Whitby Free Press, 13 Sep 1973, p. 9

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LOVELOOK TO SEEK SUPPORT AT LOCAL LEVEL WHITBY - Councillor Don Lovelock has decided he will seek re - election as Local Councillor of the North Ward in the October lst, Whitby Municipal Election. Public news that be will opt for the local level follows last week's notice by direct mail, to ail constituents of 'the North Ward,' "Who afterall," he says, "had the right to know my intentions firsthand." In choosing to stay dloser to home base rather than competing regionally, Councillor Lovelock is adamnant, in disagreeing with those who downgrade the so - called lower tier of local government. "I admit to being local - minded," lie confessed, "and l'm proud of it because the North Ward is my kind of place -- my kind of people." "I think Brooklin' Myrtle, Myrtle Station, Ashburn and ail the rural areas are communities that can be truly singled out for their particular local spirit and enthusiasm. They opposed with fervour, but nonetheless witb good sportsmansbip, amalg- amation; clung to their own names and subsequently held fast to their own identities on the map. These are qualities of character that 1, as a local councillor, wouid like to see retained under the new regional administration," he said. "Area planning," he said "is a prime example," As North Ward Council member of the 1973 Town Planning Board, be believes his involvement in preparing Whitby's Officiai Plan bas given him an overall insight into the short and long - range planning of the Town. "The open planning concept which encouraged citizen input was enthusiastically received by interested residents in ail 4 wards of the town and proof of the pudding is that fresh ideas and citizen suggestions, at least in the majority of cases, were incorporated in the presented plan." As chairman 'of the Social Services Department, Coun- cillor Lovelock stated he recognized that two challenges were giaringiy evident: The much - awaited reinstatement of a family counsellor, and a sorely needed investigation of low cost bousing needs. Both were acbieved during his term. At Councillor Lovelock's urging, Council hired a famly counsellor in iuly .of this year, and also at bis insistence, Council approved bis recommendation that a task force, comprised of private citizens, be formed to investigate the feasibility of low cost bousing. In reflection Councillor Loveiock feels the challenge of representing the citizens of the north ward bas been an enriching one, so enriching, he doubts the involvement at the grass root level can be replaced by any level of government. "My experience in public office bas taken me from involvement as a sitting member-of various town comm- ittees to a bouse - to - bouse survey in instigating new garbage collection for the north ward; from meetings of the town budget to the more specific problems of our ward members, such as baving bydro poles moved and baving faulty roads and ditches brougbt to the attention of our public works department. The solving of one problem, to me, bas not been any more important than the solving of any other as al bave reiated directly DATSUN SAVES A MIDWAY DATSUN doen't cost much to buy. A MIDWAY DATSUN is simple and inexpensive to service 'J, MEDWY DASUNLTD.'- 1300 OUNDAS ST. E. 668S-6828 oiitv iATTENTION FARMERS1E WHY PAY MORE?, SA VE ON a DIESEL FUEL ~~0 MOTOR OIL a GASOLINE Premluni Quallfy Faim Tanks end Pumps Avoulable OUI 0F TÃ"W«N CULS CAL COLLECI nn il vilo to my constituents." "'Having been involved as first a citizen interested in the goings - on in my community, then council represent- ative, 1 feel there bas neyer been a coming together of people of the north ward over local issues as there has- been during my term," he said. "Certainly some of my most rewarding gratifications have been the tremendous contact with the people of my ward on the telephone and the personal contact made during my private weekly drives inspecting roads around the ward." "But best of aIl is being able to see bow our communi- ties are humming with new faciities, public get - togethers, summer school and recreational facilities in areas which bave previously been ignored." 4 1"I've enjoyed it Al thoroughly, as I've said, the north ward is my kind of place, the kind of place that makes Mny open door policy a pleasure instead of just a duty of public office." FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET Oshawa 725 -9783 We strip and refinish pianos. Furniture re - upho!stredprfçssionaIIy. Whitby Public Utilities commission Telephone 668-5878 Whitby, Ontario WHITBY FREE PRESS, THUR SDAY,,SEPTEMBER 13, 1973, PAGE -'9 home decor Mr, rec q whitby mail -,730 room FFloor Covorings'Alnmiuoe Siding Para and Benjamin Moore. Pinte wallpqper - over 7Ã" books todhoose from 10Y@ off on ail purdranes wh.n you brinqinthis -ad. Cdnia c7lnnflat«,î WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE FASHION'S FINEST, OSHAWA& ÇENTRE DR.ESSES TELEPHONE 728-8442 SUITS ACCESSORIE.S NOTICE OU -APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION O1- THE TOWN OF WHITBY. FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY - LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE 'Me Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary semer on Front Street fromi Brock Street to Charles Street, on Charles Street from Front Street to Victoria Strect and on Victoria Street from Charles Street to a point approximately 300 feet west of the westerly limits of Henry Street at an estimated cost of $168,000.00. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 10 years upon lands that wiUl or may derive a benefit therefrom described in Schedule "A". It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual paymhents by an annual rate estimated at 0.656 mills. The following is an cxample of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having an assessment of $5,000.00. (a) Tlle area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is described in Schedule "A" attached to and forîning part of this notice. (b) There wiII be no exemptions granted. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the fi.rst Publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Cîerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or the imposition of the special rate. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special rate pursuant to the Statutes and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it. may appoint a time and place for a public hcaring whien any objections wi1l be considered, but notice of such hearing wiII bc given only to those persons who have given notice of objections as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l3th day of September, A. D., 19 73. Win. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK Thec Corporation of the Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" COMMFNCING at a point at the south - west angle of the Towni of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst of December, 1967 wvhere it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario. TH-ENCE northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existcd on the 3lst day of December, 1967 to its north point in Township Lot 31, Concession 2; TUIENCE east parallel to 'Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE north parallel to Cochrane Street to a point 200 feet north of Rossland Road; THENCE east parallel to Rossland Road to the East limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 31st day oU December, 1967; THENCE south aîong the eàst limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 31st day of December, 1967, to Lake Ontario; TI-IlNCE wcstcrîy along the nortli limit of Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. Se pt. 13, 20. ONTARIO MINISTRY 0F GOVERNMENT SERVICES AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS vvilI be reoeved unlil 3:00 p.m. LOCAL Ti ME on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1973 Sthe Sipy and kIsialatfion of an Air Conditioning ihfoef lVlnstry of I-mlth, l-bsPitat LaundrY at Tenwd mecnts ney be obianed from the Ministry of Gcenyent Sarvices, Public Tenders Offloe, Room Ml - 43A, Macdlonald BIodk, Ojeen's Pârk, Toronto, Ontario, Telephne No. 965 -1152. A 100 % Perfornuio Bond rn-e be required a s Pecfied. For furtiEr infommtion regarding this tender, plese celi Mr. V. I-awkdns,,Nhnistry of Governnet 1brvices, Toronto, Ontario, Tetephone No. 965 - 1 15Z Mme Iowest or oeiy tender not neoessarily acoepted. J. C. Thatcher Deputy NMniste Ministry of G ove rn ment Services Ontario n t f

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