Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 16,1974, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS KALNINS ON* 0e. New York's I8th Avenue This week 1 took a quick trip to myv favorite Fun City. To get down there by 'ple. it takes oiuly 50 minutes if ail goes well. But, willb uîy Latvian Iiîck ¶ things îîever go well. As expected, the fliglît was delayed bx' a good hiaif hour due to Christmnas rush aîid laîîdiiig probleuis at La Guardia ýairport. Once on the Streets of New York, I felt a lot better. The Fun City lhasn't ieaul changed that muchi since mny last visit, about six moîitls ago. Despite energy crisis, brigh t I igli ts were everv where. AI thouigli, rm friends told nme that the Midtown section of Maliatten liad lost some of its glitter becauise lighits were being switched off -~regularly after lours. The difference caui be observed onlly by lookiîig towards Wall Street fr-ouiEnmpire State building oni 34t1i Street. Probably, the same effeet 'ou get Mlien viewing Manluattaui froni the highiest point iii the city - the gleaming World Ti-ade Centre. Wheuleverin i New York, I always spend somie tiime on %th Avenue which is close to Times Square. The itîfani- ous Eighth lias the chai-acter of its own: body rub pair- lors on both sides, porno.uiovie houses liere and there and prostitutes on every corne r. On toip of that. the visitor is greeted by drug puisiiers. panhauadiers, rapists. pettv ci-mimaIs aud plainî <ld di-unks. The 8th Avenue ieally cornes alive ai-ound ten o'clock ini the evening. For a phiotograplier. the sin strip cati prov'ide a whole portfolio of excitiuîg pictures. But, one iust he extrenie- lv careful uising the camiera. The hlack commuitiiîNinl liai-ticular luate newsmien and phlot<>giapliers siloppingi ai-ound. If vou reallv must take a picture - stand back anîd use a telepllot<) lens. Crime-%vise. the 8th Avenue is iîîfested Nvirli aIl sorts of characters readv to gyrab vour haniidhag or canmera and tlîeuîdaislî witlî a lighitning speed in the closest side si reet. Needless to sav, New Yoi-ks allevs and haick-streets are pitch-black. Often the smialler lunes ai-e als() iît tereci wîth garbage and brokeni pop boules. l)espite ail thiese hazards nien îioned ahc>se. ,a 1 v coric hack to 8th Ave. and its brooding iinî now, I have cleveloped a 'af'wav lu walk t hrotiOh tie streets of New~ York. 1 neyer carry v vwvallet or val- uiahle documenits - just to be oni the safe side. 1 (ake no more thian tweuîîv dollars %vith me, ýalwas neatlv tucked inside niv shirt pocket . Anîd 1 neyer put1< mv car kevs ini a pocket. Pockets ai-e vtîluerahle to pick-p)ockets. Uîdci- thiese conditions, 1 guarantee. v(>u'Il get liome safe anîd souund. Besides. vou will spend the tweîîtv bticks anyway. New York is very tenîipting. Onîce ouIt of the red liglît district. the overaîl situation is not qute as grim. Times Square is still a fun area tu walk. But. stay awacy from 'radio shops. They are clip joints oni lookout for guillable out-of-town tourists, auixioLis to speîîd their hard-earuîed dollars. Ideuitical goods cati be pui-chased for a lot less uîonev in down- town or around l4th Street. Fiuîally, a word about so-called *"fun'i places here. Generally, the night life of New York is very expensive. Howevei-, tlîeue are reasonable spots ail over towin. 1 usually spend my evenings lu Yorktownî, betteu- kiîowu as the East Side, around 86th Street. The atmosphere tliere is very European - rnostly Germani. For instance, a fun night at Lorelei will cost you uo more thani five dollars, unless you drink like a fisîî. This is, of course, *only oue good spo 1 nt. o l mtinm kohr.,u Succession du farm property wil given over a twg year period so loi farm remains in ily and continue .used for agric.ultt -.1 in-a-lifetime gift of up aties on to S50,000 in farrni assets Il be for-- to blood relatives free of renty-five gift tax. ng as the Fanm property tax i-e- the fani- bates have been doubled es to be with the result the land ural pur- used for