-77-777l'-7 - PAGE 2, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS Prejudice is. something that belongs to Archie Bunker but it has no place in, the dealings of the Town Council. Last week either prejudice or a gross error reared it's ugly head and the Town of WNhitby came out the worse for it. During the Council meeting itwas discovered the cou- ncil sent out a letter of intervention to the CRTC about the operations of Pine Ridge Cable Television in Whitby. The:letter, in part, stated the company had failed to hire a programn director for Whitby. In point of fact, the company had provided a studio which has been in Whitby for almost a year'and a haif and they have also provided a program director who was hired* over a year ago. How could such a letter of intervention been authorlzed when the Mayor himself had been in to the studio and had been, interviewed by the program director. To make matt- ers worse, some of the councillors h av e ajso been in the studio and the night tht Administration committee decided. to send out the letter one of the cou ncillors, Gerry Emm, had been in the studio to tape an interview. The letter was sent on behaif of the entire council but it was the work of the Administration Committee. Either the committee, of which the Mayor is a mem ber; was badly misinformed about the activities of the local cabie conmpany or prejudice reared up to take a crack at a local business which is trying to become well established in the town. The council got the facts at the council meeting last week and we admire Dr. Hobbs for apologizing to Pine Ridge Cable for the mistake, the council made. Deputy Reeve John Goodwin apparentiy did flot think the council made a- mistake because after the council were told the facts, John Goodwin was the only councillor who stili voted to retain the letter of intervention, iflaccuracies and ail. Maybe we can get Archie Bunker to run for council next elections. SOCK IT TO THJEM Perhaps for one of the first times in the history of the fight between iaw and order, particularly in regard to drug trafficking, a judge handed down a well derserved sentence. Five men, found guilty of conspiring to traffic in heroin wmere each given a life sentence by Judge Hugh Hons berger when they appeared before him in Court last week. The judge should be comimended highly for his tenacity in removing these inhuman creatures from the eyes of our society. The number of young, productive lives that invariably will be spared from the evil and mmnd stopping effects of this drug cannot be estimated. It can safely be said to be a momentous action and of tremendous effect perhaps on the future trafficking in drugs. lit is to be hoped other judges wilI follow Judge Hos- berger's action and 'sock it to themn' everytinle one of these 'creatures' come before them. They are 'creatures' of unknown origin, neither animais and certainly not humans and they deserve no mercy whatsoever. A precedent has been set - let's hope it will be followed up. One last comment concernis parole which was suggested as 10 years after sentence for thé five 'creatures'. In the estimation of this writer there should be absolutely' 'no parole'. Through the activities of such blight on society as this group, countless thousands of human lives have been destroyed. They are now behind bars, keep them there for they handed in their membership cards to the humanrace a long time ago and deserve no mercy whatsoever. Letter to te edÃŽtor, Dear Sir: In his bid for the lead- ership at the recent provin- cial Liberal convention, 10- UNEMPLOYMENT DOWN Canada's unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted, dropped fromn 6% in Septem- ber to 5.8% in October. Onta- rio British Columbia and Quebec registered the biggest decline in unemploymrent. Almost half a million more workers were employed than were in October a year ago and the jobless total of 429,000 was down by 54,000. OIL PURCHASE Supply and Services Minis- ter Jean-Pierre Goyer announ- ced in the House of Commons the purchase by the Canadian Commercial Corporation of just over one million barrels of heating oil from Romania and the Caribbean to build up stocks of oul for use in Eastern Canada this winter. he government estimates that the purchase will offset about I10% of an anticipated 10 million barrel shortage in Eastern Canada this winter. WIRETAPPING BILL The House of C'ommons Justice Committee this week completed a detailed study of the federal government's wire- tapping legisiation, which out- laws most wiretapping and restricts bugging by police. The legisiation now goes bpck to the Commons for tbird and final reading. quoted as suggesting that Co- nservatives in his own riding were responsible for hurting his campaigil by the revel- ations of his serious personai financial problems. Not so. The riding Conservat- ive organization has been welI aware of Mr. Cafik's ,predicajuent foi