PAGE 8. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1973. WHITBY FREE PRESS KALNINS ON Deep Throat Recently, tbree young university students were arrested in Toronto for sbowing the infamous porno "quality " film ,,,,,"Deep Throat" which manages to make pornography quite chic and by general agreement is a better product than its porno predecessors, for as well as raw sex, it offers viewers a sense of bumor and a story line. I saw this film in New York, about six months ago, just shortly before the "Deep Tbroat" was slashed by the Criminai Court iudge Joel J. Tyler wbo, after examining more than 1 ,000 pages of 'i expert testimony, found the movie to be obscene. Person- ally, taking the risk of being labeled a sex maniac and sexual pervert, 1 found the Damiano movie very funny, but often lacking in good taste. The explicit sex scenes didn't bother me a bit. As a matter of fact, they couldn't show me anything about sex that I badn't seen already. Ail in ail, it was a diversion ofniinor importance. Before 1 say anything else about this so-called "dirty movie", here are some of the facts you may be interested to know. Witb a budget of $25,000 (biggest ever spent on a porno movie), a bandful of bundred-dollars-a-day actors and actresses and a vivacious, gifted sexual performer called Linda Lovelace (incidentally, tbat's ber real name) be signed ta a year's contract, film producer Gerard Damiano spent six days sbooting this 35mm color film in Miami. Since then, Damiano's "Deep Throat" bas grossed over $4 million in more than 70 theatres across the United States. It has become a preriier topic of cocktail-party and dinner-table conversations. It has, in short, engender- ed a kind of porno chic. Now, why ail this excitement at the recent showing on Toronto University campus? 1 suspect, mainly because "Deep Throat" tells the story of a young womnan (Linda Lovelace) wbo is disappointed ta find berself surprisingly indifférent to sex - until an examination by ber doctor salves the mystery : because of an eccentrîcity of ber anatomy, she finds oral sex more gratifying than conven- tional intercourse. Moreover, the 62-minute film, accord- mng ta the moralit officers, depicts 15 sex acts, including seven of fellatia and four of cunnilingus. (Please accept the medical terminology as if used in layman's language the descriptions would sound a trifle unrealistic). Char- acteristically for a hard-core or, as those in the trade them- selves caîl it, porno film, the sex acts are clearly clinically sbown, in contrast ta the deep-breathing simulations of soft-core sex movies. &ich explicitness is hardly unusual in itself anymore. One need only walk down Yonge Street these days for an unmistakable vista of sexploitation gone berserk. Therefore, 1 believe, the morality officers are scraping only the bottom of the barrel. The abscenity issue appears ta be muc-h bigger in ligbt of the recent sexual freedom that girl was charming". DOGGO IS COMING TO THE FREE PRESS Somnetbing new in the way of"fun and games' is coming soon to the Free Press in the formn of a fascinating new indoor-outdoor sport, commonly referred ta as DOGGO. . ls it a bird, is itan airplane, is it Superman? No, no - ffifflg on every guess. Doggo is something entirely dif- ne nt and it should provide fun for everyone young and alike. SDgowiIl appear as a new spurting activity through ,@M coatesy of your friendly neighbourhood merchants ïoare always ready ta serve your every need. - 'Each week, once it begins, Doggo will corne ta you exrcliusively in the FREE PRESS as another new feature in a rapidly expmnding publication. It is only one of many surprises of a pleasant nature that we bave in store for al our 24,000 readers. Watch for the firit running of this excitîng new game. YouIl want to b. in on the beglnning and flot miss ont H ILDERGARDE Apparently4 this announcement of this new feature was noted by a number of readers. Already the letters are beginning to flow into this office. Space limitations will flot permit publications of ail letters but H-ildergarde has promised to answer ail letters whether published or flot. Send your queries to Hildergarde c/o The Whitby Free Press, Free Press Building, 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ail letters must bear a proper aime and address. Initiais or nom de plumes will be publisbed. Dear H-ildergarde: My son refuses to go to work, lounges around home ail day and then goes out in the evening to run around the local night spots. 1 arn so worried that be may become a liability to society and may neyer learn to stand on bis own feet. Wbat do you suggest I do? Is there any way 1 can belp him? Yours truly, B. S. Whitby Dear B. S. I the first place 1 am afraid you may have' helped voun soni too mucb already. It would appear he bas 61km mto the trap that many young people are in. 1ky fMe society owes them a living. 1 suggest you take the 'bard line' with your »nu the saie as a laundryman might. "No ticket no washee', so - 'no workee no foodee'. Got it? As long as you continue to feed this iazy youth you are going ta have him on your hands. lncidentally you didn't mention where be gets the money to mun around. You don't supply that ta do you? Hldergarde Dear Hldergarde: 1 believe 1 bave fallen in love witb a married woman and do not know wbat ta do about il. I arn presently single, over 40 and arn feeling the pangs of loneliness. Horw can 1 tell this woman of my feelings without ber becoming angry. 1 do flot wish to lose ber friendship and arn afraid she may break off with me when she knows how 1 feel. Your respectfully, R.W. Ajax Dear R.W. You have a number of problems, that's' for sure! First, you seem vague abôut your feelings for this woman. Make up your mind how you feel. Secondly, you're flot being fair with the woman by not letting ber know how youfeel. She may feel the same way about you. The fact that she is married and yet sees you wouid indicate things are flot ail that good around her home. However - grow up buddy! We live in a 'free society' but, socîety stili frowns on a man or woman breaking up someones' home. You better be sure of ail things before you do something youll repet. You mRy be over 40 beu. ehere is no e u nhg juto aeythù.ag.ibut e ary v .mnacd *am»igogmw eh me wmy dce op ySo mdad»~ . SI&M.0eh «M «s 4t-u. Reaém r, e CSdw1y â-bd %-,B theh querles e. Illiepde. rie 11w WWioy Fut Pwu. Free Press Building. Brock St. North. Whitby. Ail letters must be dgned by the sender but only initidlx will be used in publication. Nom de plumes can be uscd if sent but, the letters must bear a proper signature and addres. The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 'We buy and sell anything' 23KIMýG ST. WEST 725-9783OSHAWA A special invitation taoaur new and regulor customerrs to stop in and brouse through our modern new Whitby store. We carry an exclusive line of exciting and unusuol Il ght fixtures and gift items ifmported f rom Scan3dinavia. Prop in and see us wofl'1 you.. we'Il be glad ta see you! PRO-FINN RTS SAVE 25% OPENING SPECIALS CROSS COUNTRY SKIS Complete Sel Reg. $80-00 SPECIAL6O 0 COMBINAtION CROSS COUNTRY AND RACING SKIS Com. '74.So 55.50 aaw I~ ......... 103 Dundas St. W., Whîtby OPEN : Mon. & Tues. 9-6 W.d. & Thurs. 9-9 Fr1. 9.5 CIosed Sot. 668m3874 WELCOME TO OUR NEW.STORE.. 103 Dundas St. W. (HWY. No. 2) 4 corners Whitby 668-3874