PAGE 2, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1974,.WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 i Mr QUITEA LOSS In case you haven't heard our policé chief is resigning aller , aving spent over 30 years in police -work. Before aiief Pilkington came to Witby he was head of the Morality squad ini Toronto and he brought to Whitby a lot of experience and a damn good record of getting tbings done. Wboever reorganized tbe police departments under the new regional government obviously doesn't thinik mucb of our chief i Witby because his new position in tbe reorganized police dçpartment was a demotion not befitting a man of Pilkington's experience. While it's true not everybody could have been chief of the new region we think Chief Pilkington got short changed pretty badly in the shuffle. He obviously thinks so too and has decided to cal it quits. Anybody who knows Chief Pilkington-wilI agree that he loves bis work and put a great deal of bis tinie and life into the task of enforcing laws and making Wit by safe for the taxpayers. Some people have said he's been the best cbief we bave ever had and we are inclined to agree and feel sure the men who have served with Pilkington will miss bim. In reporting the news of Witby week to week we have not heard disrespectful* or discourtious remarks about the chief from the men who are on the force and bis resignation can only be a great loss to the people of Wbitby. It's probably too late for us to change bis mind about leaving the Whitby force so the next best thing we can do is to wish hîm success and happiness in bis next venture. If he tackles the next job as diligently as he tackled the job of Whitby Chief of Police bis employer can't help but recognize him as a valuable addition and for Whitby, a great loss. . e* e e READERS WRITE e a a e -DearSir: On behalf of CARE Canada, we would like to tbank ail those who sent in donations to CARE during tbe yçar just con- cluded. Their support during 1973 bas enabîed us to continue assisting the * needy and to help those in some 34 count- ries of tbe developing wor- Id help tbemselves. CARE's on-going food, self-help, development and medical- aid-and-training programs assist over 30 -million peo- pIe in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, both saving lives and building better, more self- sufficient futures- While expressing our appreciation to ail CARE contributors, we would al- so encourage tbem to con- tinue their generosity to- ward CARE's on-going pr- ograms i the future. Thomas Kines, National Director, CARE Canada, Dear Sirs: Friends of ours recently 63 Sparks, Ottawa, Ontario KlP 5A6 Dear Mr. Burgess: CONGRATULATIONS! On your fine entry this week in your "Burgess Girl of the Week"-excellent photography!! 1 wonder how many of your readers feel the samne as I do, about seeing scant- ly dressed female models in a family, community minord newspaper. I know that if 1 want to look at this sort of thing I will buy Playboy, or Pent House or one such magazine. 1 don't expeet to find it in a community minord, family newspaper. I enjoy reading Jim Quail and Alex Kainins and in that order.' J. Quail keeps you in sus- pence wondering wbat tr- ouble he is in from week to week. "J. Quail, keep up the good work". Yours truly, John McGraw ,celebrated the twenty first wedding anniversary and as we both had raised a large family (6 children) we thought a night out for dinner was ini the offering. Well we went to the Ali Baba Steak house on Satur- day evening and after being asked if we had made reser- vations and we said no sir then we just had to stand in the door way and wait our turn (very much in everyones way). We finally got a table for four and ordered small steaks and a bottle of wine recommended by manage- ment. We got rolîs and butter and pickles and then our salad and finally a smalî steak, baked potatoe and chopped parseley (it is so dark you could only tell by taste), and coffee. The shocker came when the waitress arrived with the check. We ail put our glasses on and removed the globe of the candle to make sure we were seeing right. Can you believe it cost us $42.00 plus a tip of course. We still can't believe it as the other lady and myself could feed our famiîy for a week for that. What has happened to the good old fashioned dinner out at a reasonable cost to a married couple with a family. 1 really feel we got took and just had to get it off my cbest. Mrs. Lynch 215 Coiborne Street Whitby THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. lerving total of apprimtl2,O ears Published every Thursday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at : Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAI L: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-611il TORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAIUNG PERMIT NO. '2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jlm Quail Advertising Manager - RoIy Smith Graphie Arts - Marde Rutter KOF C TYKES TO BE HONORED AT BANQUET A highligbt of the Whitby sports scene will take place next week when the Whitby Minor Basebal Association holds a testimonial banquet to honour the Whitby Kef C tyke basebaîl club wbich captured the Ontario Tyke "A" crown in October to climax a success- fui season in which' the club led tbe league throughout the regular scbedule and took the Eastern Ontario Tyke "A" crown and the right