Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1973, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1973. PAGE 3 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a byîaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Sectioný 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of the Planning Act for approval of Byîaw 1028-73 passed ori the 1 3th day of August, 1973. A copv of the Bylaw is furnished herewith. "A no te givîng an explanation of the purpose and effect of the Qylaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith". >mny person interested may, within fourteen (14) davs after the date of this notice, send'by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said Bylaw together vith a statement of the grounds of such. objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said Bylaw but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objectio.n to the Bylaw wiII be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held wilI be given onîy to persons who have lef t with or delivered to the 'Clerk undersigned, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. The last date for f iling objections vylîl be the 8th day L, November, 1973. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 25th day of October 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A. M. C. T., C LE RK, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY- LAW NUMRER 1028-73 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEN O ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 1784 (AS AMEN DED) WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable to amend By-Iaw Number 1784, as amended. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HERE8Y ENACTED as a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby by the Council thereof as follows: 1.- That Section 7 be and is hereby repealed and, replaced by the foîlowing: ##7.(l) HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONE (2) USES PERMITTEQ. No persan shali within any C2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more of the f ollowing C2 uses, namely: (a) Residential uses prohibited (b) Non-Residential Uses a hotel a motel a motor vehicle sales establishment drive-in retail stores a retail nursery a parking lot a public garage <2) ZONE PROVISIONS Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 (d), no persan shaîl within any C2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the following provisions: (i) (Vii) (iii) (yx) (x) (xi) Lot Am%9 minimum 2 acres Lot Frontage Minimum 200 feet Ipt Depth Minimum 200 feet Lot Coverage Minimum 40% of the lot area Front Yard Minimum 35 f eet Rear Yard Minimum 25 feet Exterior Side Yard Minimum 35 feet Interior Side Yard Minimum 25 feet Landscaped Open Space Minimum 10% of the lot area Height of Building Maximum 35 feet Property Abutting a Rasidential or Greenbelt Zone Where the front, sida or rear lot lina abuts a Residential or Greenbelt Zone, planting strips adjoining such abutting lot lines; or portion thereof, shaîl be provided with the C2 Zone, in accordance with the following: a)WIiDTF- Whare a planting strie 15 raquired it shaîl be a minimum width of 10 feet, unîass otherwise provided herein. (b) CONTrENT$ Where in this by-law a planting strip is required on a lot', such lot shaîl not be used for any use otherwise permitted by this by-Iaw and no build- ing shaîl be occupied unîess and until a planting strie shaîl consist of a row of trees ira continuo.us unpierced hadgerow of evergreens of shrubs, not Iess than 5 feet high, immediately adjacent to the *lot line or portion thereof aîong which such planting strip is required hereunder, the remainder of the strip shaîl be planted with shrubs, f lower beds or combination thlareof. (c) LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE A planting strip shaîl be Iocated on lots within the zone requiring it. It shaîl be planted, nurtured and maintained by the ownar, andlor owners of the lot on which the strlrn is Iocated. Free Press Weloomes Now Sales Manager As editor and general manager of the Whitby Free Press, the County town newspaper, 1 am very pleased to announce that a new Sales Manager has joined our busy staff. Roland C. Smithi, better known ta, his friends as 'Roly', brings experience, personality and a sense of pride ta, the paper. He lias been empioyed on bath daily and weekly newspapers for better than a quarter century yet, maintaîns the youth and enthusiasm ta provide a vital service ta readers and the paper alike. During past years, Roly was employed as a photo- journalist, editor, advertising manager and generally speak- ing, lias been invoived in every aspectaf newspaper production. Readers and advertisers can rest assured that aur new advertising salesmanager is fuily capable of rounding out aur successful team., From here on the name of the game is 'steady progress'. lbaving recentiy returned from England where lie aper- ated his own newspaper, whiIe working freelance for bath English and Canadian publications, Roly lias seiected our community ta settie down. We are more than pleased lie lias arrived among us and we are sure you - tlie readers and advertisers wiIi learn ta share this feeling witli us. (d) DRIVEWAYS In ail cases where ingress and egress ariveways extend through a pîanting strip, it shahl be per- missible to interrupt the strip within 10 feet the edge of such driveway. <e) LANDSCAPED-OPEN SPACE A planting strip rafarred to in this subsection may form part of any required landscaped openspaca. (Xii) (xiii) (Xiv) Parking, Accessory Building. etc. in accordance with the provisions of Section 4. Any deveîopment must ba in accordance with an approved site plan. Where any lot can ba developad in association with adjoin- ing proparties and with common access the foregoing prov- isions of Section 7 (2) fi to xii) shaîl not aeplv." 2. Thea provisions of Schedule "A" reîating to C2 (Highway Commercial) Zones be and are hereby rapealed. 3. This by-law shal corne into force on the date it Is passed by the Council of the Town of Whitby subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13TH DAY 0F ALIGUST,-A.D. 1973. W. Wallace (Clark) D.G. Newman (Mayor) EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 1028-73, THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 1028-73 IS TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS FOR (C2) HIGHWAY COMMER- CIAL ZONES IN THE AREA COVERED ÈIY ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 1784. ALL MATERIAL FILED CONCERNING THIS BY-LAW IS ON FILE AND OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE BROOK- LIN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES,ý 14 CHURCH STREET, BR- OOK LIN, ONTARIO. The Whitby Ministerial Assoc. organized a walk-a-thon recently to raise money for the Canadian Bible Society. About 140 people, mostly children from various Churches, walked the twelve miles including Rev. James (Free, Methodist Minister) who finished, with over $300. in sponsorships. It- is hoped the moi -y raised will provide a new Malayan translation of the Ne- Testament. Free Press Photo N The nda RdoTfviinCmisinwI hoîd a public hearing cornmenc i nqMonday, November 26, 1973, at 9:30 a.m.. In Toronto, Ont. at the Westbury Hotel to consider the fol lowing broadcasting matters: TRANSFER0F SHARES OSHAWA.WHiTrBY-BOWMANVILLE-, ONT. Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited, 1353 'King St., East, Oshawa, Ont. Application ta transfer 37.5% of Its common shares and 20.8% of its preferred shares fromn W. J. E. Leaske to Canadian Cabîesystemns ULited and indlrectly 37.5% of the com mon shares and preferred shares (through the transfer 0f aIl the shyares of Jarmain Teleservices Limited) ta Canadian Cablesystems Lited. Examination 0f Application: Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited, 1353 King St., East, Oshawa, Ont. INFORMATION ON APPLICAT'IONS AND HEARING Right ta Comment: Are you lnterested in an application mentioned in this notice? If Sa, you can comment in an Intervention ta support, modify or oppose the application. To do sa fol Iow this procedure. Send a copy af yaur comments ta the applicant by registered mail or persanai delivery ta be received on or before November 12, 1973. Send another copy ta the CRTC ta be received by this same date. Be sure ta attach your postal or messenger receipt ta the copy for the CRTC, giving proof that the applicant has received hi s copy. Viewing cf documents: Anyone can view the applications comlng ta the Public Hearing at the office of the C RTC, 100 Metcalfe Street, Room 1607, Ottawa, Ont. or at the local address given In this notice for examination of application. Procedure at Hearings: Read the CRTC Rules af procedure to f ind out the rights and obligations af the parties ta a hearlng. Copies are avallable from information Canada. information: For addltional information on the. applications at thehearing, please contact the CfkTC ln writing or by phone 613-992-6240 or 996-2294 Guy Lefebvre Director-General of Licensinig Acting Secretary * I 1, 2ý , . . - - 1 - -, 11-1111 1 < . 1 1 . -- 1 77 - mm .

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