more than FOOD PRICES DOWN Supermarket prÃŽces drop- ped in October seven-tenths of one per cent - the largest decline in 1 7 mont hs, repor- ted Statistics Canada. The decline "was mnainly attributable to lower prices for beef, pork, fresh fruit, beverages and some dairy pro- ducts." The Consumer Price Index for meat, poultry and fish felI 2.8% between Octo- ber and September. POVERTY DECLINING Statistics Canada has re- ported that the number of familles below the poverty fine has decreased considera- bly - from 15.9%of thetotal in 1971 to 13.4% in 1972. In 1969, 17.3 % of families were below the poverty level. Anthony Westell, Toronto Star Ottawa editor wrote the "average family income in Canada climbed by 9% comn- pared with $10,368 in 1971 and $8,927 in 1961~. After allowing for the cost of living incrvase, the real gain was 4 %. " CANADA IN MIDDLE EAST One hundred Canadian sol- diers left frdm Trenton for the Middle hast to serve with the United Nations Emergen- cy Force. An additional 400 Canadian soldiers' will leave for ('airo in the next f&w days. didate in the last federai el= ection, Frank McGee, being a gentleman, did not choose to engage in rnud slinging. Nor would the riding P.C. organization have any reason to becorne invoived with the recent Liberal leadership aff- air. It would be welî if Mr. Cafik would take respons- ibility for skeletons in his own closel. Meanwhile, he should apologize for untrue ailegations against area Con- servatives. Yours Truly. Douglas H.Hogg, Port Perry President, Ontario Ridiîig Federal Progressive Conserv- ative Association. The Whithy Recreation Department and the Whitby YMCA are jointly co-spon- soringii two phases, a cross country ski club. For starters, Mr. Ive Richards, a well krîo- wn area resident and an en- thusiast in cross country ski- ing wiil corne out and speak to the group on Tuesda.y. Sk«i Club November 27th and Tuesday, December 4th, at 7:00 p.m. in Henry Street High School on A the aspects of cross country skiing. He wiil discuss with every- unle the type of skiis which shouid be used by them, facts on waxing and the dif- férent types aiong with a general taik on the subject of cross country skiing. On December 4th details wili be given about ski exercising and its usefulness. The third class, On Dec. 11 th, wili dilvulge hints from a coloured film of cross cou- ntry skiing in Norway which will be very heipful in the future practical part of the course, especialiy for begin- ners. Abil: Box 206. Whitby Phone: 6640, 668-611il Toronto Uine: 282-1004l After the first three sess- ions they hope to start a second phase, the practical aspect of the class, and con- tinue the classes on the siopes of D'Hiler Park and other interesting outlying field tri- ps to learn the proper use of the new found transportation under a skilied instructor. Pre-registration for the-fi- rst part of the Cross CounÈty Club should be into the of- fice by November 23rd. For further information please contact the Whitby YMCA at 668-6868" or the Whitby Recreation Depart- ment at 668-5803. MAILING PERMIT NÃ". 2941 Whiltby Reoreat"ion Department andý YMCA Co-Sponsori"ng cal M.P. Norîn Cafik was, a year now. The P.C. can- THIS WEEK - W 1 from Ottawa lTe WHITBY FREE PRESS welcomes news reports about community happenings or local peopte., (epôrts fromn coimunity organizations, non-commercial fcoups, 'or any tinusual items tint may be of interest to Whitby and area readers slould bc maîled to thse Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, or dropped off et CitE office i thse lree Press Building (2nd floor), 121 Brock Street, Norths, Whitby. If a news item is "too hot" to wait, please oeil our editorial department at 668-6000, 668-6111, or 668-6700 (24 hours). lTe Whitby Free P'ress is YOUR Whitby communit> newspaper, and you bave a say as to what appears in it. Uf you don't lilce uomiething..TELL US! Support YOUR community newspaper.... And help us make this Whitby newspaper a method of communication aIl of us Whitby resients can be proud <f. lime Whitby Free Prm sl operated and staffed by Ilpeuple, and is the ONLY local newspaper thatý besideç being circulated throughoutt the Town of Whitby proper, is mailed out through the Post Office to thse outlying rural areas to reach approx- imately 24,000 readers in Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie, Ashburn, Ajax and Pickering., THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (VOUCE 0F THE COIJNTY TOWN) HOMstOwn POP" Of WhitbV. Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; @hoo m.rving Ajax anid Pickering. Serving total of approxîimately 24,000 readersi. Published evey Ttwrschy by Whitby Free Press mec. Bruno Harilaid, President. Located at, Fred Press Buildinq 121- Grock Street North, Whitby EdijtoriGen. Mg.: Mike Burges Ajsst&int Editor: Jim OQuail Advertising Mgr.: Roly Sith Graphic Arts: Marje Butter - -- 1 -- ammmumano . -E itori