Whitby Free Press, 13 Dec 1973, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1973, PAGE 3 OLD'E TYME CHRISTMAS AT,'THE STATION' Olde Tynie Christmnas, pre- sently being celebrated at, the Station, got off to a roaring start on Friday night. The show, organized by the Program Committee of the Whitby Arts lac., mainly consists of various displays of the very fine craft work that is being produced in this area. Many of the crafts were made by the students and instructors of the Station. The exhibit also provides sh11-oppers' with an excellent opportunity for purchasing original gifts at reasonable prices. Among the many it- ems for sale were various hand-woven goods made by soine of the members of the Oshawa Weavers Guild. Ster- ling silver jewellery made by Doreen Murphy of Whitby was also available. A few of the other goods included wo- yen, miacrame and leather articles by William Design Studio, Whitby; glass objects from the Rossbern Crafts, Whitby; pottery from the Pot- Tree School of Ceramic Arts, Hampton, and paintîngs by varions artists, many of whom are members of the Whitby Arts. These are only a very few of the delights in store for the Christmas shopper. On Sunday, between 3-4 p.n., Santa *Clans and bis elves visit the Station. There are also surprise draws lield By Vonda Kotynski every hour. So corne and see the Christmnas Tree decorated with Candy Canes and pop- corn and sip some orange- spiced tea while you browse in the spirit of an Olde Tyme Christmas at the Station, lo- cated at the corner of Henry and Victoria Streets. The îiext exliibit wil be the Annual juried ex- hibit Dec. 15 to 30, fol!- owed by a display of Can- adian Eskimo Art starting Jan. 5th. By popular dernand, the Whitby Lions Club will once again lie sclling Christmnas cakes to any and ail citizens. The camipaign will be hiead- cd up by Lion Guenther Belich ais comîinittee chair- man. He suggested rccently- that his committee, backedi by the full club membership,,. are anticipating another suc- cessful Christmas Cake Sale- with proceeds going towards. community projeCtS support- ed by the club. - i r a. i i COURT REPORT During the County Court General Sessions, Mr. Justice E.E. Smith of Toronto was presiding over the proceedings, in Whitby. When the Grand Jury's report was presented to him, his Honour said, "you seem to have done your work diligently. Thank you for the work and service you have done for the Community. 1, for one, will be sorry to see the Grand Jury go as you have done a great service to the Communîty." His Honour pointed ouf that due to the fact a jury trial was in progress he would not read the report but wvould have if given to the Sheriff's office and recom- mend that a copY of the report be sent to the Legisla- ture and to the Deparfments at Queens Park -with the recommendations that the mernbers of the Grand Jury have made." At the conclusion of the "Two prolonged trial" County Court Judge E.E. Smith told the Jury that he agreed "wholeheartedly with your verdict." The jury had been sittîng for two days on the trial'of Klaus Peter Obstfeld 22, of R.R. 2 Port Perry, charged-with a mari- juana offence. At the conclusion of the first portion of the trial the jury had broughf in a verdict that Mr. Obstfeld was in possession of marijuana. Concluding the second phase of the trial the jury deliberaiing almost an hour this time brought forth the verdict "of not in possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking but guilty of Possession of marijuana." Mr. Obstfeld was fined $350. or 30 was in default of payment of the fine. days in which to pay the fine. days in jail if he He w~as given 30 "You are liable to the penalties of the law;- Provin- cial Court Judge H.W. Jermyn told Michael A. McCoy, 16, of 1209 Brock Street South, Whitby; as he was placed on two years probation. "The Court is not threatening you," His Honor said as he suspended the the passing of sentence for two years. If was pointed out that the suspension of the passing of sentence didn't mean that the youth was free to do what he wished. If he misbehaved in any way he could be brought back to Court and sentenced on the original charges of theft. Mr. McCuy pleaded guilty to theft of a car f rom a Whitby car repair firm when he appeared in Court at an earlier date. "You are starting down the wrong road in life," commented Provincial Court Judge H.W. Jermyn as he sentenced Neat Leonard Degeer, 17, of 507 John Str- eet, West, Whitby to 14 days in jail on the charge of being in possession of cannibus marijuana. After serv- ing the jail term Mr. Degeer is to be on 12 months probation and to report once a month to the Probation Officer. The youth for the next 12 months, is to be home atil p.m. every nighf. He can't be found out- side of his home at any . time after the curfew hour without.facing another jail sentence. On the charge of drink- ing while unider the age of 18 years, the sentence was suspended for 12 months. He pleaded guilty to the charges. This was his second offence under t he Narcotic Acf. BOTTLE DRIVE *A SUCGESS The Tlhird B rooklin Scout Troop thank ail the residents of' Brooklin for making their first bottle drive such a suc- cess. The next bottie drive will be hed on Saturday, Jan- uary Sth. T.hle Scouts recently held a day camp in which their meal consisted in total of, dried or powdered food. The boys recently partic- ipated in a very successful Jamboree of the air at Mr. Gregg's of Whitby. Places contacted included Japan and Buenos Aires in South Amn- erica. WHITBY GIRL WINS TOP AWARD IN GM CONTEST For tbe third consecutive year, children of General Motors of Canada *Limited employees were asked to submit their original Christmas card design in the annual GM Christmas Card contest. CYnthia Hulzebos, 1 2, of 74 Elizabeth Crescent, Witby, designed a colorful crayon and pencil drawing of the three Magi approach- ing the village of Bethlehem. From some 200 entries, the design was chosen first over aIl by judges in GM's Advertising agencies. Here Cynthia receives ber first prize - two sbares of General Motors Corporation stock - from Richard C. Walter, GM Vice President and General Manufacturing Manager, while ber mother and father look on. - Deborah McKay, 13, 123 Bowman Ave., Whitby, just earned the Canada Cord (highest award in Guiding). Deborah, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles McKay, bas also earned 33 badges and 6 emblems. The girls and leaders of the 8th Whitby Guides presented Deb. orah with a silver guide cbarmn commernoratîng this special occasion. Free Press Photo For R ENTA LS c hristmas and New Year's Parties Chairs - 8" banquet tables -- card tjobles Glasses (ail types) - Punch bowls RESERVE NOW! Hurnidifiers - Exercise Equipment WE RENT ALL TYPES OF EQUIPMENT BOB CAWKER ENTERPRISES LTD. 400 Mary St. E. Whitby Phone - 668-9881 LIONS TO SELL CHRISIMAS CAKES AGAIlN' CHRISTMAS HOCKEY CLINIC WHITB Y REGREA TION DEPAR TMENT HAVE FUN LEARN ABOUT THE GANZE IMPROVE YOUR HOCKEY SKILLS MEET: B OB A TTER SLE Y > GUS BODNAR GEORGE WESTFALL DOUG WILLIAMS BOYS: 7 and over PLA CE: BROOKLIN MEMORIAL ARENA DAÂTESf' DEGEMBER 26, 2 7, and 28 TIMIES: Boys ageslland over 8:00 a.m. -9:00 a.rn. 9andlO 9:15 a.m. -10:15 a.rn. 7and8 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.ni. Goalie session 11:30 a. m. - 12: 00 noon FEF : $3. 0 0 REGISTER: BROOKLIN M~EMORIAL ARENA, BROOKLIN WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER i 9th - 7: 00 p. m. - 9: 00 p.rm. SA TURDA Y DECEMBER 22nd - 10: 00 a. m. .12: 00 Noon For More Information Telephone 668-5803 WHITBY'RECREATION DEPARTMENT ext. 48 7ý--- ý,T

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