PAGE&6 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2th, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD'S EVE vIEw by Jil Quail Tbs Ioaning of Christmas flut magic day is fast approaching. Shoppers are scurrying around for Iast minute presents and everywhere you look there is a gay Christmas atmosphere. flwic mow which was a curse a week ago suddenly makes Christmnas seemn more like a Walt Disney scene. A green hofiday season just lacks that extra special soniething to make Christmas a memorable time. Christmas means many things to many people. For a lot of liard working laborers it means a chance 'to sit down and îest tbeir feet for a few days and catch up on rnothcr's home cooking. To a bus>' executive it means a chance Io stop globe hopping, and come home to Ret re-acquainted with his W HI1TB Y Dairy Bar RESTAURANT Take out service TRY OUR BREAKFAST SPECIALS Bacon & Eggs $1.95 Sausage & Eggs .95 Both specials include home fricd and cotTec OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6:30 a.m. -9:00 p-m. Friday and Saturday to 1 a.mi. 210 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-3770 '-q Q'2trter"s if Î-. Bond Towers Malil, ~minine Fashions xo every size and pocketbook r bru ghtening a woman's ardrobe, we have on ccellent selection of gowns, mg sklrts with mplîmentary tops. and egant Plazzo Ponts. Downtown, Tel. 576-1152 Osha, f 1arnil>' without hiaving lu lisîti 1to te annioying jangle of phioties. To a salesmnan il mneans' no more driviing in ail kinds of weather for a week and a chance to gct away froili restauranlt cooking. For the storeowners it is a timne when at Iast the store cati be closed and the hordes of busy shoppers have fihailly stopped. And with a litile luck there will be snow on Christmas'day so the mîen who spend ail winwer -Cîîing rid of the white stuff can take a rest. Christnmas ineans that for the staff of the FREE PRESS the news will have to happen without us because the only riews. that should happen on Christmas Day is love, goodwill and celebrations of the birth of Christ. There are a lot of people who wili be thinking of us on Christmas Day and making it possible for us to, enjo>' ourselves. To protect our homes and propcrty therc will be policemen working and firernen oni dut>'. For sore. of themi there isno holiday on Chiristilas or New Year's Day. So that we might enjoy music or television specials there will be radio announcers and television staff working on Christmas Day. Although their hearts wîiIbe with their families and loved unes they are, willing to givc up their lime so that we nîight lhave a better holiday. Without the inen on duty at the hydro generating ANNOUNCEMENT, THE OSHAWA CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE WILL MOVE ON 24 DECEMBER, 1973 TO THE BOND TOWER 44 BOND ST., WEST OSHAWA Full services will be available at the new location including the new Job Information Centre, placement services, retraining, career counselling, aptitude and interests tests, mobility assistance and general information. Telephone 728-4631 Canadla Manpower Centre Immigration Robert Andras, Minister Centre de Main-d'oeuvre du Canada Main-d'oeuvre et-Immigration Robert Andras, Ministre HRELLO We moy sing off key, but our wishes for the merriest are in tune. JQE WAINRIGHT BUTCHER 115 BROCK N. 668-9111 stations our homes would be withouî heat and lighît and for those of us who want to ake a drive on Cliristimas Day there is usually one or two gas stations open f'or drivers whu gel, caught short. Whien we want tu wish a distant relative or friend a mierry Christmnas we have onlly to pick up the teleplione and dial, thanks 10 a lot of people who were willing to spare some of their limie on that special day. And in huiîdreds of hospitals'ali over the country' there will be a dedicated group of nurses, doctors and staff who will give an extra effort to mlake Christrmas a nicer day for ail the patients. Wlien you start îhinking about ail the services that are available to make our hioliday pleasant you will realize that there are, more people giving you gifts and special thoughts thani the naines on your cards and presents. On Christmas Day 1I hope each of yôu will rememiber ail those peuple as well as the clderly and sltut-ins and sick people confined t0 their bcds. To those people 1 think wc should ail miake an effort to Iet theni know how much we should do a little sornething extra lu make Itheir day special to0. And Mien thar special day arrives I hope y'uu'"ll re- miember tliat the good wislhes of ail tuie stafat t hie FREE PRESS are with yuu. Sohlave a Merry Christmas! a AehttL"W&k May the season shine down its blessings on you and the people you holdi dear. AUDREY MOORE REAL ESTATE 102 8 'BYRON S. WHITBY GRBBTJNGS May your days be merry ail season long. We wish you laughter, good-times and song. WARREN ie MOWATT 115 OUNOAS W. 668-6861 WHY PAY *MORE? *SA VE!!O On Prerrum QuaIly FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE CALL 668-3381 WE'VE CHAHGED- HfOW ABOUT 0100? NEWS TEN MINUTES SOONER, dialV 14 .CHOO The Bright and Lively Town & Country Sound