WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAVI OCTOBER 4, 1973, PAG The Expropriations Art NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR ÀPPRO VAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN TUE MATTER of an application by The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for approval to expropriate land ina the Townships of Pickering and East Whitby and the Town of Whitby, all in the County of Ontario, for the purpose of a right-of-way for electrical transmission limes extending fromn Cherrywood Transformer Station to Wilson junrtion. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described inîhei sciiedule hereto. Any owner of lands ira respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the ichievement of te objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the. approving authority in wricîng. (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail witiiin tiiirty days after he is served witb the notice, or, when he is served by publication, within thirty days after te first pubjication of- the notice; (b) in te case of an owner who is not a registered owner, withîn tiiirty days after the first publication of the notice.* THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS Minister of the Environment, The Hydro-Electric Power Parliament Buildings, Commission of Ontario TORONTO, Ontario by its Solicitor, M7A 1A2 W. E. Raney, Q.C., Refer to Application OH-30 Law Division, 620 University Avenue, TORONTO, Ontario M5G 1X6 NOTES: 1. The EXropriations Art provides that, (a) wl=re an inquiry is requested, it shalh be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed byi te Minister of usice and Attorney Ceocrai; (b) theinquiry officer, (i) shalh give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to, present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counisel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authoriey chat a party to the inquiry b. paîd a fixed amount for bis costs of the inq uiry not bo exceed $200 and te approving authoricy may in its discretion order the expropriating uthori uy co pay such costs forthwith. 2. "«owner" and "*registered owner" are deflned ina the Act as foliows: elowner" ncludes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a peýrson entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a com- mittece of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing bis affairs, and a guardian, executor,-administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; 'registered owner" means an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper registry. land titles or sheriffl's office, and includes a person siiown as a tenant of land on the last revised assess- ment roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner wbo notifies the mprvn uthority that he desires a hearing ini respect of the landis intencled tu b. expropriated and any owner added as a party by the~ inquiry officer are parties to t he iraquiry. SCH EDULE I. Subjecete qualification, ail right, title and incerest in the following lands: (a) In te Township of Pickering, in the Couinty of Ontario. (1) That portion of Lot 24 Concession 2, in the Township of Pickering in the Couney of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having an area of 58.285 acres more or less and .designated as Part 4 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for te Kegistry Division nf Ontario Count aslian 4<>B1 (78; (2) TLat portion of Lot 20 Concession 2 ina the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario andte Province of Ontario, iiaving an area of 10.959 acres, more or less, auJ JesignatéJ as Part 8 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 104 1; (3) That portion of Lot 20 Concession 2,10n te Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario and tii. Province cf Ontario, having an area of 10.34 5 acres more or less and designated as Part 13 on a reference plain deposited in the Land Kegistry Office for the. Registry Division cf Ontario Couuuy as'Plan 40R 789; (4) That portion of Lot 20 Concession 2 in the. Township of Pickeringc, in, the County cf Ontario and the Province of Otare hvin anareaof .84 ace mre r less- and *of 3.919 acres, more or less, and more partlcularly des- cribed as follows: FIRSTLY: That portion cf Lot 19 Concession 3 10 the said Townshiip cf Pickering hmving an area cf 2.966 acres, more or luss, and designated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited inrte Land Registry Office for the. Regîstry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40OR 1041; SECONDLY: That portion of Lot 20 Concession 3 ira the said Township, having an area cf 0.9 53 acre, more or less, and designated as Part 5 on te. said reference plan 40R 104 1; (6) That part cf Lot 19 Concession 3 ina the Township of Pickering, in the County cf Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having an area of 3.267 acres, more or less, and desigraated as Part 4 on a reference plan dcposited ira the Land Regisery Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 104 1; (7) That prtion of Lot 18 Concession 3, in the Town- ship