PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16,1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK I Pretty Patsy Mueller, of 23 Dymond Drive, Whitby, is a grade 8 student at St. Paul's Separate Schiool. Patsy is one of the Whitby girls in the youth danice group Funkengarde seen at the Phioto by Mike Burges Club Loreley in Oshawa. OnIly 3.8 Per Cent of by Marie Ruffer for period of January 20th - 26th CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) 1Give particular care tol pets this week, especially if they're older animais. Midweek there could be à family visit, or a trip to* relatives of your spouse. AQUARI US (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) You find you have an excess of energy; try to direct it toward your work area. Concentrate on prolects; don't worry about diffîcuit associates. The 2lst and 22nd you are in a lighthearted mood. PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) You may create a difference between you and your partner, which could stem from your sudden craving for excitement and adventure. As your associates wiIi say, you "seem different". You are no longer prepared to take a back seat. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Mental capabilities improve this week. Handie your newly started projects with care. Rather than your usual procrastination, you surge forward; rushing to complete plans. You will, however, enter a more relaxing phase this week. TA URUS (April 20 - May 20) Complete. any financial transactions this week; as there may be some delays ini the very near future that wiIl be beyoîid your control. Your social life won't be as demanding. Make adjustmients in the domestîc area. GEMINI (May 1-1 - June 20) Check over last year's expenses and accounts; re- budget your.self, review spending habits. You will begin to feel added responsibilities. Aithough you are an extremnely verbal person; be careful when expressing your views. CANCER (June 21 - July 22) Your social life is emphasized this week - you are the centre of attention, popularity is high. your superiors praise you for work well done - you have an excellently favourable period. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) Concentrate on friends early in the week. You work weIl in the public eye; there is rarely a personality clash. If, however, this happens, don't take fir-t impressions to heart, try again, you may find good qualities in this person. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) You are concerned with wining and dining, romance, merrymaking, and other such pleasures. You ar- tempt- ed to splurge on new clothing, but DON'T. Defer al purchases but those which are absolutely necessary. LI BRA (Sept. 23 - Oct . 22) Intuition runs high on the 21Ist and 22nd of the month. You are more perceptive - but be careful you don't read more into associate's attitudes than is meant. If you take a short trip it may be more trouble than its worth. Ontarl*o Motorismts Have Purchaà sed Renewal Stickers The Ministry of Trans- portation and Communi- cations lias announced thi- at to date only 3.8 per- cent of Ontario motorists have purchased their.lic- ence plate renewal stickers. At the same time last year over 10 per cent of issuing offices tliroughout the province siiice the first of Decemnber and Ministry officiais are concerned tIi- at if the numnber of moto- rists applyiuig for renewal does îîot soon increase, it wiii be impossible to avoid lineups at the end of Feb- ruary. Preserit multi-year pla- tes "Must . be ,validated, b>'. appiying the sticker to the lower riglît-liand cor- ner of the rear plate prior to midilighit. February 28. Tliose aipplyiiig for re- newal wiil be asked to fNI out ail insurance forrn av- ailable'at thîe issuing offices and iand it, along withl thie ownlersiîip permit anîd fee, to 'the issuing a.gNU.". Thie valfidation sticker will theîî be issuied along with coinpiete instructionis as to the rnetliod of applying to the plate. As Îii 1973, fees are S23. for a 4-cylinder ve- iie; $ 32. for 6-cylîilder;, $40. for ail 8-cyllinder car anid SS, for tradlers., Feminine Fashions for every size and pocketbook For brightening o woman's woardrobe, we have an excellent selection of gowns, long ski rts- with complimentarv tops and elegont Plozzo Parus. Q(zittrq 'f " l rp. Q t il t à ; io<ý,i