THIS WEEK ý1e!j from Ottawa TV COMMERCIALJS1 CBC President Laurent Pi- card announced that the Corp- oration will remove ail com- mercials from programs aimed primarily at children. The move has been highly praised by the public, school1 associations, and community associations - "commercials should have been removed from children's television shows sooner", "a break- through for children". EXPORTS UP Exports of Canadian goods rose to $7.4 billion during the first quarter of the year, as compared with $5.8 billion for the same period a year ago. An increase of almnost 25% in sales to the Unuted States accounted for much of the boost. FINAL OFFER TO IMMIGRA&NTS Manpower and Immigration Minister Robert Andras intro- duced a bil in the House of Commons offering illegal im- migrants a final opportunity to apply for landed immigrant status without penalty. Those who do flot corne forward wil be deported without any right of appeal. The bill will also expand the Immigration Appeal Board and will help eliminate exist- ing and possible backlogs of cases. b. Ready money buys bargains \Vhei you ncced iiionley to take adv.,nitagie of ofportLiiiiies or o10 lecel eîneieces, ils cîicouraiz- îng 10 knlow you have il iirght îat haind on your special savlngs acColint ut Victoria and Grey 'Fi-Lst. lts sau.iisfyiing Io reaie t hosC saiflesavinfgs dale eaiflg 2you SLbsta liIl i nterest atIllew ate of* live and a hall' per Cent. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation GREY TRUST COMPANY SiNCE 1889 MANAGER - LORNE REIO 1IOUSING LEGISLATION PASSED Amendments to the Nation- al Housing Act passed in the House of Cominons will make good housing more accessible to more Canadians. The legisiation will provide low-cost boans for house 're- pairs for individuals in certain a.reas; will make federal funds available to municipalities and provinces at low interest rates for land acquisition and as- sembly; and wiil increase mort- gages available under the Act to a maximum of $30,000 from $27,000 for the pur- chase of. a new house and to $27,O0from $24,000 for resale houses. FOOD PRICES BOARD MEETS The newly-appointed Food Prices Review Board met for the first time June 18. It will hold public heariuigs, investi- gate price increases of parti- cular products, and make re- commendations to the goverfi- ment. The Review Board will ac- cept wrîtten complaints about rising food prîces from indivi- dual consumers and will use them in determmning what areas to investigate. Individ- uals wishing to contact the Board should write the Chair- man, Mrs. Beryl Plumptre, Box 1540, Station B, Ottawa, KIP SZS: WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY,,JUNE 28, 1973, PAGE 3 By-Iaw,989-73:o An Exorcise In FutiIity For Cabbiïes le By-law 989-73 doesn't mean a tbing to most people, but to Wbitby Town Council, two lawyers, two cab company owners, and especially six uniemployed taxi drivers tbis by-law means work or unemployment, wealtb or bankruptcy, and even to some a question of principle. By-law 989-73 is the by-law to rescind by-law 794-72 wbicb restricts the number of taxi licenses in Witby to 24. Ibis is the by-law that six drivers would like to see passed to enable their license applications to be approved and also to enable them to go back to work. These six drivers, boping to form a co-op called 'Circle Taxi', bave been unemployed for tbree weeks -pending council's decision on the matter. Last Monday nigbt council received a report from the Operations Committee recommending tbat the restricting by-law be maintainedl and that tbe proposed rescinding by-law not be proceeded with. Unfortunately Councillor Dr. Hobbs who bad noted bis opposition to this recommendation was not pr esent to vote against it. Councillor Desjardine was also absent. A Split vote with three voicing opposition, Mayor Newman, Coun. Edwards and Coun. Goodwin, lost to six yayes accepting the committee recommendation and' letting the restricting by-law stand. There was mucb debate in council before (and after) tbe vote was taken. Councillor Goodwin said that be was tempted "to refer tbe matter back to the comrnittee, but thats hopeless. Tbey recommend we do nothing." Coun. Lovelock agreed with Court. Goodwin, but felt that a solution sbotild be worked out for the problem. Mayor Des Newman stepped down from tbe chair to speak against thue motion to do nothîng about the restrict- ing by-Iaw. He said that if the motion was defeated be would offer a 7 point motion increasing the number of licenses to 30 and making other requirements manda tory for license bolders. Coun. livingston spoke for tbe motion saying "to change the ground rules now would be a horrendous act of bail faitb.«" 1He went on to say "the question as far as I see it, is one of principle. Mr. Peîgrim bas purchased a large number of licenses at a large value and it would be an act of bad faith for council to destroy that value." Coun. Jrwin said that he feit "that council is in a very difficult situation at this stage." He also said "I feel the council has a very strong obligation to proceed with some sort of control." He added "there are too many questions that have to be answered before we can alter the structure of licensing." He clarified bis position by saying that be can't go along with making one. person bave to buy a company to get bis licenses, and tben turn around and, give licenses to other people (for $25. eacb). Reeve Edwards in bis opposition stated "ýyou work for a certain individual or you doni't work drîving taxi in Witby doesn't sit well with me." Coutn. Gartsbore said that be was "extremely concerned" that "one person can hold 20 or 24 licenses and not bave to make use of tbem." He went on to say that he wais voting pro "because it's flot a credible situation to tell one person to pay tbousands of dollars for licenses and then turn around and selI tbem for $25. to somebody else." Mr. Sbeldon Stein, tbe attorney representing the six drivers, made another representation to Council and des- pite flot managing to get the restricting by-law rescinded, did manage to get the six applications for licenses sent back to tbe operations committee for a further report. 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Ail the flavour of home cooking . .. outdoors. See both the stackless and standard model pool heaters that heat to desired temperatures with automnatlc "temp" control. Superior Propane can s-t-r-e-t-c-h your swim-season economically. HOURS: Monday to Friday 9 a.rn. - 9:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. '4* PROPANE LTD. frpViO8470 Keele St. 889-1145 titi*<one mile north of Hlghway 7) Your eyes -your first uneofSelfDefence. The best protective equipment the job calis for them, and regubr you can ever own is already check-ups if your eyesight's yours-one pair of eyes. Just below par. Take care of your knowing what's going on around eyes, and they'll sec you safely you helps you avoid job accidents. through the working day. So it makes good sense to look after your eyes, with The sure protective glasses if way to Your Workmen's Compensation Board and The Safety Associautions, Ontario ' i lar i