_77-. - 7- pýPAGE 10, THURSDAV, NOVEMBER 15, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS MEN'S SUITS plains m checks 2 & 3 pos. outfits 25% OFF Reg. $100. m $135. *MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Plains -oheoks stripes -blazers 20% OFF Rego $69m95 - $84@95 Ait Fai Outerwear is Reduced MEN'S FASHIONS WHITBY MALL TFIICKSON RD. and HIGHWAY 2 WHITBY 25% WGGLS OFF m POLYESTERS ASSORTED COLOURS AND STYLES Suzes 8-24½/ Joshua Suits& Pantsui"ts Reg to $120 HALF PRIGE ASSORTED COLOURS AND SIZES 20% off Blazers Red, Beà ige& Grey MIX AND MATCH WITH YOUR FAVOURITE SLACKS CAIRMEN'S LADIES WEAR WHITBY MALL THICKSON RD. and HIGHWAY 2 WHITBY I *1 THE WINNING COMBINATION MODULAR 4 CONCEPT 1. l.F. Module Prevents horizontal ""tearing'* of picture automatioelly. Amplifies the television signal for bust resuits. Solid state. Con- tains three integrated circuits. 2. Chrom .Module «Mis unit processes the signal to develop color for the screen. Solid state, contains an intsgrated circuit (chroma detector>. syncro-tint, crisper circuits. 3. Vtlicd Mode Designed to prevont picture from flapp& ing or roillng. Special transdluoer corrects for pin cushion distortion . . ensures that straiWit linos in piceure remain straight. 4. lfH iVotaeffModule Ensures optimal focus at ail1 brightness settings. Also preventspicture shrink or bloomn due to fluctuations in house cur- rent. Solld state, 25,000 volt picture reciffier. PRESENTS'- A7 L PHI LIPS MODULAQ4 COLOR TV The Austel Model Ct26P623 Full «%nsole styling ln- dudes a solid, down-to-the floor pedestal base with a deep reoessed moulding along the front panel, add- Ing a positive touch of elegarice. Finished ln natural walnut. ln your living moom it Will be- corne a focal point of beauty as vvell as enter- tainmnent. Dimnen»sions: 42" wide, 27%"' high, 23" deep <îincluding back cover) Reg. $829 $ DINDAS ST. E. z MAL WHITIY MALL WHITIY 723-0754 DRESSES MRIIý su WVESTBÀAY- TV Bd. O am 0lmtw WiOn M? oN a f " . Aoothe0D. The m WhP».?TGa bu* Md,# NAD M n-s b. OjOo te bMe o mm hAN m SWLEt. .wt 'bPl NEW NwbeCOW -ONE B1TOe4ai. Ft94S1 PAUL £eTuSL ISUM A nufl i --pum oeunIb muu. Pmmi'Va# v. 1~s, d.m - »M bM domm UNe huIlIA cm ='W N. oe. ~e pow$-u- L T ~ 7WEST BAY SALE-S LTD,