNINS ON POLICE REPORTERS Not every newsman is able to work on a police beat. I have learned this through my own experiences as an on and off police reporter and photographer. My first contact with police work came about the time the Old Lady of Melinda Street was moving to the building on Front Street. I had somne taste of police work while doing photo assîgnments for the old Tele- gram at Ray and Melinda, but the real excitement started when the 'Tely ' got its new police desk with three fulî-time police reporters and freelance photo- graphers like me hanging aroung. On an'international Harvester Riding Tractor it's not only easy to cut the iawn. lt's a pleasu re. For instance. One pedal controis bath brake and clutch. Blade height can be adjusted frorn the driver's seat. Accessories attach withaut special tools. Corne in today for a "test drive." Interniational Cadet 75 Riding Tractor, 7 h.p. ROBERT Ce HERON LTDU BROOKLIN 655-4401li Amny yff Mit .ImmRNTINL AmmS A ONTARIO ~ HOUSING CORPORATION An Agency of t he Provýnoe of Ontario,o -i INVITES SUBMISSIONS FOR THE LEASING 0F VACANT HOUSING UNITS WITHIN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The required units shahl be self-contained and may be in the form of detached, semi-detached, row or apartinent dwellings. At the time of submission,units offered may be vacant, under construction, or forecasted as being available at a later date. In any event, the units must be ready for occupancy no later than Uecember 31, 1973. The total number offered in an individual multi-familyw building or residential complex' should not exceed 25% of the overail number of units. The units are to be leased for a period of not less than-three years. Officails of the Corporation will be available at 9.30 a.m. on May 29th 1973 , in the Council Chambers, Whitby Town Hall, to answer questions from prospective proponelits. Proposai forms and information tnay be obtained at the above meeting or from the Toronto offices of the Corporation. Submissions will Ie recieved by the managing Director, Ontario Housing Cu'rporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto. not later than 2.30 p.m. Junde 5,j973 The Corporation reserves the right to"make a se!zction frqm. thc-. otal rjumb,çof wits 'subnMittçcJ,by apy. one pitoppoi*l. Ail credit for my interest in police reporting shoulci go to a former Teelegram reporter, Ted Stuebing, ,'lî's now the news director ati CFTO. Ted, 1 remembee'. was driving a jazzed -up Alpine sports car, equipped witlî two-way radios. While driving, we could listed to al police calis, and at a flip of a switcli, talk back to the office. Ted would say: "This is car No. 3 . There's a big fire in Scarboro. 1 have Kalîns with me; We are heading towards the scejie. "Over." And, in a couple of seconds, the reply would corne back, via the two-way radio: "0K. Get Going! It's a tbree-alarmn fire. It looks like a big one. Thanks." Suddenly Ted's sports car would jump from a comfortable 30 mph to a roaring 60 mph. Indeed, it was possible those days to drive 60 miles an hour in 'the 30 -mile speed zone. The cops would wave to us, and we would return the cheerful salute. Those days, it was really fun to work on police beat. I would get home no later than four, o'clock in the morning. Often, while working on big stories, the police officers would join us for a cup of coffee. The friendly atmos- phere prevailed at ail times. What made thie work pleasant was that policemen and newspaper reporters were like buddies. And wihen the deadline was quickçly approaching, the information was relayed as soon as possible by duty officers. Unfortunately, things have changed in the last ten years. No longer does a policeman talk friendly to a reporter or photographer. Instead, they bark, shout and threaten you with an arrest. Some of the officers go even further: they tell me what pictures I should take, where I should stand and what questions I should ask. [ast week I was harrassed twice by the officers from the Metro Toronto Police Department. On both occasions. they tried to stop me from taking pictures. There is one thing l'd like to know. Who has given policemen the orders to stop news photographiers from taking photos when news is breaking. One day, l'il let theno arrest me with "obstructing a policeman". I would have nio problem proving my innocence in court. On the contrary, I would prove that police officers were obstructing me by preventing me fromn making a living. Photography, af ter ail, is my livelihood. As I write this column, I wonder what went wrong between police and newspapermen. It looks as thouglh the good. old congeniality is gone forever. Can any- thing