PAGE 2, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS For some individuaisgoing into business merely means opening the doors and, taking in the money. There seems te be lie thougbt about what people think about bis business. 'We have one sucb individual in the dowiitown area. He runs a pizza and Italian take-out food business. And apparentl y he doesn't give a fig about what people think about his pizza delivery drivers. His drivers have beeiî warmîcd .countiess limes by the éolice about their driving, habits and yeî they stili con- tinue te, drive, or rather aim the Volkswagcn delivcry cars a thcy werc driving the ultimate weapolî. On a recent occasion the owner of tbis pizza establish- ment was telephoned and toid about the dangereus driving habits of one of bis drivers that very afterneon. His answer was, "Don't tell me, tell the driver, it's get netbing to do witb me!" It very obviousiy didn't malter te, the owner that bis yellow Volkswagefl delivery car, with bis sign boldly fastened te the roof, was seen careening down a residential street in a manner considered dangerous to both public lives and property. He couldîî't sec that people would think of his business cxactly what they thought of biis driver's actions behind the wheel of the delivery car. It's a bad situation when a citizen has to go to the police to have a rotten driver removed from the road after the employer refuses te become involved. We'can only hope bis pizzas are better than his delivery boy's driving habits. Once again, history may repeat itself if the general public fail to stick together in a unified front. The 'tail could wag the dog' with elected and hîred municipal officiais telling their employers (the ratepayers) what they will or will flot do. Thursday evening, Oct. i 8th a far from of irate citizens streamed into the Whitby Municipal Building to voice thefr opinions. This is democracy 'at work with the public standing up for what they feel is right. This is as it should he for we are still living a in free country with freedom of speech a main aspect of our society. lite fact remains however, that in toe many instances a worthy cause bas been lost because interest in the project was allowed to 'cdie on the vine', In order te follow through to a successful conclusion the interest must be maintained. This is the task facing the organizer of the orderlydemonstratien, Thursday night. lite WHITBY FREE PRESS welcomes news reports about community happenings or local peepie. Reports from community erganizationS, non-commércial groups, 'or any unusual items that may be of interest te, Whitby and area readers should be mailed to the Whtby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, or dropped off at our offices i the Free Press Building (2nd fleor), 121 Brock Street, North, Whitby. If a news item is "too bot" te wait, please cali our editorial department at 668-6000,-668-611il, or 668-6700 (24 heurs). iThe Whitbv Free Press is YOUR Whitby communty newspa per, and You have a say as to what appears in il. If you don't like something..TELL US! Support YOUR community newspaper .... .and help us make this Whitby newspaper a method of communication ail of us Whitby residents can be proud nf. The Whitby Free Press is operated and staffed by local people, and is the ONLY local newspaper that- besides being circulated throughout the Town of Whitby 'proper,. is maiied eut through the Post Office te the outiying rural areas te reach approx- imately 24,000 readers in Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie, Ashburn, Ajax and Pickering.. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTV TOfWN> Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving total of approximnately 24,000 redders. Published every Thursday by Whitby Free Press mnc. Bruno Harilaid, President. Located ati Freé Press Buildinq %Mil: Box 206, Whitby Phtone: 60,668-6111 Toronto Une: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NÃ". 2941 EditorlGen. Mg.: Mike Burgess Apsstant Editor : J.m Quail Advertlsing Mgr,: Roly &nà ith GropNic Arts. Mairie Butter Il ceuld be remembered, that one Planning Board officiai voiced a personal opinion which may be dloser te, the truth than one may imagine. The theme Ibcbind the opinion dealt wilh a suggestion that Provincial Auth- orities may take planning control away fromn the people if, they are net careful. Thtis is ne idie threat - il could happen. Things like Ihis have been donc before - they wiil be donc again! The only defence is 'unity' and tItis should be the watchword of aIl residents objecting te creation of multiple family dwellings in the proposed Whitby Town Estates developmnent. 1Lette" to the editor- -Dear gr: When I took a look th- rougit your paper Ieday I noliced, as usual, there wasn'l a word about any High Se- hool sports and this bothers me alot. For the past month the Football tcams of Ander- son C.V.I. in Whilby have been playing organized bal against such schoois as Port Perry, Uxbridge, Pickering and Ajax. During Ibis period I didn'I sec anything in your paper mentioning these gam- es. Tomorrow is the annual Mayor's Cup Ciassic belwcen Anderson and their cross-lown rivais, Henry High School. In Ibis wceks paper there was no mention of Ihis import- ant game. Two years age over 1,000 people watched a hard played game. In next wcek's paper 1 expect and hope te sec an article and maybe some pictures of this game. It seems te me that the only lime a kid gets in the paper ,is when hie's busled. 