PAGE 2, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS TrHE ELECTIO)N The resuits of iast Monday's election came as a sur- prise to some, but to most they were quite predictable. In the mayorality race between incumbent Mayor Des Newman and fresh-at-the-polls challenger Pat Dooiey there wasn 't any contest. Mayor Newman led from the start and excepting possibly two polis itever looked back. The final tally was Newman way ahead with 4,727 votes and Dooley with 1,707. "I'm delighted to be back", said Des, "and I really look forward to the next few months anid the preliminary work in setting up the region". The most exciting race was the one for Regional Councillor with four candidates running and only two to be elected. Three of the candidates, Gerry Emin, John Goodwîiî, and Bob White, held seats on the last council anîd were con- sidered to be strong contenders while newcomner Frank Sugden was apparentiy not considered that seriouisiy. An Oshawa newspaper had predicted White to be the only clear choice with a contest between Goodwin and Emm favouring Goodwin, but the resuits proved to be quite the opposite. Coun. Gerry Emm's early campaign start and a lot of downright hard work possibiy convinced the voters that not only did Emm WANT the job, but île WHITBY FREE PRESS weicomes news reports about community happenings or local people. Reports from community organizations, non-commercial groups, or any unusual items that may be of interest to Whitby and area readers should be maiied to the Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, or dropped off at our offices in the Free Press Buildig in the Free Press Building (2nd floor). 12-1 Brock Street, North, Whitby. If a news item is "too hot" to wait, please caîl our editorial department at 668-6000, 668-611I1, or 668-6700 (24 hours). The Whitby Free Press is YOUR Whitby community newspaper, and you have a say as to what appears in it. If you don't like something..TELL US! Support YOUR community newspaper..and help us make this Whitby newspaper a method of communication ail of us Whitby residents can be proud of. The Whitby Free Press is operated and staffed by local people, and is the ONLY local nespp 1-ha- esdeéeigcicua!-thoghu Mail: Box 206, Whitby MAILING Phone: 668-6000, 668-611il PERMIT Toronto Une: 282-1004 NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Mgr.: Mike Burgess Assistant Editor: Jim Quail Advertising Mgr.: John MacMillan Graphic Arts* Marie Rutter STORY lie was wiiling to work liard to get it, and that lias got to deserve votes. The first total after only four polis showed Emm in the lead followed by Goodwin, White, and Sugden. Thîis order never clianged as more poilis and more totals showed on the board. The final results show- ed Emm as the favourite witli 3,566 votes followed by Goodwir. with 3,336, White witîî 2,770 and Sugden with 1,378. So Emm and Goodwin get ini as Regional Counjcillors. The north ward race (ward 1) was a close contest between incumbent north ward councillor Don Lovelock and challenger Sam I-ollingsworth. The final tally show- ed Loveiock returned to office with 799 votes followed by Holiîngsworth with 641, and only 10% of the votes separating ehem. The oiîly other ward contest was ini the east (ward 4) with Joy Thompson trouncing "Mickey" MacCarli 1,153 votes to 548. In the centre ward (3) Reeve Tom Edwards was re- elected by acclamation. And in the west ward (2) Coun. Jim Gartshore was also re-elected by acclamation. Share-a-Song' Week Proclai"med By Major Share a Song and a Smile with Sweet Adelines is the theme Oct. 1-6 when over 23,000 women tiirougliout the United States, Canada and Panama Canal Zone will "Sliare-a-Song" with Hospital patients, Senior Citizetîs, and Civic Groups. Pictured above is Mayor Des Newman presenting a Proclamation declaring Oct. 1-6 as Share-a-Song week in Whitby. With the Mayor are two Whitby girls wlio beloiîg to the Oshawa Chapter of Sweet Adelines. Edna McGhee (centre) and Rita Boneliam. If anyone is interested in singing 4 part Harmony Barbersliop style, contact Member- ship Chairman Betty Jean Blyth 655-3679 or any member of the Chorus. Freé Press Photo The Separate Sehool Board trustee race (two to be eiected) between James Brady, Morgan O'Conînor, Chuck Roche, and Benny Witteveen was a tiglit three way battle between Brady, O'Connor and Roche. After the votes were counted, Roche had 678 votes, O'Connor oniy thirty-five behind w'ith 643, Br-à d-y71iad 479, and Witteveen 87. Roche and O'Connor get in. The Board of Education contest (two to be elected) wound up with Marjorie Mclntyre leading with 3,546 votes, followed by Marion O'Donneil with 3,223, and Rev. R.H. James witli 2,675. Mclntyre and O'Donnell get in. The municipal and regional election in Whitby was considered "average" in voter turnout with 6,870 voting (or about 40%) out of a possible 17,100 voters. The election last November was no doubt one of the best turnouts of voters with 47% voting. Chief returning Officer Bill Wallace was "quite pleas- ed" about the results being in early with the final resuits being posted about 10:30 p.m. he Whitby area waç probably the first region to have ail the polis in and Mr. Wallace attributed this to good competent returning officers and "100% co-operation". Tle excitement, anticipation, and sometimes sorrow can be seen in this photo taken election night of Betty Emrn, centre (wife of Gerry Emm), and Marje Burgess (wife of Free Press Editor Mike Burgess). NOTICE TO READERS AND ADVERTISERS The Whitby Free Press i5 110W located at our new offices iii the FREE PRESS BUILDING, 121 Brock Street North, Whitby (above Shorty's Cigar Store). Our telephone numbers (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday) are: 668-6000, 668-6111I; Toronto line 282-1004; and niglit editoriai or emergency service 668-6700. We wish to apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused anyone who couidn't or had difficulty locating us during our moving period. Many Thanks for your patience and understanding! Froiii the staff of the WHITBY FREE PRESS. j DR. RODERICK G. KERR M.B., B.A.O., D.OBST., R.C.O.G. wishes to announce that he has joined the staff of BROOKLIN MEDICAL CENTRE 655-3321