I -- ..:- - ~ .~, 4 KALNINS ON U.S. Politic For the last three weeks, I have had my share of the political news. Most of the stories-l1 have read, either came from Washington, Tel Aviv or Claire. The Washington staries were most disturbing because the newspaper calum- nists and TV commentators kept up their fiery attacks on president Richard Nixon, mostly related to the Watergate hearings. If I'm not mistaken, the Watergate has been in the news for at least the last two months and lias produced enough water to drown ýus ail in sorrow and disgust. One by now should be sick and tired of hearing about Watergate and the subsequent dirty politics. On numeraus occasions the President of the United States lias urged his people to stop worrying about Watergate -and get on with other, more important business. But, no one has listened - eve n ta the highest man in the office. 1m further perturbed how al this Watergate situation is being handled by two great American newspapers - The New York Times and The Washington Post. Bath papers are clearly anti-Nixon. Both papers would like ta see Nixon impeached. But, what if the impeachment does came through? Who can be more qualifîed ta take over Richard Nixan's job at the White House? The papers don't say. As a matter of fact, they haven't produced a single candidate ta match Nixan's palîtical experience. Sa, why don't they just shut up? As a distant political observer, I feel the Nixon forces will survive despite repeated attacks from a small group of his hard-core enemies. There is no doubt in my mmnd that a tiny group in the Washington palitical circles have conspired ta get rid of Nixon and his top level men. Watergate could be the best excuse for such a move. Basically, the U.S. polities are as dirty as the polit icians themselves. The high- er the office, the greater the chances for robbing the taxpayer's piggy bank. If anyone knows a polit ician who's as pure as an angel, I'd like ta hear about it. WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1973, PAIGE à ' Joyce Boworman Aims at Tory Nomination-, The first aspirant ta thie Conservative nomination for Ontario Riding's House of Commons seat lias officially entered the race. Joyce Bowerman of East. Whitby Township has declared her intention to seek the P-C nomination at that party's Now, about the Israeli-Arab confliet in the Middle East that has been going on for some time. Bath sides have pro- duced enough lies to liii my upstairs bedroom. Both sides have shown arrogance and disrespect for human lives. Both parties are ta be blamed for their troubles in the war zones. To put it bluntly - it's about time they sort out their ancient differences and stop fighting. And, 1 wish the United States and Russia would mmnd their own business and keep their tanks and rockets at home. If Arabs and Jews will be deprived of any military assistance from the outside, I guarantee the Mid-East war will be over in no time. The present truce-keeping force is only a temporary measure. PUI3LISHER'S NOTE: The opiniLins cxlres,-cd iii îlîis article arc nol necessarily Iliose or Ille whilbh Free lPress and/or its management. candidate convention in Uxbridge on January 3Oth. : Long recôgnized as an active participant in both local and provincial palitical affairs, Mrs. Bowerman also holds the distinction of being President of the Conservative Woman's Association for the province. In making known her federal ambitions, Mrs. Bowerman noted that she will be covering the length and width of the 50-mile. Rîding to meet and talk with as many as possible of the one thousand Conservative delegates wh9 ill be selecting their candidate in ianuary. From her vantage point as a resident of the Ridingi Joyce Bowerman has maintained a keen interest and involve- ment in local affairs and understands the many issues which are likely ta be prominent in the next national election. She is confident that the voters of Ontario Riding will place their support solidly behind Robert Stanfield. Ontario Riding was nationally famed in the last fedemtl5- election for its cliff-hanger finish which saw the seat goA1t'z.' the Liberals after two recounts by only four votes. The Riding stretches, fromn Toronto ta north of Oshawa and fromn Lake Ontario ta L.ake Simcoe. <IPoflei presents Theaitre in theROUfld Rolleis new P37 autofocus is the ideol unit for privote or rfessonal use. Ifs features include: Remote.ccintrolied slide change froward and in reverse, push button lilde change forward and in reverse on the projector. silde change by tope controI (with ân accessory unit), plus, the modern styling of this 80-slidecaocity unit makes it os much of o joy ta look at, os t is ta use. Cornes with Die-cost aluminum body, corrying case, unit wilit tke glass, cardboard or plastic mounted slides. .o.$18 .0$ 1 3 5 0 0 Chargex Acc.pted Bod Photographia Retailers of Fine Photographic Equipm ent Bqnd.Tower Mai Downtown 579-1701 1742 BROCK STREET SOUTH e WHITBY e ONTARIO WHITBY - Phone 6688712 e A LL TYP ES 0F LEATHER & SUEDE CLEANING & REPA IRS & ALTERATIONS UNIRENT SUPPLY SERVICE RENT QUR WORK GARMENTS ON WEEKLY BASIS PICK-UP & DELIVER & CLEAN SIIEDE OLEANINS SINGE 1968. SKI-DOG SUITS & SLEEPING BACS WILL BE CLEANED FOR 30 CENTS PER POUND (MUST SE BRGUGHT IN) 1142 BROOCK ST. 'S. WHIlTBY (DIVISION 0F PEL CLEAPIERS LTD*) :7r i