Whitby Free Press, 13 Feb 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS' Every week ~uiutotie*abgat. vr wheî w ge 1911 y' ex.utiSet1 lestreet'ligWts ;irji-Wd oni. Thev're just soite of the tlîiîgs wve take for granted and 1 guess wve take sflow reinovai for- granted 10<>. Livinîg ini Whitby wve exp)e'i'sîieedy snom, rernovûl'lie- cauise it always hiappens. 'Next timie yoti take it for granted jump ini -the car and drive tio'igli theý streets of' Oshazwa. They are ant absoltite mess. Somne side stre ets get plowed ouly two or three Mimes ail wiiter - sonie îlot ,it ail. While driving mav utot be a1 pleastire any mnore it sure coulId lie a witoie lot worse wveren't tor the efforts of our Tîtey seemn to be niot oiy'- READERS WRITE To lThe Editor: The Minisry of Transport Publiic Affairs Dept. is app- arentl' Lipset over a recenit ietter written by mie aiud puib- lished ini the local, iewspa pers. Int it 1 clîarged that Transport planners knew a larger area of Durhtam would be affected than titeir rnaps iîdicate and that they were deiiberatl), misleading us. 1 furthur stated that their mtaps had been drawni by a public relations agency. lThe reasoning for titis is the fact titat the foiiowing îs taken front a Federal Goveruimenit publication and 1 quote *'The Ministry of Transport noise exposure naps are not avail- able for A their preparatioil -. lut other words you cannot produce a mnap for the Pick. ering airport without having the planes fly in aind out. If titis is the case then ail build- ing ini the area should cease until we know where ntoise- lantd will actually be. A public affairs officer said in ian. 74 that the ntaps frorn 1972 were stili the best informationî availabie & would be the Iast unitil thte airport is operationlal. It was also admitted that much of thte material came from noise measurements at Malton. Since Transport is not going to give us any more information and we find that their figures came from Mal- ton- I wil tel! you what I Dear Sir: May I extend an invitation to your readers to attend what promises to be a most informative evening, when the Christian Emmanuel Sdi. ool, Rossland Road, Oshawa will hold an information ev- r ening at King St. E. Pente- cost Cburch, Oshawa, Tues. Feb. 26th at 8p.m.T The Rev. G. Landers,,Bap. a tist, Minister, Oshawa- wiil be guest speaker, his topie "Wby Rev, RH, James ,Whitby Froc Metiiodist Churchi ini te winter ini Wlitbv if il shlow rernovai teami. weleqîipped for tejob but found oit comiparimtg the Iwo mîaps lotit rroduced by' the Federal Gov. Malton Shows a total ut<iselaîtd area of a- bout 1 20 sq. miles with a runway core of 6 sq. miles. Pickerinîg, on thte otherliîand. witlh a larger runway core of I2 sq. mtiles shîows outly 1 09 sq. miles of îîoiselamtd. Wlt titis nis iin real ternis us t1uat Markhami, Stotiville, Ciaremouit. Brooklin, sont!) wesb Whiitby, Ajax anîd utost of Cedarwood wiil be iii the tiglit ioise coittour. To titis miust be added the traffie patternt wîicli operates front 5 to 8 mniles producing fly- oi'er ntoise ad îd ilI take ini Uffonvile. Ballantrae, Good- wood, Myrtie, Whtbb, Pick- ering Nuiclear Plant anîd the Metro Zoo. AIl the pertinentt tecîtutical data was takeit front - Peo pIe, Malton ,ind the iew Toronto Airport publîshied by Traits- port Cantada, Stantdard Instru- ment Departures Clîart pub. iislîed ly Dept. Eîîergy Minîes anîd Resources, Terminai Area C'harts published by DepI. Emergy, Mites anid Resources antd New Housing and Air- port Noise published ly Cen- tral Mortgage antd Housing Corp. If the Federal pianners would only look it their ownl files they coLlid tel! Durham and York residents the reai story of the Picker- ing airport. Yours truly, Ken Sprately, Councilior R.R. 1 Brooklin lIejbgets çiQnte jffickiy all(l efficicntly anid wih a uîîi,îi- .'in 1i) "o f fûss'k: îî: a îhing we take for granbed and we Slliouidi 't becaLI'ise'a i<ot of coutlutlulities wouiljust love tb liave tie kiutd of suîow reiiovaluipimienit anîdcrew litlhy lias Itow. But the fact is thuat Whitb)v does have a good lsinow remiovai crew and whether we take il for granted or utot we wvant the Jpeople respouisible io know we appreciate their effort s. 1So Mihen lte next snow storni lis and you see the piovv chargiuîg downi y<ur street ontly minutes after the stormn is over, wvave 10 lihe truck aindIet the crew know youre appreciative. We thiuîk thev (leserve a salimbe. 