'ours truly, Dave Howard, Grade 10 Student. Editor's note: Our lack of coverage in certain areas bothers us just as much, if net more. That is why a short staffed community pa- per such as the Free Press is dependent upon readers like yourself tellingus WHAT you are doing, and hence contributing te the paper in the area you îhink we arc iacking. For example, your letter dated Oct. 12 mention- ed thec Mayor's Cup Ctassic on the l3th, but we for some unknown reason didît't rece- ive your lelter until Oct. 1 6. A littie late te cover some- thing wc JUST heard about. Irregardless, it's impossible for ANY media regardiess of size le cover EVERY- TrHING ALL THE TIME, in which case if wc have missed somcthing that is newsworthy Spicase feel freetet submnit a report te us and then you ,won't be ovcrlookcd. HILDERGARDE JOINS FREE PRESS Another ncw feature will begin in the Free Press ncxt wcek when Hildergarde joins te staff. The column will be dedicatcd te al the lonely, the wcary and thetroubled in mmnd. Problems dealing witb every day life, marilial as well as gencral topics will be answered wltcn and wbere possible. Altbough 'Hildergarde dees net suggest sIte is a marriage counciller in any way, shape or form, sbe will attempt le provide answers based on cemmon sense and ordinary every day intelligence. Questions of ail natures are inviîcd reg-ardless of wbat the topic may be. Readers are cordially invited te send their queries te Hildergarde, c/o The Wbitby Free Press,' Free Press Building, Brock St. North, Whilby- 1AIl letters must be signed by tbe sender but only initidîs wiil be used in publication. Nom de plumes can be uscd if sent but, the letters must bear a proper signature and addrcss. Watcb next weck's Free Prcss for the beginning of this intercsting feature. lions come and Lions go.- but at the Whitby lions Club romr, in. the Whitby Cen- lennial building, tbey're roar- îng ail the tinte. On Tuesday evening, they had even more reason te roar with the induction of three new members. ltbe new liens, introduc- ed te Lionismn at the regular The Wbitby lions Club bave been in eperation as an organized service club for the pasî fourteen ycars. A Char- ter Night is now planned for Sîturday, November I 7th. SDcscribed as a cembined dinner-dance event, the Char- ter Nîght wiil feature the County Town Singers on the program. Dance music wili meeting were: - Neil Holder, sponsored by Post District Governor, Heérb Visser, plus Bob Huitena and Jack Bokk- crs, ýponsored by Post Presi- dent of the Whitby Club, Bill Schatzmann. T'he club now boasts 55 roaring lions and- have a number of projects in the planning stage for the current year. be provided by Bey Smnitb and the Individuals. Approximateiy 125-130 lions and their guesîs are ex- pccted te attend the special event le be hcld aI the Whitby Centennial building. One notable guest expect- cd is District A-3 lions Gev- ernor, Dr. Douglas Gaît and bis wifc. s.1000 Award f or Student Writer Englisli teachers aI tbe bigh school level across Canada don'I anlicipate much trouble gctting students te sub mit compositions on lime Ibis ycar. The Canada Permanent $1 ,000 Award for Creative Writing is being offed again, for the 7th consecutive ycar, for the best 1,200 - word short story in Engiish or French. The Canada Permanent Award is belicvcd t e b lte higbest cash award available te students for creative writing and- is on a par with amounts earned by many- professional writers. The company gives a total of over $6,000 in prize monies te, the top thrce submissions in ecd province. Special certificate awards are also made te other outstanding entries. "The contest, wbich is now part of the Englisb curriculum in many scbools, began as a ccntcîînial project," said M.D. Sinclair, Manager, Public Relations "but wben il was over wc reccived lctters from dozens of students and teachers asking us if we would consider making it a permanent project. Nothing like il had been donc before and wc undcrstand Ibat students and teachers both appear le prefer the open subject idea of our centcst raîber than tbe set cssay - type theme tbat other companies bave sponsorcd from time te tinte." Rules and regulations have been sent te -the Heads of Englisb Departments of AlEnglisb speaking bigb schools (and te the equivalent beads of departments of Fr- ench scbools.) . Copies arc aise, available from Canada Permanent brancb offices across- the country. Final date for submission of entries is December 31, 1973. Winncrs are advised by letter two montbs later. Canada Permanent publishes provincial first prize winners in book forni, whicb is made available te bhigb school libraries and isaIse used by'teachers in classroom instruct- ion on creative writing. THREE NEW, LIONS ROAR Lions Plan, Charter Night Editorial . il