Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1973, p. 11

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WH ITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1973, PAGE 11 WHITBY, 'Y' BADMINTON TO HOSI TOURNAMENT lob MINOR ATOM HOUSE LEAGUE MUNNS PRESS 3 Mark Vesters David Ferrari Mark Petri BOB HERON 3 Tom Broneshewski 2 Danny Middleton* PETER THE PLUMBER Jeremy Blake Rae Nicholson Brian Schroer Tod Tran Billy Mark At the recent General Me- eting of Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association the fo- llowing officers were elected for the coming year. President - Bill Holding Vice Pres. - Tom Fairman Secretary - SalIy Little Treasurer - Frank Moloney Registrar - Stan Taylor Honorary Director - Vie Sheffield. Tle Directors are - Murray Halliday, Jim Peebles, Paul- ine Taylor, Tony Jacobs, Fred Langille, Bill Edwards, Joan After losing to Cobourg and followed by a strong verbal roasting by the coach- ing staff it now appears that our Brooklin-Whitby Major Midgets have decided to play as a team, not as individuals. In winning two important games this week, they picked up a total of 39 scoring points. On Monday, November l9th, in Brooklin, they turn- ed back the visitors from Bay Ridges by winning the league game 6 to 3. Leading the way for B.W. with 2 goals was Mike Rowley, with singles by Tom Foster, Dan Jordan, Jim DeMille and Brad Staley. Replying for Bay Ridges were Terry Morrison, Paul Amelon and Henry Van- asteil. Thursday night, Novemib- er 22nd, the C.B.C. crew travelled to Ajax and doubled thie score against their arch rivaIs. The B.W. boys were alîead 4 goals to .1 at the end of the fîrst period. At WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Pat Mulligan BEAUPRES ESSO Leo Beenen Paul McEachen 6 DUFFS TOWING 1 Kelvin Mask Gangemi, Carl Phillips, Pete Burns, Budd Kernohan, Nor- ma Halliday, Murray Johns- ton, Dick Walker, Jackie Sage, Barb Kernohan, AI Kiveil, Greta Hope, Jim Brady; Irene Fleming, Juanita Noble. In bis remarks, President Bill Holding extended his thanks for the support of parents and executive during the past season. The sincere congratulations of the Ass- ociation was expressed to Vic Sheffield who was recently elected president of O.L.A. this point they relaxed and before they realized it found themselves outscored 3 to 2 in the second period. The third period belonged to B.W. who outbustled the home town boys potting another 4 goals to Ajax's 1.. lI this game our C.B.C. boys really did play as a team picking up a total of 10 goals and 17 WHITBY 'Y" INDU BASI( LEA General Motors out pac- dAnderson Rookies 58-40 in a well played game. West Lynde just managed to defeat Jury & LovelI 36-33 in an exceedingly close game that was 15-14 at haîf t ime. Opt- ical Boutique took Anderson Veterans 42-35 finishing str- ong in the second haîf though lied at haif time 20-20. In the 'B' Division Fire Bugs romped homne against Sklar 60-34. Oshawa Hackers led Outsiders 41-9. Dunlop Tire were unable to play and Lake Vista defeated an Al Star Team 55-32. Last Tuesday the lndust- rial Basketball League held a special Referees Clinic at Wh- FSTRIA L rE TBALL GUE itby Senior Public School gym under. the direction of Gary McConnell. Seven of the Y Industrial League ref- erees took the course which was organized by the league referees committee, John Wa- tson, Stan Sharman and Bob Stuart. Training films were shown on the latest refereeing tech- niques and discussions on refereeing problems. Two teams played an exhibition game with the referees co- ordinating their officiating and finally two teams, Ander- son Veterans and Anderson Rookies played a regular lea- gue game ending up in a tie despite overtime 35-35. IiDLYFiEAY LE ARKET #%W buy end «sI anything#oSi~t 23 KINS ST. WEST 72"4783 O 4~~~4j1~ "DRU assists. m-- For B.W. Jim DeMille bul- , ged the twine 3 times, follow- Rowley and Ed Szczur with Uh ed b Ro BetaMkeaclî and Tim Brown pick- ,PtO PI D iC ing up a single. Don Couli U 9 picked up 2 for Ajax and ' singles going to Jack Dancey, * Retaîlers of Fine Pliotogîaphic Equipment John Plitz and Ian Waiîcs.' On November 26th, our Es rdtlrsAolh C.B.C. boys journey to Belle- No Down Poyrnent RLquired ville (o take part in that ' city's Lions Club Annual Mi- Bond Towers Mail dget Tournamnt. Brooklin- * Whitby are tie defending A.Charei 579170 Consolation Champions and 44ccepted 579- i 70 f his years gang wil l e trying~ their besi to brîng hiome the M \. ý "A" Chanipionship. in both of the school gym- nasiums beginning'on Friday, November 3Oth at 7:00 p.m. with Mens' and Ladies'singles events. On Saturday, December 1, the competition will begifi at 9: 00 a.m. with Men's Dou- bles, Ladies Doubles and Mix- ed Doubles events. Convenors of the tourna- ment are Dr. Francis Kwan, club presidýýmt, Marsh Siessor, Sally Kent, Robert Smith