.t ,ê~ .~A. T PAGE 6, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Introducing the 1974 Volkswagen. While other car makers are busy taking the wraps off their new model cars, Volkswagen has gone one step further and changed the wraps. From the minute you drive away in your '74 Volkswagen, you're covered by our Owner's Security Blanket with Electronic Analysis. It's not just a warranty. It's a commitment to our owners long after they've signed on the dot- ted ine. We like to think of it as total transporta- tion becouse you deserve a car you con count on 365 days a year. And we believe that you shouldn't have to keep on paying just to get what you deserve. Nobody in the car business has any plan like it. Nobody seems to care enough. Or do enough. Except Volkswagen. If you take a little time ta read this, you'll find out how a Volkswagen owner gets the most ad- vanced new car coverage plan in the world free. Our12 month/2(QOO nde guarantee. Most car owners drive about 14,000 miles during the first year. So what earthly good is a 12,000 mile guarantee? Volkswagen's coverage is for 20,000 miles - most car companies don't come near that. This is aur guarantee, in plain English: "If you maintain and serv- ice your 1974 Volkswagen as prescribed in the Volkswagen Maintenance Schedule, any factory parts found to be defective in material or workmanship within 12 months or 20,000 miles, whichever comes first (except filters, fluids and lubricants), will be repaired or replaced free of charge by any Canadian or U.S. dealer. We guCarantee against more thon just defective parts. Volkswagen's Owner's Security Blanket goes for beyond just guaranteeing against defects. Most car companies won't replace a windshield wiper if it wears out. We will. They won't replace a lightbuIb. We will. Take things like brake pads and linings. As long as you have them adlusted when your Maintenance Schedule says so, we'll replace them free if they wear out. Same thing goes for clutch linings and batteries. And spark plugs and points? We change them free at 12,000 miles and we'll honour that no motter how long it takes you to go that distanceThis is unheard of in the auto industry. 24 months/24,000 miles. We've gone one step further insides of our engine and transmission. We guarantee them for two years or 24,000 miles, which- ever comes first. Of course we don't cover defects caused by lack of maintenance or abuse. with the We guarantee our repairs. When you're running out of warranty, you're still not out of luck. We'll make the repair and guarantee the parts and workmanship for an additional 6 months 'or 6,000 miles. If the repair takes overight, we'll lend you a car. Moving right along, we're committed to keep you moving. So if you're a qualified owner and you find that a warranty repair is going to take overnight, we'll lend you a free car by ap- pointment, for as long as the repair takes. loanabug (And we haven't forgotten owners of older VWs. If your car needs a repair and you need a cor, we'll rent you one at a nominal price.) Express care. How many times have you heard of wait- ing two weeks before ybu can get a headlight fixed? Not at Volkswagen. With Express Care if we con fix something in less thon 30 minutes, we'll do it while you wait. Ard you don't have to make any appoîntment for these little repoirs. Free Electroni check-ups. ElectronicAnalysis can spot things thdteven a master mechanic might not see. So we con fix these things while you're still covered by our Owner's Security Blanket. We're in this together. We mode the cor. You own the cor. So we're in this together. As long as you maintain your new Volkswagen properly we'll do most of the worrying for you. That's what Volkswagen's Owner's Security Blanket is all about - once .you're a Volkswagen Owner, we're not going to leave you out in the cold. WEEK OF OCTOBER 15th - 21st, 1973. Motor Vehicle Collisions Persons Killed -The Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, patrol the southern half of Ontario County with the exception of those municipalities with their own Police Departments. Here are the veekly statistics for this area. Persons Injured Total Vehicle Damage Persons Killed (1973) Persons Killed (this date 1972) General Occurrences (as reported) $31,250. 19 17 104 which include: Thefts Disturbances Malicious Damage Impaired Drivers Liquor Offences Traffic Complaints Other Provincial Statutes Narcotic Control Act Stolen Autos Recovered - l j- ýl "", 'l' -, , - - , - -- - ý OT