Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1974, p. 5

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MOTORING .. Ccanadiain W*inter A record entry of drivers inil ext rnolith 's 221ld aniual Canadiaîî Winter Rally will find the 1 .290 mile route through Ontario lias beenl shortened by I15 per cent iin order to save gasoline. the Britishi Empire Motor Club aniiounced recently. The v'oltuntary decisio n by the organlizers of Canada's autosport cîassic will elinîinate nearly 200 iles of highiway driving frornl the rally. Backroad shortcuts will be tised instead so that tlie com«petitive nature of the event is preserved. Sharting froin Toronto's Cihy Hall at 6:30 p.mn., Friday. February 8th thie ralîy will take competitors nlorth and west of Ottawa. After a stopover ini the niation 's ý,capital. drivers will follow a s(>Ithierly route back to the Toronto area. The finish wiIl be at thie Toronto Internlational Auto Show ini Malton on Sunday iftèriloonl. Febriîary I th. Other major checkpoints wil be iii the areas of Barrie. Bancroft. Smniths FaIls, Kingston. Peterboroughi and Campl Borden. Aîmnost aIl the 100 starhing positions for hie toughi. three-day event have already beenl filled. Early entries in- clude Scotland's rally atce. Anldrew Cowan, driving a J)odge Colt. His co-driver wiIl be Beattie Crawford. a Northerni lreîand doctor anîd runnier-up inithie Brihisli RaIly Champ- ionlship. Also eiîtered are Canadianl champions Walter Boyce and Douig Woods, both o>f Ottawa. ini a Toyota. QLebec entries aire led by two-himne winner of the C,,na-.diail Winter Rallv. Jean-Paul Peruisse of LavaI. iii a Fiat 128. A strong Amnericani contingent oif drivers include Genle Hendersonl of Michigan who is entered ini a Jeep Cherokee. Anlothier innovationi for thie event wiII be theeLise this year of short-wave radio to coiitr<> andiid oiitor comipet- itors* progress. ut willii involve tlîe Iargest organlized amateur radio exercise ever conducted iii Canada. Co-ordinated hy the Toronîto Area Amiateur Radio Energency Corps. the exercise wiIl be carried out by iemrbers of radio clubs froin Kitchiener-Waterloo ho Ot tawa. Ralv officiaIs wiIl also tise the radio link ho lelp) provide contact with provincial police and local atîthorities. Steakhg PHONE 668-4377 REPORT During the week of Januiary 21I st to 27th. I1974, officers of Whlitby Detaclimnit investigated 2 break and enters. 1 assault, 2 disturbances, and 1 incident of mialicious daniage. 1 2 persons were clizarged under the Liq uor ControI Act, I person clarged with imipaýired driving and 3 persons were chtarged tinder the Narcotic Control Act. During the week officers on1 traffic patrol investigated I2 imotor vehicle collisions ini wlichî 1 person wvas inJured and damiage am(>unted to S7,000.00. 284 persons were chlarged with motor vehiicie offences. A check of a vehîicle ini the Port Perry area on Saturday evening restilted fil mie youth being chiarged wvith possession of miarihuana and two youtlîs with Breach of Probation. Cha,.rged with Possession of Marihuana is Steve l)Douglas HI1LLIE R .age 19, of Port Perry. M ich ael Gerald DI1A MON D age 1 8. and Rolald, Gary EVANS, age I18. both of Port Perrv. have been chargedl witli Breach of Probation as a result of the inîcident. Conîstable Rod WILLIAMS is investigating the mat ter. A van parked an Queni Street was checked ah I11:1 5 p.m. on1 Sat urday' and as a restilt an occupant of tlhe vanl. James Edward WILSON. age 19, of R.R. 3 Port Perry. lias also beei charged with Possession of Marihuana. Babysitting Course to Begin The Wiby YNlCA anîd Tuberculosis Association a- gain are co-spomîsoring the Babysitting Course. It is sclieduled to begîin Moilday. February 4tlî at 7:00 p. ah Henry' St. High Sclîool. Girls and Boys whlo are 1 2 and interested ini taking the 10 week training programi are -asked to phonîe the Whit- by YNICA ah 668-6868. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1974, PAGE 5 Socr eds Oppose A irport The Ontario Social Credit League repeated its strong opposition to the pr(>posed Pickering Airport. the pro- posed North Pickering Coin- mutnity proJeet and plans to, '*dtuinp Toronto garbage on1 o>ur f,,arnîlanid.* at i meeting ini Timimins over the weekend. Bruce Arnold of Port Perry, the party's Vice presideilt. tlda crowd at the Senlator Hotel .in Titi)si'in s'Sa tutrd. -Between tlheairport nobody nleeds anld the new city ilo- body wants the only parts of Pickering n<ot slated for pave- ment are a few pits Toronto> wants to dunip its garbage inl. The 36 year old niews- paper editor drew enthutsiastic applauise wlien lie declared. -Social Credit opposes build- ing anl international airport iii Pickering, just as we opp- osed regiona I governînen t ini the area. and just as w'e ini- tend to work to keep Tor- onto*s garbage off our farnu- la id. - He t<ld the audience that becatuse of hiis party's support of conîniiunity righits in fthese issues. -Social Credit is the oilly party in mry riding whichi caîl lionestlv boast of a steaid- ilv risinig ieîniberslii.' Mr. Arnold 1pronîlised Otha a Social Credit candidate will mni ini Ontario Ridiing iii the iîext electioîî. buît inisisted tliat lie will -niot be thiat candidate.,'I would like to see a w omanl run," lie said. -We nleed more womneil to inject a littie coînînoni senlse into govermment, and can think of ilo ridinlg nmore ini nleed otf saie common sense represenîtat ion tItan mine."' He reminded the crowd that it was a Social Credit governimn t wh ich was the first ho recognizehie riglit of denhurists ho operate. "pro- perly witluiî the frame work of a free enterprise society.- Brit isli Columîbia î)assed regulat ions legalizing deîîtur- ists ini 1958. wlie,îthe pro- vince liad Social Credit.Gov- mimnent. Ouse & avern 106 DUNI)AS STREET INEST W~HITBY WE'VE CHANGED- HOW ABOUT CR00o? NEWS TEN MINUTES SOONER dial The Bright and Lively Town & Country Sound

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