Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, TH URSDA Y, JUNE 14, 1973, W-ITB Y FREE PRESS B-IRD 'S. EYE vI.w WHERE'S THE FIRE??)' It us ed to be that every time the fire alarrn went off the whole town heard the siren and that was probably the first thought in everybody's minds .... where's the fire? lhose were the days when Whitby 'had a volunteer fire fighting crew and the siren went off every time there was a fire so that the voélunteers could be summoned to the fire hall. Well, progress has changed the system and now the fixe alarmn goes off only when the fire appears big enough to warrant extra manpower. The fire department now bas a full time staff and they're on duty 24 hours a day waiting for an emergency, which might flot necessarily be a fire. Recently 1 had the dubious honour of strapping on a fixe jacket, a large safety belt and a camnera and going to the top of the ladder on the new quint the fixe department just purchased. 1 bad problems before 1 even started up the ladder because the safety belt, was quite a bit too large. Those fixemen are pretty big guys and for a while 1 didn't think the beit would adjust small enough for my waist. 1 seem to remember there was a lot of room left in the jacket too. 1 also rememnber a lot of firemen standing around waiting for me to pass out or something but 1 fooled tbem. 1 waited until 1 was back off the ladder and out of sight before 1 passed out from fright. Actually it was quite an experience standing on top of the ladder and being tbrust up into the sky. For a while 1I thought 1 would have to have an oxygen mask because 1 was so high up but it was suggested 1 could get more air if 1 would stop breathing in so much and start breathing out as one normally does when tbey aren't scared out of theix minds. Qne of the fixst things 1 saw as the ladder ascended was the third concession or Rossland Road as it is now called. It was amazing to be able to see it appear so close and it was a good clear day for sightseeing. After the initial experience of seeing Whitby as the birds usually do, altbougb this bird doesn't, 1 had a real feeling of pride and safety knowing Whitby bas such a marvellous piece of equipment for fighting fires. For as many years as 1 can remnemfber the Whitby Fixe Départment bas been winning awards for fixe safety and for a municipality this size 1 tbink we aIl have to When you complai n about improper advertisi ng, we do someth ing about it. Fast. For example: l.Mgie Mous From the files of the Advertising Standards Council Onie day a c~onstiner sent Lus a **M..Itc Mouse- tus Slh complained that the telex'îoi ic udvrîing ht lad exzaggýcraitcd the quality a~nd performlance of the prodtîct. And fer exaiining- the prodtuet and the advertising, we 1gcd This is the advertising rule that was broken: *No advkertisenmcnt shah bc preparcd. or bc knowingly accepteti. which contains Cise. niisleading. unsvarranted or cxag,,,erated clainis - eithcr directlv or b> imnplication. Advertisers and advcrtîsing uiencîes mutst hc prepared t0 suhst.untiate thecir clainis.- Here's what we did about it, immediately. First we phoned the televisuon station that ha(] run the Mi cMouise- cumul11lercia I. Thev bold uis the>, hud alrcadly cancelled the commercial bccause of simiîlar complaîints. Since the advertîser (a U.S. comipany) did flot reply to our inquiirv. we issued un 'urgent' bulletin requcsting 111l stations to contact us hefore acccptino deîsn frorîî this company. The "Magie Mouse" k no longer iadvcrtiscd. Keep this complaint notice. If you see dishonest or unfair advertising, send jt to us. ---------------------------------------- i Advertising Standards Council COMPLAINT NOTICE I Product or Service:_________________________________ I Date advertisement appeared: I Where it appeared: E T.V. LI Newspaper C] Magazine 0 Radio [1 Outdoor E Transit I arne of publication or station:- I Please investigate this advertisement which in my opinion breaks the Canadian Advertising I I Standards Code because:I I Ie I Ies ityâeIvic I Itsn tnad ouii,19BySre, oot 1,Otro L - a-e____________________________________________________ J Thé Advertising Standards Council is a division of the n Advertising Advisory Board. We work for better advertising., agree when it cornes to both firefighting equipmeflt and the manpower to use it we have the best. Althougb the department is much more modern now than in times past 1 still fondly remember the voluilteer force rushing out to fight fires. 1 used to live next door to a volunteer fixe fighter on St. Lawrence Street and at the first sound of the siren he would tear out of the driveway and down the street. Those were the days wben a newsman had only to have keen ears to be able to pick up a good fixe story. In fact, it wasn't only news reporters that were often seen chasing the fixe trucks to the scene of the fixe. As a kid 1 used to love driving or bicycling after the trucks and often 1 would by passed by one of the volunteers wbo didn't make a truck and had to drive himself to the fire. .At the scene of the fixe and back at the hall cars were parkéd helter skelter and at random as the fixst thought' on everybody's mind was to put out the fire and be neat later. For the volunteers a fixe often meant staying up for more than a full day because after the fixe was put out and cleaned up most volunteers had to return to their jobs and if the fixe kept tbem up ail night they finished at the fixe just in time to change and go to work. The new fixe hall doesn't have the old town atmosphiere the old hall had but the new one is sure a lot more efficient and better suited to bouse the trucks and the men who ride them. The old hall was cramped for space and was actually somewhat' of a fixe bazard itself and there really wasn't room for any kind of training facîlities. Most of the kids in town today won't remember the old fixe hait or the volunteer system when we had oniy a couple of full time firemen but I'm sure the guys at the new firehaîl would be glad to se the kids and show theni around. Wben it cornes to fixes Whitby has escaped better than most communities and we have our Whitby Fire Depart- ment to thank. As for me, I'm going to thank them now- before 1 have a fixe. Public Speaking Contest On Thursday, May 3Ist, the finals were held for "St. Leo's Public Speaking Contest." The resuits were: Winner: Tony Jetten (Grade 8). Honourable Mention Sheila Mulcahy (Grade 6), Joanne Mulcahy (Grade 4), Susan Tomsic (Grade 2). Other contestants': Louie Pouwels (Grade 8), Alex Lyle (Grade 5), Wendy Pennings (Grade 3), and Alex Frendo-Cumbo (Grade 1). FR11EPIb]ZA. WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA OPEN 668-8M07.WJNELV8 TO SAT. JUNE 23 LISTERINE MOUTH WASH and GARGLE 24 oz. SUGG. LIST 2.19 PALMOLIVE RAPID S HAVE 11 oz. PLUS 20% MORE SPECIAL 13.2 oz. JOHNSON'S BABY SHAMPOO . 12 oz. SUGG. LIST 1.89 , lmse 1399 COLGATEC SDENTAL CREAM with MFP LI REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH - 50 ML 44 CURAD 5C "Ouchless" BANDAGES P"ECONOMY PACK 60s SUGG. LIST $1 .19 7.8 or. -- Suggested tist $1 59 NTER THE BAN *FLY & BIY- SWEEPSTAKE Dl" MI SLM m by Jin oliaff

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