PAGE 6, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD "S E YE VIE W bi Jin avait Life's Littie Subtieti«es Everybody kîîows about those lit tie subtieties ini life that tell us where we stand with hardly a word spoken. We ail practice them at one time or another anîd most of them are flot inhibited by language or boundary problems. One of ife's littie subtieties is when you walk in the door of your local garage to see how they are making out with the old clunker and you see the mechanie ini front of your car, cap in hand, placing a black wreath on the hood. With one gesture by your mechanic you know whether you should fix the old crock or start lookiïîg for a new one. Or how about the last time you decided to fight a traffie ticket in court? Your lawyer handies the entire case, the evidence is beard, the policeman questioned and the cross - examination is finished. It's time for the judge to make a decision and of course you're wondering what will happen. You catch the attention of your lawyer and raise your eyebrows. He very calmly raises his arm halfway and points his thumb down. Wonder no more, just get out your wallet. Another of life's littie subtleties is when you have just had a complete examination by your doctor. As you're sitting in the examination room getting dressed you say, "Well doc, bow about it? Just as tough as ever eh?" Your doctor neyer really answers the question but he just happens to ask if you have ever consulted a lawyer about making out your wiIl. Have you ever experienced that trapped feeling when you walk into the bank after a three week 4absence and the manager strides over and says how nice it is to see you again. You know if you're îîot over drafted it has be the miracle of the century and you'Ill îever get out of there alive until you settle up the overdraft. Or how about the overdue bill you get in the mail and on the bottom it says, "We know it isjust ain oversight that you baven't sent in a payment in si x years." Who is kidding whom? You didn't pay it and you know it and so did they and if you don't pay they'Il sue the pants off you. One of my favourites is when I take my TV set to Buzzat Ae Elctro-csAdjhe nazes a my st and HAVI LEAGUE 0F WHITBY The Chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Navy League of Canada, Wbitby Branch, Mrs. Collins would like to thank the kind people wbo contributed items and belp at -our Annual Bazaar on July 28th, 1973, the pro- ceeds of wbich will further our efforts to help Navy League Cadets and Sea Cadets After a short summer re- cess the Ladies beld a general meeting on Monday August lOth, 1973 at the 1...F. Building, Brock Street S., and finalised plans for a dan- ce to be held on Saturday October 2Oth at the Knights of Colombus Hall, Brock St. N., Whitby at 8:30 p.m. Music by Bob Andrews. Due to an early selI out for their last dance, interest- ed persons are urged to ob- tain tlieir tickets early to avoid disappointment. Tick- ets are available now at S5.00 per couple and can be obtain- ed by calling Mrs. Collins at 668 - 4886 or Mrs. Dawson at 668 - 4169. The next general meeting will be held on October 1 Stl at 8:00 p.m. at the 1.0.O.F. tbe ladies buddled in the corner and glancing my way. bidn n e ebr know they are baving a little discussion as to wbether ISQO TI-ERS would be very welcorne. We miy sheets and pillow cases are really a matched set of0 are very proud of our cadets, gray in colour and if they arçn't will tlîey ever corne close AIGHT LI VE h elp us to make the Wbitby to wbite again? I_____________ Corps No. 1. My favourite, althoughi costly, is whien l'm sitting in the denitist's chair aind bappen to overhear him on the telephone ini bis office. The door is partly open and I DATSUN SUVES notice that while lie is glancing at my x - rays hie is ordering a lot of new equipment over the pbone. It A MIDWAY DATSUN A MWVWAY DATSUN isn't bard to figure out whiere lie is goiîîg to get the doesn't cost mucb to buy. to sipevdicexesv money to pay for the stuif. t evc Remember tbe last time you decided to try a different type of wine instead of the hum - drumn type you usually buy? As the cashier took your mney and Iooked at tbe ticket his eyebrows raised but the clinchier is whien the attendent took your ticket back behind the slielves and you could lîear a loud guffaw whuile lie wvas gone and wheîî lie returned with your bottle it was quite dusty. They #A 1 D$ y DATSUN LD are trying to tell you sornething. The ittle subtlety tlîat really gets me every tîne is wben I just happen to be outside when the mail manî is onw bis way to my door. I notice heelias a little smile on1 lus 1300 DUNDAS ST. E.Wht -668-6828 lips and it doesn't take ail idiot to figure it out. Yep, -Wib another load of buis. i w1eitby Cutrling club offe rs A linSiited number of curling memberships for the 1973/74 season. Men's curling, mixed curling, Ladies & junior curling. Memberships Available CON TACT TED B10GS Manager 668-5021 CORRECTION FOR AD RAN SEPTEM BER 6TH THE PHONE NUM BER SHOULI) READ: 668 -3468 GIVE Marjorie Mointyre Board of Education Whitby