to enter the Ontario playoffs. The affair which will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on Byron St. South on Friday evening, Jan. 11Ith, getting underway at 7 p.m., is the second time that the Whitby association bas honoured an Ontario Champion. In 1970 the Kef C club took provincial honours, the first Ontario title to be won by a Whitby club in nearly twenty years. The Ontario Sr. crown came to Witby in the early fMfies, but there were no more successful bids for championship laurels until the Kef C club won out ini '70. A higblight of the event will be the appearance of Ron Woods, tbe Montreal Expos outfx*elder who will provide some "inside" basebaîl talk and advice for the boys. The members of the club will be presented with jackets, the official Tyke "A" diampionsbip crests of ~ THJ S WEEK ~:from Otw CHRISTMAS RECESS CUt CONSUMER PROTECTION The House of Commons return to business bet- ween Christm'as and New Year, cutting short a long Christmnas recess. The Liberal Government would like passage of three contentious bills, now in the House, the Emer'gency Ener- gy Suppîy legislation, the Election Expenses legislation and the Wiretapping legisla- tion, before breaking off for an extended recess or proro- gation. WHEAT SALES Otto Uang, Minister res- ponsible for the Canadian Wheat Board, announced a long-term agreement with Po- land, providing for the sale of approximateîy 36 million bu- shels of Canadian red wheat, durum wheat, and feed wheat or barley. The minister has also an- nounced the sale of about 1l million bushels of durum wheat to Algeria. FINAL LEDAIN REPORT The LeDain Commission last week released its final report, after five years of stu- dy inta Canada's drug pro- blem. It recommended retention of penalties for possession of heroin and other hard drugs, and called for federally-finan- ced treatment and research progranis to fight the increas- ing abuse of drugs in Canada. The Iatest report of the Food Prices Review Board calîs for consumer protection fromn the federal government. The report accuses Canada's food retailers of a wide range of devious and dishonest seli- ing practices and states that many retailers show little coricern for the consumer. The report flot only de- mands new legisiation but also a strengthenirig of "ins- pection forces" so that exist- ing laws can be enforced. TRADE CONCESSIONS The. European Economic Community has offered Canada trade concessions on a number of commodities of interest to Canadians as com- pension for the entry of Bni- tain, Ireland and Denmark into the comnmunity. This proposai. couîd affect Canadian exports worth hun- dreds of millions of dollars annually. FEDERAL QIL POLICY Manitoba Premier Ed Schreyer has stated that the federal governiment should exercise its jurisdiction over national energy policy - "There is a federal jurisdic- tion on interprovincial and international movement of energy and it oughit to be exercised. If that seems to annoy one or two provinces, too bad. The national interest mhust take precedence." the Oritarjo Basebail Assoc. and the Jack Carson Trophy emblemnatic of Tyke A supremacy. Earlier, at the W.M.B.A. Awards Day the club and players were pre- sented with trophies for their "pennant win" as league leaders at the end of the regular season and as E.O.B.A. titleists winning their playoff rounds. A- limnited number of tickets will be available to the general public and interested basebali fans who would like to attend what promises to be a great evening may phone Keith MacDonald at 668-4540 for further inform- ation. Tickets are $3.50 and those interested are urged to phone immedîately. 1974 INAUGURAL MEETING. 0F THE COUNCIL 0F THE TOWN'0F WHITBY THE CITIZENS 0F WHITBY ARE C0RDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE 1974 INAUGURAL MEETING 0F THE COIJNCIL 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO BE HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 7TH, 1974 AT 8:00 p.m. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. DATED AT WHITBY THIS 2ND DAY 0F JANUARY, 1974. Wrn. H-. Wallace, Clerk 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. The WHITBY FREE PRESS welcomes news reports about community happenings or local people. Reports from community organizations, non-commercial groups, or any unusual items that of interest to Whitby and area readers should be mailed to the Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, or dropped off at our offices in the Free Press I3uilding (2nd floor), 121 Brock Street, North, Whitby. If a news item is "too lho' to wà it, please call our edit- oria! department at 668-6000, 668-6111, or 668-6700 (24 hours). The Whitby Free Press is YOUR Whitby comrnunity newspaper, and you have a say as to what appears in* it. If you don't like something..TELL US! Support YOUR cornmunity newspaper..and help us make this Whitby newspaper a method of. communication ail of us Whitby residents can bc proud of. The Witby Free Press is operat- ed and staffed by local people, and is the ONLY local newspaper that, besides being circulated 'throughout the Town of Whitby, is mailcd out through the Post Office to the outlying rural areas to reach approximately 24,000 readers in Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtlc, Ashburn, Ajax and Pickering. Phota graph Io Retailers of Fine Photogîaphîc Equîpment Easy Credit Ternis Avolatiltr