cf Pickerinçq, ina the County cf Ontario and the Province of Ontario, iiaving an area cf 0.244 acre more or less, and designateci as Part 3 on a reference plan ileposited ira the Land Registry Office for the. Registry Division cf Ontario County as Plan 40R 1092; (8) Those portions of Lots 17 and 18 Concession 3 bntiie Township cf Pickering, in the County cf Ontario and the Province of Ontmrio hmvimg an area cf 20.306 acres, mcmr or less, and designated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited ina the Land Régistry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario Couney as Plan 40R 1092; (9) That portion cf Lot 17 Concession 3,10n the Township cf Pickering, in te Coumty of Ontario and the Province cf Ontario, iiaving an area.of 4M39 acres, more or less, and desi gnmted as Part 5 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for te Registry Division cf Ontario Couoey as Plan 40R 1092;* (10) That part cf Lot 15 Concession 3, in the Township cf Pickerin g, in the County of Ontario and the Province cf Ont-rbo hving mn are* cf 23.057 acres, more or less, amd desi gnated as Part 1 on a reference plan depoited in the Lan d egistry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 890; (11) That part of Lot 8 Concession 4,10n te Townshiip of Pickcring, iu the- Couuty of Ontario and the Province of Ontario hmving an area of 22.5.80 acres,1 more or less, and desig nmted as Part 7 on a refereoce plan deposited in the Langd Kegisery Office for te Regisery Division of Ontario Couney as Plan 40RK937; (12) That portion cf Lot 3 Concession 4 in te Township of Pickerin g, in te Coumey cf Ontario, and te Province of Ontario, liaving an area of 13.162 acres, more or less, and desi gnated as Part 4on a reference plan deposited ina te Land Registry Office for the 'Registry Division cf Ontario County as Plan 40R 947; (13) That part of Lot 1 Concession 4, in the Township of Pickecrin g, in te. County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario having.an area cf 23.014 acres, more or less, and desi g naeed as P art 1 on a reference plan deposited in te Lau Regisery Office for te Regisery Division of Ontario County as Plan 40K 900; (b) In the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario. (14) That part of Lot 3 5 Concession 4, in te Township of Whi:by now in the Town of Whitby and the Province of Ontarie having an area cf 20.144 acres, more or less, and desi gnated as Part 1 on a reference plan deposited in the L.an d Regisery Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40K 94 1; (15) That part cf Lot 34 Concession 4. in the Township of Wiiby n0W in the Town cf Wbitby, ina the County of Ontaeîo and the Province cf Ontario having an area of 22.324 acres, more or lesi, and designated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in th. Land Regisery Office for thieReg istry Division of Ontario Couney as Pl-a 40R 94 1; (16) That part of Lot 30 Concession 4, ira the Township of Whitby noW in the Town of'Whitby, irate County cf Ontario mnd the Province of Ontario, having an area cf 9.054 acres, more or less, and desig nated as Part 1 on a reference plIan deposited lu the Lan d Registry Office fo rte Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 946; (17) T hose parts cf Lot 30 Concession 5, in the Township of Wiiitby n0w in te Town of Whirby, in the County cf Ontario and the Province cf Ontario havin g mn area of 5.7 75 acres, more or less, and desigonated as Parts5 and.6 on a reference plan deposied iie Land Registry Office for tiie Kegisery Division of Ontario Couney as Plan 40R 945; (18) That portion of Lot 29 Concession 4, in the Town- shipOf Whîtby, 00W in te.Town of Whitby, in0te.Couraty cf Ontarlo, and the Province cf Ontario having *an area cf 3.356 acres, more or leus, and designated as Part 3 subjecet t easement as ira Instrument 12308 on a reference p Ian deposited in the Land Regisery Office for ste cgistry Division cf Ontario County as Plan 40R 946;0 (19) That portion cf Lot 29, Concession 5, ina te Town- ship c Whîty, 00Wira te Towncf Wh tby, r n Curaty This Notice first publisiied on th.e h daY of Sepember, 73 Mi post Offices will b. closed and there will be ne letter - carrier delivery th- rougbout the Central Ontar- io Postal District on Tbanks- giving Day, October 8, 1973. Rural route delivery and suburban services bave aIse been cancelled for the. holi- day Monday. Collections from street lt- ter boxes will be at the discretion cf the local Post Office Manager. In Toronto, ed on Sunday and will b. cleared once-on Monday. "Special Delivery" service will be maintained as requir- ed on Sunday, October 7, but on the holiday Monday only one "Special Delivery" run will be made in each area. Customers who normally pick Up their mail from Post Office lobby 'lock - boxes' will b. able te do se on October 8 at stations where are accessible on a 'round - the - dlock' basis. On Tuesday, October 9, regular postal service will r.