PAGE 2, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973, VHITBY FREE PRESS s..,.. arite i)ear Sir: It was good to read W. ikoyd's icI ter ini a recet t d- ition of (lie*Witlby 'Frce Press. Sitice so niany Ipeopl)e of tlie foreign eleinient li:ve been t'Iocking to our beaffli- tfti (AiIat(l, a tîewspaper in T'oronto liave liad nianîy let- ters. nîlostiy wri(ten by peo- p)le wvîtlIîtoreignilnaines: '1 b- esc liaved iiot a good word for ouir Queeîi, ini tact iiey aire isiiaiiy opetîiy rude wlien sp)cakitig & crificising one (biey have itever met or even k tu>w. One wonders vvi(lite I Ldy lias do)ne (or mot dlone?) to have inctirred t hese intiul- tîig letters! It sickensmîse e i1sec itis sort of, tlîiîg Iwîtîg con- (IotiL'l ly t itst' wio sliottld he ex îwcite( tIo>kntow bttetr tuie Edîlors. Sîi cere i v *Nlîs. ) maiwl Stîe Oshiawa i.s. 1i n t a cou tribut or f0 tisT lorontto Newspaper. Sir: Mr. Kaîtiis sceems to have titis fliiiîg in lus iteaid t get rid of all truck drivers anid the trucks they drive. Perliaps Mr. Kainiimis lias 5s)eii min 5<tliL f tti rantsport driviîîg , 'as lic sceutis f<) l) quite ail atiîlto>riîy (on1 Ie sul1)ject. (or i)eritat)s lus i coines troîntilite sca t of a sitallil iiort ). liitufli irsi place,. a i io>sf ail (lie goods ipeopIle 11542 ooite ont a t rîck a(f (>lte po inmt or antioler. lIow (d> von fiiitk tle be'l'otve I lie go>ds troin (lic ni iiway NMr. Kaliiiins? Secondiy, i suiggest Mr. Kilimiis nui 'ke a few trips frotiî Torotnto Io Moutreai (on a foggy or snlowy iiglit i)erltai)s) in lte cab) of a lieaviiy Ioaded transport to gain sonte first liautd exper- ience. Fie may tiien decide Io citange the mtite of lus organiza tion to T.A.A. (Truc- ks Against Autos). After ail Mr. Kiliis, a good writer itist have first liand experience on tie sti)- ject lieipla ns to write ab)outt (was itliHeminîgway wlîo ita- (le titat statetiient'?) Corne on Kaînins, go get aJob transport drivittg. then write an(>ther story onithte sutiJect al)out a year or so> froi iow, By tuie way, Mr. Kaliinis, thiey neyer did eau uts Kîings of1 Ilite Road, il as Kîuiglits of f lie Road . '1i1.1t(goes iack a tew v ears wlieîî tiost iiotorists were cour(eoits, a- nd Nve ailvavs sto>pped to liei) t hein wliettt iîey were ini trouble. Flappy Motoring Mr. Kainins Uoyd Conîtor Sr. 1002 Centre St. N. Wiîithy (TJeatister - retired) P>.S. Niiîeteeîî vears of il ail i couid take Mr. i.iîiiiis. ikar Sir, Afier 'réèdisig M'r. Kalinins coluittît ini youir pap~er on1 lu ne 21i, 1 have cornetIo t(lie contclutsio n tlial Mr. Kalitiuîs siotid sfav )elii iud bis canti- ent wlîere lie lias a utifle bit oft knowledge. Miost oflte articles writ- leti by Mr. Kalîtiis icave a lot Io> be desired as ar as c(>tinttinsetîse 15 co>iceried, but the article oni trutck driv- ers was notliiuîg but PURE GAIZIIAGE! !!!! Truck drivers are probab- ly thli ost couirtcotis drivers onu otir roads today. Wlieuî yot hiave (o put t I) wit' lihe drivers tîtat are cuittiuîg ini and out, or siowing dowîî to take pictures, wltici is pr<>b- ai)ly wlitat Kaliiiits wottld do, yoti îîed a lot of' pa (jeuce. Wliere would titis coutntry i)C if it were itot for the peCoplelftit Mr. Kalitinis ref- cred to as Kittgs osf the Road? i work in Getierai Motors, but i drive for a livinîg, atnd i kttow wliat il is like to fll ow soinebody iii a iitt le I'oteigîî car whio tiiks lie or slie canttakc tht liitt le piece of1 iro n anud do a s t bey sec fil iti tronit cf a S70 or "'80,000. picce of ttccessazry eqltil)ieitt. If tbcey slîouid ever do as Mr. Kaliins stig- troîn <tur roads, i tbink Mr. Iiiaiiits VV(>id probabiy be able to get a jot) deiivering tlic daiiy rc(iireuncuitfs of ea- cli anîd every citizent froin Ilite LIriorts or raiway stat- ions. Onuiis back! Otne day of driviîîg a trans p)ort, ifliec was capable. anid 1 tiiuk Mr. Kaititîs wouild priti ant ap)(l<gv t10 truck ,drivers everywiîere. i1 doubt verv rnîicltil iftis let ter vil I l)c primfed iii vour îtexf edit- ioti butt 1I lt f itat i couiît't sit 1).ack a n lonîger anîd read titis traslit vit lit>t exjressiutg ily D)ouglas J. Wcaies CLIMB ABOARD Ted Watson' s ~' $TRAWBERRY EXPRESS Take a ride to and from the strawberry patch - have a littie fun "We provide a place for Youngsters to play while You pick away" TED WATSONI'S RR#2 80 WMAN VILLE CALL 623-7252 rWHILE YOU PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRI ES HOURS Mon. ta Fni. 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. 9 a. Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5:30 p.m. Sunday il a.m. ta 8:30 p.m. COMMENCING MON.-UNE 25th HOW TO GET THERE No.: Z HIGHfWAY I ~ PATCHW BASE LUNE 401 JIGHWAY INTERCHANGE 74i