be done to restore it? I hope so. Dunbp Radial Piyl A1TRSLEY" TIRE SERYK 103 tbrnduselustWhItfry1 668,3356 By Jim Quail Looking for a holiday that won't cost Uarmi and a leg and yet still bc close enough tohomne 10 be able to drive? Try Quebec, La Belle Pro. vince, in the Spring. Quebec city in the Spring is reasonably good weather, very few touriets, off season prices and even a chance to get in sorte late winter skiing. E i g ht hours d'rive from hiere is ail the excitemnent of a foreign land with discoveries tc, be made almost around every turu. Quebec city is mnore like a smail city in France than a part of Canada. Betweeu the endiug of the Quebec Wiuter Carnival and the beginniug of the season of the influx of thousands of touriets to Quebec a vaca- tiouer or weekend visitor cati eujoy the city as the residents know it. lu the early Spring you cati gel a hiotel roomn or a motel rooni for as little as $1 2 a double aud if you're willing to share washroonm facilities you cani gel by for around $6 a nighît. If you realîy want to go firsi class thien stay at the Chateau Fron- tertac perchied atop an up- thrust black rock ridge and overlookiug the lower city. Your first reaction to Que- bec City wilI be that mnosi of thie driving populace seemi to hiave gonte stark raviug mad and miauy residents would p)robahly agree. Cars screechi away froni one stop I igh t, vcer wildly down the street and grind uoisily Io a hiait a t the next lighit naking the 401 appear as safe as a hiallway in a senior citizeeu's hiome. It takes somne getting used t0 and olten dlie only way t0 survive is drive jusi as, crazily as tlie resideinîs. For many visitors the hest d i s c o v e r y is fonnd ini the quaiint anid îucked away res- taurantis deej, witlîini ilie old city of' Qucbec. Wiîlî soie yout hiave Io walk down and duck. offhers are tound at flic top of a long flighit of stairs but most offer a rich and satisfying variety of Frenchi cooking. Although steaks top most lists they are followed by exotie preparations of veal, duck, lamb, and fish you've probably neyer tasted before. To begin your meal you'11 want to try onion soup made in a ceramie pot and topped with a slice of bread, special cheese and often a dash of wine. And speaking of wine you'Il also get a chance to try soi-e of the best frorn France aud Quebec at prices tl1at arc -quite reasonable and a few timnes a bargain. lt's a boss up as t0 which is hiarder t0 find, the restau- rant you're lookiug for or a parking space but with a litile practice both eau be mari- aged aIthtlis limie of year. Soine restaurants require a reservation but mnosi will accepi you uuannounced. The parking is a lit île trick- ier because Quebec City is built on top 'of nothing but steep hills that make San Francisco look mild in coin- parison. If you park faciug downhill don't forget to leave your wheels îurued in toward the curb iu case the car gets restless while you're away eui- joyiug fthe food and the sights. Quebec City is filîed with soine of the oldesi history of Caniada aud everywhere eau bc seeni remunants of the past. Most are fouud withiu thie walled, or 'old' city. Afier driving iliroughi o n e of the gales you eaui finid witiu the wvalled ciiv; count- less statues aud smnall parks, dhe oldest Anglican churchi ou tside of' ilie Brutish Isles. a coniveut,.a fi rehia Il vi t ha hook anid ladder truck, steered t roi botlh frount a nd rear, the narw stsi ret in Cania- da a nd soile of' the ol dest continued on page 1 2 TRAVEL QUEBEC AU PRINTEMPS TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETINGS PR0POSED OFFICIAL PLAN Pu Te Town of Whitby Planning Board will be holding Pblic meetings at 7:30 p.m. on the following dates - June l9th Centre Ward MUNICIPAL BUILDING 405 Dundas Street West Whitby June 20tIh West Ward FAIRMAN PUBLIC SCHOOL June 21lst North Ward BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE June 26th East Ward DR. THORNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL The purpose of these meetings is to consider the DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN. Further information with respect to these meetings can be obtained from the Planning Office, 14 Church Street, Brooklin. 655-3346. Councillor R. White Chairman Dr. M. Michael M.T.P.I.C., Director of Planning Get yourself Into a Datsun 1200 Sedan OnIy .$2445 UP TO 40 MILESTO THE GALLON Buying a Datsun is no problem. Datsuns have an excellent reputation as a sound investment. We can arrange sensible f inancing for you, so talk to us before you shop around for credit. avam MIDWAY DATSUN LTD. [~j 1300 DUNDAS STREET EAST - WHITBYi 1 1 .

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