1 enijoy tîte FREE PRESS wlteilever I aui abile 10oltain it. Silice I do ilot live in tte Wltîtby arca it is tiot always possible for ntc to visit a store whticît ltautdies your excellent itcwspal)er. 1LUst week was tuie first timite duritg te more taita vear 1 have Iceit aquaiutted wvit thlie FREE PRESS wlîemî thiere lias becît amy cause tu> take exceptiont to soietitimg puhîlislued. Your fronît page story oit the p)eaceful dcutouîstratiout at your local hiospital referred tu the dentouistrators as, -frieiids anid svntpatitizers of different religions groulps." Mty wife was te first denioustrator tb arrive at te hospital Felruary 4.' We are utot friends or syuîtpaîtizers of any particular gronp. Ini discussiîîg lier part icipationt withi mie she faiied b mîention aîîy atlemnpt 10 cortverb or preacit at liter duriug thie deuttoustratiomt. As 1 umderstand it the ssue had tu od<, îot wiîFu religîiuî but with dite fact that a nurse wlto refuses to participate inilte legai dest- rucbio)n of humnat life was beiuîg discrimiîîabed agaiuîst ly lier enîployers at the Itos- pitl, amnd the demnmstratiomi was staged* by people wio lelieve that employees slould have some say abouit the conditiouns under which tlîey work. Wîien' school teachers sauy titev wamtt a say in thte size of their Classes thaI itas itothi- iîtg to do with tîteir religion or iack of it. MiVen Dl)top entpfloyees utegot iate tîtroiugî thteir untioni to inîfluentce the conuditions Lilder vhîicli thîey w'ork, nto uiewspaper fecîs obliged to ideuttify the religionî of te -chief negotiator. Whty theut is tlhe religion of a nutrse whîo ieads te saine ,kind of iove at a hospitiai sLddenlim uportanît? Yours for workers righnts, Bruce Arsîoid 235 Quecut Street Port Perry', Ontb. [)ear Sir: 1 don't ever expect to sec or read titis letter ut your mewspaper, as 1 live iin Vant- coLuver. Titis is ut regard bo te uîws broadcast scitedul- cd February 4t comicerntiug a certaint nurse disiissed from the operatiîug roouîî because she did utot feel capable of assistiuug in ait abortiori op- crat ion. If you htave kîîowî auîv- ome wto uteeded ait abortioîî THE WI-IITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper, of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving total of approximately 25,000 readers. Published every Wcý(irsday by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAIL: Box 206,Whitby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manâger - MVlke Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Advertising Manager - Graphic Arts - Marie Rutter for reasoits otîter ltaithlie aiio wed rea soits, sclt preg- mîamcy rcstltiiig imi a caesariait sectin u:lte scars l)otît rucî- (linamd pitysical are grea,,t. lu t our permtissive society, tntdi)cbtter antd more comn- fflete aiîd readily availalle birtît c<>mtr<)i counselimtg is giveuito10 veryomîc starlimtg at a Younug age. Ailumuwamtcd pregiautcies siiormd le tcr- niiaed, 5<) as nuttot 1have left te youmtg inother witiî a ittrdcn sfic wotld have 10 carry titrouigli life. j T. Jensiscu 3586 Dieppe St. Vanceouver, B.C. Dear Mr. Burgess: We are oute of tite nnfort- Litate fantilies who chose 10, settle iii a Nortlîdowmt home here in WWltby, and yes we also have onie of lte faulty furepiaces, but we take vio- lenît exception 10, your tho- uglttless and foolish crilicisin of the Buildintg Inspector for #fie Town of Whitby. How could onte mait possibiy in- spcct every aspect of every honte buiît the towmt dur- ing the past 8 10 10 nmoutlis? Tlîey itumber ini the iîundreds! Perliaps before leveling sucli harsît criticism in his direction, you should ques- tion our less than able Couit- cil who do not sec fit to appointt ait adequate staff. 'We do îlot hold the Buiding linspector responsible for our troubles, but place the blame wiîere it leloutgs - sqnarely oui the Town's shoulders. What are our Coûncillors doing, besides raising their owmi salaries? Yours truly. i.K. Wetiters 6 McFarîane Court Whtithy Dear Sir: Could you find space in your paper for us regarding the Amtnual Membership Tea of the J.O. Ruddy Hospital Woîueut's Aux. 10 le held Wed., Feb. 2Oth, 1974, from 2 tli 5 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyteriamî Church oit Coch- ranîe St. in Whitby. Everyone is welcome! Thianking you in Avance, I remaiut. (Mrs.) Framt Rich 508 Peel Street Wîitby, Ontario I I-j hilfntir'n. ASa-fuite TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC MEETING TERMS 0F REFERENCE FOR SELECTION 0F ALIGNMENT FOR ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST FXTENSION Thie Administrative Committee of the Council will hold a Public Meeting on Tbursday, February 2lst, 1974 at 8.00 p.Mn. in the Dr. Robert Thornton Public School at Scott Street and Hazelwood Drive. The purpose' of this meeting- is- to receive comments from the citizens of the Garrard Road - Thickson Road area regarding the various alternatives and matters which the Town should consider as part of the terms of reference for a study wltich' will determine the selection of an alignment for the "Adelaide Avellue West Extension" from Anderson Street in the Town' of Whitby to Adelaide Avenue West in the City of Oshawa. )aàted at the Town of Whitby this I 2th day of February, 4.0.1; 1974. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK, Town.of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street. West, Whitby, Ontario. m M

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