agricultural. pur- poses is now free from now be, municipal property taxa- tion. Consumer Protection 14 Financing Recognlizinig that tlhe )ioh)ei-tY taux upon vhicli munilicipalities cire soi'elv dependent for direct ini- couic is both regressive anud inadequate. the Gov- ermiment foi- the past thi-e v'eai-s lias transferi-ed nias- sive fuuds to oui- cities, towns ýand villages. This x'eai-s total iuicreases o)f uver SI 80. million. includ- ing special additlouaI gi-a- uits tu noul hem mun ici- palit les. brinus <o SI .9 billion i te amîouint liat the Province giv Cs l iin- icipalit ies auîd accou lits for over 5W.; of al liimunicipalI r-eventues. Iustead of anti. ('redit Reportting Act pro>- tccts îindividnuais 'rum (da- ugig persomal intfori-î ut ion repo)crts. Ilf a pci-soul suspects t hat lie lias been deniecl a jobl, a loan or a ny ot lier foruuî of ci-cdu as a resLIlt of' mluntio frioi a cre(lit rep)ort ing ageucy, hie now lias re- c<>Urse. The ageucy is i-e(luii-ed to disclose the source Caud the nature of1 the iniformiatîin and is i i Spi'iIg(Ianing c)I loturs 'aveu ahuI! ii scultî (rs? Di )st , r> uctSulit : 1-~iu aucc'ulifflatcand ct lun t'nuîîaul olotica t aN' (>i c 1' iI I afcitt- -,tui't t)(I('-tol) 1î t -s unît fV1'cst. izsi.ltcrs il] arc'a-a()I Iligi vo<c nt .uîîîiuî:t ion ci ' cleaned tsoveî'ul t iuîs a yeiLr, w il h1 ai 'ceffori i't 't 'tu ini the spring. 1ti(! work is dune cmlive lines, t o irnii- natte ariy interruption of po( wer1. A wat vr jet is d(li- beî'at ety bic kc'tiup into au s praiy 5)t hat 1< won 't act as a coinduci ou'bet weenu une acnd linemauî. Insulaîtors iocated in cri- tical zureas, such as near the (Gardint'r Expressway in Toronto , get speclal atten- tion - they're nleaned after cvc' ry snc.)wstc)rn. cipated pIJr<Pity tax in- ci-cases of 81/ to I10% across the Province, this unove resLlted inisigîiîfi- cant tax reductions ini nia- ny mnicipalities anîd a hîoldinîg of the huie lu uîost others. Total tranis- fers. grants to local ageul- cies aiid direct property tax credit paynietits rep- reseuit 901/é of the Pi-uv- mnce s revenue fi-ouiho tI I)ersonal inicome aiîd retail sales tax. Tu strie uîgtheui local auLI- toilonmv more anîd more p)rovincial grians are made %viîh iio striuugs a ttaclîed. Thiis tretid will be coul- tîiitued. ARRID EXTRA DRY ANTI-PERSPIRANT SUGG. LIST $1.99 CLAIROL I<,,NICE M'EASY SUGG. LIST $2,65 Q SCOPE MOUTHWASH -GARGLE »E 12 oz. I k FOAMY SUGG. LIST $129 COURTICE-ALLIN I.D.A. PNARMACY 1 Sr.ck st. M. 648-2394 WHITSY J.19, 1*39 79c 79Ç SHORTS I.D.A. PHARMÀCY 65 Buldwinu St. 655-3301 BROOKLIN mu MOST CAR SALESMEN WILLTELL YOD 1HI3 DOESN'T EXISL, A SPORTS CAR WITH ROOM FOR FOUR ADULIS. Thie Fiat 124 Sport Coupe. R eclines at 6500 rprn. Power- assistecidisc brakes on ail four xxheels. Standard 5-speed gear- box. And rooi for four 180-lb. men with )aggage. If you find this liard to-believe, ail you have to do is take 3 big fi encis to the dealer below and try a 124 Sports Coupe on the road. The biggest selling car in Europe. MA-RIAN AUTO 25, GRENFELL ST. OSHAWA >728-5 'WH IT BY Dairy Bar RESTA URANT I ake out service TRY OUR BREAKFAST SPECIALS Biacou &',I.gs $1 c5* sau sage & leIgs 95 Bo0t h specia s in clu de hoe ieried and ce ffee OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 6:.30 a.mi - 9:00 pini. I ru]ay aund Sa t u rit as' te I a.111 210 Dundas Street West, Witby 668-3770 l'urther rcqtuired to allow idividmtaIs to sec t heur pci-soiial files. If any otf tlie ifornmation is false or o>iit du tcc, t lucre is pro- visioni to correct it. This Act gives Onîtario tli 1wuîost progressive leg- slat ion oui persunial iuîtor- mnatiouî iniCanadýa During this Third Sess- ion the Goverinient uni- troduccd legislat ion to banu referral selling practices and regulate pyramnidie sa- les niethods. PRICES EFFECTIVE MON- JAN, 21 TO SAT., AN. 20 BANDAID RAND 7 SUGG. LIST $1.75 JOI-NSON'S BABY SHAMPOO 1.29 12 oz. - SUGG, LIST $2.19 T>"ý Munic*ipal

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