wHI'rBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOB3ER 4, 1973, PAGE 3 Bi"ble Society Walkathon THA NK You Please accept my humble thanks to ail the kind people of Whitby for electing me ta the position, of REGINAL COUNCILLOR. 1 will use ail rny energy to serve you - the residents of our town. Thank you one and ail. The Churches of Whitby wiII hold their fourth annual Walkathon in the interest of the Canadian Bible Society' on Saturday, October l3th. The 12 mile walk wil start at 9.00 a.m. from Ail Sints Anglican Church to the'Heber Down Conservation Area, calling in at various check points along the way and finishing at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Coch-' rane Street. The goal is $3,800 to provide Malaya New Testa- ments for Singapore. Permission lias been grant- ed b>' the Town of Whitby and the local police will be patrolling the route. The Whitby Brigade* of the St. John Ambulance Association will provide first aid services. To make this a 'Family Walk in Town and Country,' members of the local com- mittee are encouraging cbild- Gerry Em ren, young people and adults to walk and sponsor this vital project. Once again members of the clergy will be walking along witb the Rev. Andrew Brndjar, District Secretary of the Canadian Bible Society. Entry forms are available at aIl Whitby churches. Plan on being a participant in this delightful outing. Last year's walk was a success and the comnmittee mnembers expeet to reach the- ir target in this year's walk. Ladis' ollge lumnae Groups Increasing ihe Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Alurnnae Associa- tion has formed a new Chapter. ,Duse to the 1 Oth Anniversary of the College ini 1974 the newest Alumnae Group has narned their Branch the Ceîitennial Chapter. "With the Centennial Celebrations coming up during the iext year the group thought it would be a good naine for the new Chapter," Mrs. Richard W. Broughiton, Reynolds St., Whitby said. "~The Croup is beiîig forïned of former students and graduates of the College wlîo attended during the years of 1948 to the 1968-69 terrn. There was a very enthusiastic group of 14 present when the formation of the Centennial Chapter charter became official. The meeting and election of officers was held at the home of Mrs. Allan Werry, Enniskillen." Mrs. Stanley' Osborne, wife of the former Principal of the College and the President of the Castie Chapter, MIrs. Russell Collins of Whitby presided at the elections. The Officers are; President, Mrs. Allan Dianne' Werry, Enniskillen. The Office of vice president is still vacant. Correspoîiding Secretary, Mirianm, Mrs. Chiarles Labanovich, Port Perry. Recording and Press Secretary, Marilyn, Mrs. Richard 'Dick' Broughiton, Whitby. Treasurer, Joan, Mrs. Wmi. Olesuk, Oshawa. Social and Programme Com- mittee, Vi McCulloch, Oshîawa, June McDonald Lee, Betsy Fallaise, Ways and Means Commnittee, Sandra Thex- ton, Barbara. Mrs. J.H. Breckenridge, Whitby and Marg- aret Thompson who is t he Chapter's representative to the Altimnae Council. Mrs. Broughton said the Centennial Croup extends a cordial- invitation to former students of the Ontario Ladies' College to attend their next meeting in November. The election was flot without excitement as over one hundred people crowded the Whitby Council Chambers to watch the tallies being posted on the boards. AJAX RECREATION DEPT. The Town of Ajax Re- nce on Monday, October 1 Co-ed Gymnasties creation Department annou- endiîîg Friday, October 5 aîd la dies Swim and Gym nces the eilsuing dates for will be held at the Ajax Children's Theatre Arts the regfistration of the Fail (ommînity Centre. BIadminton (Junior & Adults) and Winter programmes, 1973 The following programm- Yogi and Swim .74. es for registration are: Further information can be obtained by telephoning Mrs. Stanley Osborne, 576-0830, Oshawa. Mrs. Osborne bas been very active in assisting the development and organiz- ing of the Centennial Chapter during the past year. The Chapter's treasurer, Mrs. Olesuk, 723-3202 and in the Whitby area Mrs. Broughton, 668-4969,, Reynolds St., or Mrs. Breckenridge 668-2636. It is known that former students of the College are living in the Ajax-Pickering, Port Perry, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmnanville area and a warmi welcome is extended to everyo ne. Mrs. Broughton said the Centennial Chapter members will be helping the Castie Chapter Croup with the Annual Niglit of Cards being held October l7th at the College. GSHAWA CENTRE 576-9093 Fines t Childrens Fash ions at the Oshawai Centre I