and other members of the ex- ecutive. The Whitby Badminton Cl- ub are hosting the entrants at a dance in the Regal Room BRGOKLIN of the Centennial JP on Saturday night. Convenor is Margaret Tickets may be obtairn club memnbers. The Whitby Y Badr. ai Club is having a rec i of memberships. Many 4el the club members are developing into excellent tournigment pl- ayers. Several of the club have won district champion- ships. The COBA Badminton To- urnament will be open to the public - spectators are welconie to see some ouit-' standing badminton as these club memnbers enter into keen competition. -mw WHITBY HOCKEY BROOKLIN WHITBY RIDER TOOL & MANUFACTL- ÏG 00. N OVICE played an exhibition game this week against Mar m ýr in which they had a real exciting game as they squeaked by Mai.i ar for a 3-2 win. Paul Neuman picked up two goals with Jef f Williams getting the single. BROOKLIN WHITBY WHITBY CYCLE & SPORTS M!"JOR ATOMS played two games in which they were for one. Thî_ de- feated the Oshawa Little Canadians by a 3-1 score. Paul Rich getting two and Jeff Donaldson getting the single. They plaved a league game in which they were blanked 4-0 bv Bowmanvili-. BROOKLIN WHITBY BROOKLIN CONCRETEPRODUCTS PRODUCTS MAJOR ATOMS had two wins this week. They played Bowmanville in which they trounced them by a 12-1 scor vith two players picking up the hat tricks Warren Smith and Bill' re. Bil1y Easdale wasgood for two with David Blacquiere, Jeff TL vn Gary McCoy and Todd Chasczewski getting singles. In th cxt game they played Lindsay in a good hard hitting, checking, p ;ing the puck to give the fans a real exciting gamne. B.W. came thrdugh with a 3-1 win with three players geting the points; Bob Middleton, Lorne Bruce and John Fusco. BROOKLIN WHITBY MITCHELL BROTHERS BUILDING SUPPLIES MINOR PEE WEE played one game this week in which they lost to Bowmanvilîe although they scored f ive goals they couldn't corne up with the win. Dari Blacquiere came up with the hat trick vith team-mates Charlie Muilner and Mark Underwood getting singles. BROOKLIN WHITBY LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY MAJOR PEE WEE played two exhibition garnles in which they were one for one. They Iost the f irst game to Markham by a 4-1 score w ith Gilbert Nieuwendyk getting the lone goal. In the. second game they defeated the Brooklin Whitby Selects by an 8-1 score Ricky Schroer picking up two. Singles going to Gilbert N ieuwendyk, Ray McWhirter, Jamie Tutak, Mike Piho, Eddy Hayden, and Keith Wilson. Jady Gibbs assisted by Eddy Derks got the lone Selects goal. BROOKLIN WHITBY AUDREY MOORE REALTOR MINOR BANTAMS played three games in which they were one for two. in exhibition play against Beaverton Major Bantams they came down with a 9-2 Ioss. Jack Cooper and Ken DeMille gerting the only B.W. goals. In league play they put on a real exciting game against their rival Ajax in which they managed a 4-3 win. Paul Brown picked up two goals with Greg tushinghamn and Peter Foran getting singles. Kurn Berry scored two for Ajax with Bernie Bou- langer getting the single. In the third game they played Oshawa in exhibition play at Sunderland and went down to an 11-2 score. Dale Sawyer and Rick Nieuwendyk were the only B.W. players able to score on the Oshawa Club. BROOKLIN WHITBY BESTWAY TOYOTA MINOR MIDGETS came through with four big wins this week. The first. game they played Orilla in a real close contest with a 2-1 win. Phil Macke'i and Gien Johnston getting the goals with Mark Millar getting two assists. The next game they bîanked Stouffville by a 10-0 score. Joe Mcln- tyre getting three,Todd Casey two, Singlesgoing to Richard Pigeau , Dan Gallogley, Wade Roberts, Mark Millar and Gien Johnston. Assists picked ijp in this game Gallas three, Bruce two, Mcl ntyre two, Lynburner, Gallogley, Millar, and Casey. In a return game back to Brooklin against Stouffville they managed a 6-1 win with Gien Johnston getting two, Wade Roberts, Mark Millar, Harold Lynburner and Dwane Allison getting singles. Millar and Mackey gcot two assists each with Johnston, Allison, and Casey getting single~s. The 4th game, Bestway Toyota blanked Uxbridge 4-O, with goals by GallogleM, Mackey, Gallas and Meîntyre, assists by' Bruce, Roberts, Johnstoi), M ci otVre, Mackey.ý LCROSSE MAJOR MINGETS TROUNCE AJAX i The biggest badminton ev- ent ever held in Whitby will take place on Friday, Nov. 3Oth and Saturday, Dec. lst when the Whitby Y Badmiin- ton Club will host the COBA 'B' Tournament. The Central Ontario Bad- minton Association includes the area from Whitby to King- ston and teams of players are expected from Belleville, Kingston, Trenton, Oshawa, Peterboro and Cobourg and possîbly oCher clubs in the district. The Tournament will be held at Henry St. High Sch- ool using 9 badminton courts

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