Vol. 4, No. 5 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1974 10 CENTS Demontatr acNus About 60 relatives, friends, and sympathizers of dIfferent reiigious groups staged a demn- onstration last Monday mor- ning outside the J.O. Ruddy Hospital to express their con- cern for the nurse who won't do abortions. Anna Marie Palmer, 24, an Ajax nurse who bas work- ed at the hospital for three years has been transferred to a post-operative' unit from the operating room she was working in because she refus- es to help with abortion op- erations. Mrs. Palmer, a Roman Catholic, says that wheri sue started working ini the O.R. iast September, head nurse Gladys Oatway told her that site woutd be "sclieduted a- round" abortion operations. But instead, Mrs. Paimer was recentty toid that sie would have to heip with abortions or ask for a transfer or resign. Last Wednesday she was transferred to a post- operative surgicat ward which wilt entait working shift work, week-ends, and no more "on- cati". Workers in the operat- ing room are "on-cati" every so often allowing them, if they are caiied in, to earn about another $70. Mrs. Paînier says that "~Do- ctors who don 't want to per- forni ahortions are îlot pre- surred into it" and feets that she is beig discriminated against. The liospitat administrator, John Kunetsky, lias been quoted as saying that "we just coutdn't operate a hospi- tat if nurses coutd pick and choose where they want to work"'. Head nurse, Gladys Oat- way, indicated to the Press that abortions in the hospital are on the rise. Taxi Business Taxes Cou ncil Once again Whitby councit is looking into the taxi tic- ensing situation in Whitby. At a recent counicit,tfleet- ing it was.decided to retaiti ex-councit member Bill trwin as solicitor to draft a new by-t'aw based on1 reconend- ations from the management committee on whether to continue limiting the number of ticenses in Wh itby. The taxi industry in Whitby will be given a chance to voice their opinions before the new by-law is finalized, and stibmitted to couincil for approvat. No taxi owner licenses wil be issued until February 28. Councilior Tom Edwards, after two previous attemipts. finatly inanaged to get couil- cil approvat to support the Californlia grape boycott. Mayor Des Newmah,,still stood stead fast in voici;ig his ojiposition that it wofftd be improper for couricil to beconie invotved in a unlionf dispute. iHe added ttîat the boycott leaders shoutd go to tieir owIt tegistature in Cali- fornia anid not ini Ontario. Never-tlîe-tess Wtitby Cou- mcil eventuatty decided to endorse the boycott. Ladies College Student to Enter Provi*nciaol Tourne-y Deborahi Maw, a Grade 12 student at the Ontario Lad- ies' Cottege, will be the first student froni the College to compete in a provincial de- bating tournament. Miss Maw, the president of the coltege debating club, was one of twelve winners of the Great Pine Ridge Debat- ing Tournament hetd at Trin- ity College Schoot ini Port Hope last Saturday. She wilt compete in a provincial tournauiient at Br- ock-University ini March. Miss Maw is fronm Maple, Ontario. CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST.N. WHITBY, ONT. 24 HRS. Whîtby Coun cil *Backs Grape Boycott