PAGE 6' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1974-, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD.' FYF w-JM AUA/1 Blid For... Have you ever been to oie of those country auctions? 1 had occasion to wander throughi onec and at first glance 1 thought there had been an explosion ini aný arnîy surplus store. Some nut was standing up on a big box with abt1- horn and he was extolling the virtues of ail the junk surrounding him. He claimed the goods were the entire possessions of a dear old sweet couple who had just moved froni the farni into the big city. Treasured pieces of furniture and lovingly kept trivia and chairs that just wcren't built like that any more were some of the bargains. It didn't take me too long to guess why chairs wren't made like those on display any more. They probably ran the manufacturer out of town on a splintered table leaf. And the lovingly kept trivia was something else. My guess; is that the garbage nman refused to haul the stuif away so it just sat around for ail those years. The big word at the auction was "antique". The guy would hold up a piece or point out an old bureau and cx- dlaim that it just had to be an antique. 1 thought it had to be a disaster. ut looked even worse than my furniture after a weckend house cleaning. While wandering around 1 got to tliinking that 1 had better junk at home than nîost of the stuff 1 Iîad seen. And then 'it hit me, if these guys could get away with pawning off this stuff why couldn't 1 dlean up with what 1 had ini my basement? i-eck, 1l've go t a basement just jarnîned to the brim with trivia and treasured pieces of furniture. Now 1 have under the basement steps a perfcctly match- ed set of flat-head Ford pistons that l'Il make somnebody a real good deal on. The rings come extra and the pistons are ail matched because they are ail cracked. But'baby, they're old and in the tradition of a country auction, they're trivia. Somewhiere ont there ini subscriber land there must be a n 85 year old mechanic who would love to have this mat-, ched set of pistons. With a little polishing you could put th cm on your desk and keep paper clips, rubber bands and even sunflower shelis in themn with assurance that a strong wind would not blow theni away. And for loyers of art prints for individuals over 21, 1 have a 1943 calendar with a pciture of Shirley Temple with ber skirt hiked up - gasp! - ail the way to ber knees! 1 figure this one warrants to lîigh price but l 'il have to ask for proof Y of age before selling it. As a natter of fact 1 have another bargain for ail those people who are rotten skiers. Rotten skiers break a leg right? Weil in this case it had better be the left because 1 .have three shoes, hardly even used and iovingly neyer spoil- cd with polish and the3Fre ail rights. When you break a leg or ankie and you have a cast it's real hard to get just a right or just a left shoe and if you wear one shoe from a pair you nic-alrad havje yLrÉl spoil the pair.r pect Superman is a little kinky becuae lic strips in a phone boo th. So Clark writes a message on the back of a cockroach in his cell and sends the littie gaffer over to Batman's house. Batmamî senses something is amiss when he reads the message so he and Robin whip over to the jeul in the Batmobile. While they're busting Clark out of jail the tow away the Batmobile for illegal parking and whcn he rushes out to the road Batman gets busted for uttering an obscnity in front of a police station. It's quite an issue and should be worth at Ieast 75 cents. 1 also havethe final issue of the Whitby Revicw but that"s another story. cbc notes -Caînadian TV's longest ruinnng entertainnient show 1I7 years on the air> Front Page Challenge will b e travellinîg to Monitreal to tal)e tw(> shows on Feb. 1 2 for telecast on Fei). 19 ;and 26. Coing will be the regulars Pierre Berton, Cordon Sinclair, Betty Kennedy. Fred l)avis, and producer Ray MeConnieli with p)art of his crew. Gticst panclists tol)c omn the shows tap)ed Lt the liiternlat-oinal lroadcasting Centre will be announced Lit a future date. .Advance press screenings of two episodes fronî CBC- TV's upcomning National I)rearn series are ini the works for Montrent (Feb. 6), Toronto (Feb. 8), Ottawa (Feb. 11) and Vancouiver (Feb. 13). Press in those and nearby loca- tions will be notified shortly re-location and starting time oif screenings. flic eighit-part docuînentary-draîna series kicks off Sunday, Mardi 3rd at 9 p.m, with Pierre