PAGE 8, WEDNESDAV, JANUARV 30, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS, KALNINS ON.. BANK MANAGERS Over the years I have been dealing with a numnber of Caniadian savings batiks and their learnied managers. Ail of whomn have been very nice to nme. At various times 1 have borrowed money from these friendly institutions up to f ive thousand dollars.' Moreover, my credit has always been good. So good. in fact. that my regular batik gave me a VIP credit card, should I need withdraw twenty or thirty bucks in a hurry. However, the other day 1 found a bank that didn't quite fit inito the friendly banking category, aîthough it begs you to corne and get the money which youmay ýneed. As the advertisement jingle blurts, "we wilI tend you money cheerfully". But, the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce manager, Don Whitmore, who does a lot of business with newspapermen on Adelaide Street West, wasn't that cheer- fi when I asked to cash a S25. cheque from another bank. The rituai started in the most predictable manner. A female teller looked up to me and sweetîy intoned: "Do you have an account here?" No. 1 didn't have an account there and 1 explained why. Then, 1 showed my press credentials, the bank's VIP credit card, the driver's license - you narne it. "Sorry, we cannot cash your cheque. until it is initialed by the assistant manager", said the young- looking clerk from behind the teller's cage. So, I went to the assistant manager. Again, 1 went through the same routine - bankbooks, licenses, birth certificates, motor licenses, etc. And, once again. the answer was NO to my measly S25. cheque. Finalîy, 1 was face-to-face with the bank's manager Don Whitmore who appeared to be extremely busy. Once more 1 produced ail my legal documents which were scattered ail over the couniter. Further, 1 explained that 1 had cheques cashed before at his bank. Mr. Whitmore, now looking more suspicious by the minute, inquired: "Do you know anyone in this bank?" Not personally, 1 repîied, with a tiny explanation that my cheques have always been cashed by his pretty staff members. The same employees who would frequently rave about my photographic work in print, suddenly could not RECOGNIZE me. Oh no, they couîd inot rernember seeing me. The final verdict from the manager was cut and dry: sorry old chap. we cannot help you. Finally, somebody ini the banik had a "heart of gold". He told me that the bank 1 deal with is only a block away froni the Imperial Bank at Peter Street. With Jack Frost nipping my ears and reddening my nose. 1, Alex Kainins, Rudolph the Rednose. made it to the final destination, clutching my S25. uncashed cheque. The girl at the Bank of Montreal didn't even bother looking at my VIP credit card. She handed the cash over in a couple of seconds. Perhaps, here is a tiny lessbn to be Iearned when doing business with one of the biggest and most imperiaus banks in Canada. It would be'wise to remember the naine. How- ever, I still have that nagging feeling that many batiks treat their prospective customers like snal-time criminals, in effentct. anrove a it itousiethaidtbu£re an honesà man Bryan Smuck. son of Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Smuck, of Whitby . has been sent a broad on a two-year assignment as a Cuso volunteer. Bryan is teaching English in Thailanld. Bryan is a 1972 graduate of York University, with a B.A. (Honors) in Fine Arts. Following graduation, he wo- rked with the International Institute in' Toronto as a volunteer teacher of English to New Canadians. Cuso is an indepenldent non-profit organization whi- chi supplies volunteers ta fuIl manpower gaps in develop- ing nations. It is now ex- panding its program ta enter into co-operative projects with its-host countries. Whitby Recreatlôn Dept. 1974 Winter Program DRAW, DIP & DABBLE A creative arts and crafts program for children aged 5 to 10 years. It includes: basic sketching with pencil, pastel and charcoal, water color painting, finger painting, collages, papier inache, dlay modelling, simple puppetry and much more! LOCATION: BEGINNING: LENGTH: TIME: FEEf INSTRUCTOR: To be announced Saturday, February 2nd 10 weeks 