PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30,1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS GIRL OF THE WEEK i N Pretty So-Ying Wong, is an 18 year old, grade 12 student at Henry St. High School taking Arts & Science. She works Part-time at lier parent's restaurant, The Great Wall, and enjoys swimming and table tennis. - Photo by Mike Burgess Fund Raising Program For Local 222 GRMLA The "Local 222, UAW" Girls Team of Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse Association are, with much enthusiasm, in the midst of a fund raising programme to finance a trip to Baie Comeau, Quebec next summer. The girls, who are between the ages of eleven and sixteen years, will be playing lacrosse with a girls team now in training in Baie Comeau. During the Peewee Nation- al Tournament in the simmer of 1973, the people of Gar- rard Road Lacrosse had the privilige of billetting the Baie Comeau Peewee team and meeting the parents who trav- elled with them. Thé reunion is being looked . forward to by both associations. The Local 222, UAW Gir- ls Team has completed the projects they had set up for the months of December and January. The projects were a bake sale, a bottle drive, and a chocolate bar drive. All proved to be very successful. On February 2, 1974, the team will be holding a paper drive. The girls will begin canvassing for the papers at 10:00 a.m. By mid-February the team hopes to have a raffle in the form of a 50 - 50 Draw underway, with the winning ticket to be drawn at a téam fund raising dance in June. February 23, 1974, is the date of the first team fund raising dance in the Regal Room of the Centennail Buil. ding, Whitby. Tickets are now on sale at $5.00 per couple. These may be ob- tained from team coach, Sally Little 723-6487 or from team manager Joan Gangemi 725- 9322. There are a limited amount of tickets for sale. During the month of Ma- rch, each Saturday the team will be participating in a Slave Day. Some of the chores they will be available for wili be cleaning of base- ments, garages, windows and other housecleaning chores. The girls are willing to take orders in advance, so anyone interested may call Julie He- aslip, 728-2019. A reasonable fee will be charged for the services of the team. Also during the month of March the team will be hold- ing another chocolate bar drive. As the last one was so successful the team feels it is worth repeating. This will take place in the form of a blitz campaign. More projects will be com- ing up as time permits, such as Can Recycling (tin cans may be opened top and bot- tom and pressed flat for easy storage). The team will con- duct a drive to collect the tin cans at a later date, so anyone interested in saving them may call Sherry Taylor, 728-9027. As the weather permits the girls will also have a car wash, and a rummage sale. -4 Housekeeper Wanted - MUST BE RELIABLE, AGE NOT IMPORTANT. THIS IS IN A MODERN HOME IN WHITBY, WITH SWIMMING POOL. THERE ARE 2 BOYS, AGES 7 AND 15. WAGES TO BE DISCUSSED. NON-SMOKER PREFERRED. CALL 668-6000 OR 668-6767. by Marje Rutter for period of Feh. 3- 9 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Emotional response will be heightened during the next four weeks, and you can relate to friends with affectionate candor. You may develop a lilking for an artist, composer or writer. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) Share your knowledge by teaching - the more you give; the more you're likely to receive. Lead; don't follow; excercise independence, be aggressive. If married you may have more stimulating relationships with your wife. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) Bring projects to the attention of your superiors; but be sure they are professional. Friends; although helpful, can't give you much of their time with your problems. Take a new look at finances toward the end of the week; don't let yourself overspend. TA URUS (April 20 - May 20) Be a shrews observer when people you work with show 'erratic tendencies. Keep out of the situation and you will avoid any disappointment. You will feel more aggres- ive and confident by the 7th take the positive approach. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Be.inquisitive of new projects, but not suspicious. Keep an open mind about all matters, especailly those concerning private life. The future iooks more secure; brighter, as certain pressures are relaxed. CANCER (June 21 - July 22) This is a long-to-be remembered week. Extraordinary circumstances enter your life, and the results are both satisfying and surprising. Significant days are the 5th and 6th. Don't pre-judge anyone; get to know them first. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) You are asked to perform to the height of your capab- ilities in several areas. You must be Mentally sharp in matters concerning domestic life. Partnership matters are still stressed. Significani days are the 6th and 7th when you want a change of scenery. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) You have a brand new start, particularly where relation- ships with your mate are concerned. Some task must be completed; some flair'eliminated. You may decide to get married this week. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Rest in tranquil surroundings, wathc your diet and take care of yourself. You may find co-workers unco-operative; immused in their own problems. During the next three weeks clean up loose ends. Your mate may be very aggressive, and will need careful handling. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Tensions mount; acturties in the home are stressed. You may be thinking of placing property on the market; but make sure you have something else thoroughly suitable that you can afford. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) The home is very important this week. You may have to bring harmony and mediate a difference of opinion ip the domestic area. Get back into the social and cultural swing of things. This is an expansive time for your off- spring - don't be evasive or hard-to-reach where he is concerned. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - ian. 19) Social life improves, you may even have to turn down invitations. This is a good time to take a short journey. The 9th of the month may demand a different sort of amusement, perhaps hosting a gathering where younger persons engage in a sport. Live- in