Berton. GQC-TV'scurrent series of NFB filmns, entitled West, re64mçes foliowing -vofcvsiepre-emptions - Wed.;,., Feb. 2th at 10 p.m. with a fascinating film profile of Alberta balladeer Cal Cavendishi. In addition to writing and recording soîîgs the youîîg troubadour' flues bis own aircraft ("mri,îe anîd the bank's" hé says) around Southern Alberta to plug his recordings and do interviews on local radio outlets.' Director is Donald Brittain. - Canadian impressionist Rich Little guests with Juliette & Friends on the popular CDC-TV afternoon show, Wed. February 6th at 2 p.m. Rich talks to Julie and introduces a number of his own "friends", political and showbiz personalities froni ail over the world. - CBC telecasts of the British Commonwealth Cames wind up on Sunday, February 3rd, with a delayed showing of the closing ceremonies froru Christchurch, New Zealand. Her Majesty Qucen Elizabeth will officiate at the closing. - On Saturday, February 2nd, CDC-TV will present highlights of the Canadian Figure Skating Championships T*ips e From m OSL5 Faultless brakes arc a safety. Have the equaliza- D E P tion checked. A pull to one side can cause a. dangerous ON E WEEK C skid, warns the Ontario Safe- ty League. 4 U U * ** **4 VifEl The people who started INCLU DES: the mandatory use of seat aPe imbne belts with such startling îoss onPreium bode prevention improvement, ha- Olal4w el ve donc it again. Some 70 0 Inspection of br percent of Australian insur- 0 Inspection of wl ance companies have fixed hoses and brake the maximum blood alcohol limit of .10 percentage stat- MOST CANADIAN &J i&;tha t motorists with a- mounts in their blood above. this percentage wil have their$ insurance invalidatcd. The presumptive limit above wh- ic ti.ad08ialote WHY PAY MORE? SAOVE!!O On Premîum Quolily FUEL OIL STOVIE 0IL PROMPT, COU RIEQUS SERVICE CALL 668&3381 fromn Moncton, New Brunswick. Finals ini the Ladies, Pairs and Dancinig events will be carried froni 3 to 5 p.n., witli the Menl's Singles slated 'for 7:30 p.m., replacing Replay. On Sunday, February 3rd, a special Parade of Chamnpions is sclieduled at 7 p.m. with ail the winners per- fornîing in aan exlibitioiî of free-skating. - Music Maclinie producer Carry Ferrier and Aubrey Tadman have Iined up somle great Canadian rock groups and recording artists for utpcoinig editions of their wall-to-walI rock mnusic series. Joining lîost Keiti> Hampshire, Dr. Music, and Soul Conmpanv Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. on CBC-TV wilI be Downechild Blues Band (Feb. 2), Crowbar (Feb. 9), Cop)per Penny (Feb. 16), Jamnes Leroy and Deni'nl (Feb. 23), Ciester (Mar. 2), David Clayton fliomas (Mar. 9), Edward Bear (Mar. 16) and Granid Funk Railroad (Mar. 23). Speed Klis I This is a statement that we have been lîeariîîg for years froni the automotive traffic safety experts. And it is a proven fact. In an effort to conserve gasoline in the current fuel shortage in the United States, speed lim- its have been substantially reduced on ail major high- ways. Not only bas a sub- stantial amount of gasoline been saved, but traffic acci- dents and fatalities have de- clined sharply. The Ontario Safety League states that speed kilîs snow- inobilers just as surely as it kilîs automobile drivers. Drive a snowmobile at speeds be- vond your ability to control your machine or rcact in time to avoid hazards and you will incvitably end up an accident victim. Make no niistake-about it, it is coll- isions caused by speed and resultant lack of coîîtrol that are killing snowmobilers., As of ianuary 24th, 1974, tWenty: nine fatalities had occured in Ontario during the current season to OSL knowledge.- 0f this total number, 24 were the result of collisionîs and five were drownings. The Ontario Safety League warns that a snowmobile is a vehicle which must be driven under control if the penalties' of injury and death are to be avoided. ERVICE r. SPECIAL >N LY Off er expires Feb. 6,1974 iL BRAKE RELINE d linings installed rake drums rheel cylindiers, elunes AMERICAN CARS 88 (DISC BRAKES EXTRA COST) ABOUR WARRANTED FOR 2 YEi OR 24,000 MILES 12 POINT ENGINE TUNE-UP Puts your engine in top condition for cold weather driving. PARTS & LABOUR UN CLU DED 2 9 Most Canadian & American Cars BRAKE DRUN RESURFACUNG 3.00 PER DU 4 FOR 10.00 FISK BATTERIES Popular size group 24 to fit most Chev, Pontiac, Dodge, Plymouth and Ford. 219ms 36 MONTH WARRANTY You can put your trust in s r--t- Auto Centres We 're car poeogpŽ. DUNDAS STe ly 1