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon SI 0.00 (includes supplies) Lorraine McKay (a student at Anderson Collegiate) BALLET Give your child tue opportunity to gain poise and grace and learn the fundamentals of ballet and modern jazz dancing. Children must-be 5 years of age or older to enrol. LOCATION: BEGINNING: LENGTH: TIME:- FEE: INSTRUCTOR: Henry Street High - Cafeteria Monday, February 4th 10 weeks 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. S 10.0 Denise Lester (from Pickering) TAP DANCING A fun-filled dance course for children 5 years of age and over. LOCATION: BEGINNING: LENGTH: TIME: INSTRUCTOR: Henry Street High - Cafeteria Monday, February 4th 10 weeks 8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Denise Lester (from Pickering) LADIES SPORTS NIGHT A 10 week course full of fun and exercise for women of ail ages. It will include: figure trimming exercises, basket- baIl, volleybalî, badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, folk dancing. LOCATION: BEGINNING: LENGTH: TIME: FEE: INSTRUCTOR: MEN'S VOLLEYBALL Please contact Jack interested in joining. LOCATION: TIME: BEGINNING: ENDING: Anderson Collegiate Wednesday. February 6th 10 weeks 8: 00 p.m. - 10: 00 p.m. S7.50 Sharon Finan of Whitby - graduated froni MacMaster University with a Phys. Ed. Degree. Thomson at 668-8739 if you are Anderson Coîlegiate Tuesday evenings - 8: 00 p.m. - 10: 00 p.M. Ongoing Mid May CHINESE GOURMET COOKING An exciting new course in the art of authentic Chinese cooking ranging froni a basic Won Ton Soup to an exotic meal. We have an excellent instructor who promises ta provide a very rewarding experience for ail participants. Both Men and Women welcome! LOCATION: BEGINNING: LENGTH: TIME: FEE: I NSTRUCTOR: Anderson Collegiate - Home Economics Rooni Thursday. February 7th 10 weeks 7:30 p.rn. - 9:30 p.m. SI 13.00 (plus supplies -approx. .50 ta SI100 will be collected weekly by the instructor) Mrs. Gai] Chan (a West Lynde resident) *ADVENTURE '74" A Club for voung teens who are interested in travelling. A trip ta the Quebec Winter Carnival. canoeing on the French River, or a skiing trip ta Colîingwood are just a few of the exciting possibilities that the mnembers, under the direction of a qualified leader. can work together ta make a reality. Co-sponsored with the Whitby Public Library. LOCATION: BEGINNING: TIME:, Whitby Library Friday, February Sth 7:-30 p.m. - 9: 00 p-m. FEE: $1 .00 REGISTRATION FOR THE ABOVE AS FOLLOWS: - PROGRAMS ARE MONDAY, January 28th, 7:00 p.m. -9:,30 HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA, Instructors will be present to answer any questions you may have concerning the courses. YOGA An outstanding course for both men and women taught by Mira Blake, a very qualified and experienced instructor. LOCATION: LENGTH: BEGINNING: TIME: FEE: Henry St. High - Seminar Room 10 weeks Tuesday, February Sth 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. S 10.00 REGISTRATION DATE FOR YOGA: Tuesday, .Ianuary 19 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL- SEMINAR ROOM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE WHITBY RECREATION DEPARTMENT - 668-5803 ext. 48 NEW PROGRAM IDEAS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJEC'T TO CANCELLATION IF REGISTRATION IS INSUFFICIENT. People wiIl also be able to register for progranis during the week of Monday, ianuary 28th, until Friday, February .1 st at the Whitby Recreation Department located in the Municipal Building on Dundas Street. DIAMOND VALUE USED RENAULI CARS DIMo-mIS COUPE metailic blue, tan leatherette, AM/FM radio, vitalized and rust proofed. Less than 2000 miles. Save $700. Licence EAB 940 1970 DATSUN WAGON medium green. A real gas saver with lots or room. Licence EAP 579. 1969 RENAULT 10 true economy over 35 mpg. Cornpletely reconditioned An ideal second car. Licence HPY 495. 1972 BARRACUDA One owner, 18,000 miles, orange with black trim'. Power steering, brakes, automatic transmission. EXCELLENT CONDITION Licence EAS 316. 1969 PL'YMOUTH FURY Two door automatic, vinyt top, outstanding family transportation. Licence EAF 157 C&C MOTOR SALES LTD 8 160 Simcoe S Sales 728-0181 Service 728-0051