- sume ira the District, which stretches from the Niagara Peninsula te Port Hope and north te Penetanguishene. For further information, contact your local Post Of- fice Manager. Curling club offers A linlitp.d number of curling memberships for the 1973/74 season. Men's curling, mixed curling, Ladies & junior curling. Memberships Available CON TACT TED BIGGSv Manager. 668-5021 letter boxes wiIl net b. clear- staff is on duty or, the boxes Post Office Glosed; No Delivery Thanksgiving the Township of Whitby, 00W in the Town of Whltby. i the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario having a total area of 22.604 acres more or less, and being: FIRSTLY: That portion of the said Lot 27 having an area of 0.579 acre, more or less, and designated as Part 6 saving and exceptfn g the right, titie and interest of the Canadian National Railway Company as in Instrument 158182 on a reference p an deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Iregistry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 942; SECONÃDLY: That portion of the said Lot 28 having an area of 2 2.02 5 acres, more or less, and designate as Part 8 saving and excepting the rig*ht, title and interest of the. Canadian National Railway Company as in InstrumlOt 56033 on the aforesaid Plan 40R 942. (21) Those portions of Lot 2 1 Concession 5,10n the Town- ,Ship of Whitby now in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having an area.of 7.718 acres, more or less, and designated as Part 5 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 9 52. (22) That portion of Lot 21 Concession 5, i the Town- shi of Whîtby n0W ina the Town of Whitby, in the County ofIntario and the Province of Ontario havinÙ an area of 0.667 acre, more or Iess, and designated as Part 7 on a reference plan de"oited ina the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 952; (23) Those portions of Lots 19 and 20 Cncession 5, in the. Townshi p of Whitby now bn the Town of Whitby, in the County of ntabi and the Province of Ontario having an area of 44.653 acres, more or less, and designated as Part 3 on a reference plan deposited in the. Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 953; (24)Tatprtion of Lot 21 Concession 5, ici the Town- shi of W!hitby 00W ina the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having an area of 6.769 acres,. more or less, and designated as'Part 8 on a reference plan deposited 10 the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 9 52; (2 5)That portion of Lot 18 Concession 5, in te Town- ship of Whitby 00w ina the Town of Wbitby, 10 the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having a total area of 5.233 acres, more or less, and desgnate.d as Part 1 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ontario County as'Plan 40R 963; (26) Those portions of Lot 18 Concession 5, 1n the Township of Whitby, oow ina the Town of Whitby, ina the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having'an area of 17.017 acres, more or less, and designated as er 2 on a reference p an deposited inthe. Land Registry Office for the RegistryÃDivision of Ontario County as Plan 40R 963; (c) In the Township of East Whitbyin the County of Ontario. (27) That portion of Lot 17, Concession 5, in the. Town- ship of East Whitby, ini the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario havîng an area of 11. 162 acres, more or less, and designated as Part 4 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Of1fice for the Registry Division of Ountario County as Plan 401P 963; (28) That portion of Lot 14 Concession 6, in te Town- ship of East Whitby, ina the County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, having an aiea of 1.298 acres, more or less, and desig nated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for tc Regisry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 965; (29) Those portions. of Lot 13 Concession 6 in te Townshiip of East Whitb>r, ina the County of Ontario, and the. Province of Ontario having an aiea of 11.184 acres, more or less, and designated as Parts 3, 4 sub;ect to case- ment as in Instrument 60674, and 5 on a reference plan deoited in the Land Regisery Office forte Registry Division of Ontario County as PI an 40R 965; (30) Those portions of Lot il Concession 6 in the Town- ship of East Whitby, in. the County of Ontario, and -the Province of Ontario, havin g an area. of 21.667 acres, more or less, and desgnated as Parts 4 subject to easement as in Instrument 17603, and S.on a reference plan deposited in te Land Registry Office for te Registry Division of Ontario County as Plan 40R 962; (3 1) That portion of Lot 10 Concession 6 in the Town- ship of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, and the Province of Ontario, having an area of 21.656 acres, more or less, and desig nated as Part 1 on a reference plan deposited i0 the Land Registry Office for te. Regîstry Division of Ontario County as PIlan 40R 966; (32) Those portions of Lot 9), Concession 6 and the. Road Ailowance between Lot 8 and the said Lot 9, Concession 6 closed by Special Act of the Legislature of the. Province of Canada registered as Memorial 8567 aIl ina te Town- ship of East Whitby, ina te County of Ontario and the lProvince onf Ontario, hà ving an aiea of 21.629 acres, more 1