CIRCL E TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. ",WHITBY, ONT. 668-6666lW 24 HRS. ri p-RI F AMI LVYR ESTAURANTS, VVHiTBY & OSHAWAÀ 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1974 Lewis Vi'sits Wvhitby Says Airport is Profou-nd Mistake Leader Stephen Lewis on told Mayor Newman that be Monday morning in Mayor bad expected to see bim - Free Press Photo Newman's office. Mr. Lewis Parliament. Nurse Stli in the Dark Hospiltal Investigating. Whitby - Anna Marie Palmer, the Whitby nurse who won't do abortions, is still iii the cark about what is goîng to happen to her. Mrs. Palmer, a nurse at .the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital in Whitby, was transferred cut of the operating room she was working in because she refuses to belp with abor- tion- operations. She says that wben she started working in the operating roomn last September, bead nurse Gladys Oatway told her that she would be "scheduledaround" abortion- operations. Mrs. Palmer is a Roman Catholic who believes abortions are "&negative medicine." But instead, Mrs. Palmer was told that she would bave to help with abortions or ask for a transfer or resign, and was eventually transferred to a post-operative surgical ward. Tliis transfer entails working shift work, week-ends, and no m ore "6on cali". Operat- ing room workers are "on caîl" every second or third week-end ail owing them, if called in, to earn about an- other $70 a day. Area residents staged a demonstration last week at the hospital to express their aympatby for nurse Palmer and the resulting publicity has brougl't letters of sym- pathy from as far away as Britich Columbia. Mirs. Palmer said that she bas received "almost 100 letters, and every single one of them was for me except one." But Mrs. Palmer is still in tbe dark as to wbetber the hospital will allow her to go back to the operating roomn and not take part in abor- ti ons. "The hospital basn't told me anything either way" sbe said. A meeting of the bospital management committee on Friday afternoon was suppos- ed to start an investigation into the matter, but Board Chairman Dr. Ken Hobbs said tbat it was doubtful if any recommendations would be forthcoming before the March Board of Directors meeting. Following the Friday mee- ting Mrs. Palmer said that she called the bospital ad- ministrator John Kunetsky and was told that the board wants to meet with ber in tbe 4&near future" but he failed to indicate when. Mrs. Palmer said that she feels the hospital is holding back hoping the papers will lose interest -in the story, but added "the administration basn 't put any pressure on me'.' She said tbat she is "&very anxious to find out what tbe verdict is" and added 'If they tell me that 1 can't be Wbi*tby Mon, Drowns Gien Worral, 33, of 6 Lauren Court, Whitby died as a result of bis snowmobile falling througb the ice on a lake Sunday morning near llavlock. Mr. Worral and a. friend, Kenneth Gilbreatb, 30, of 61 Mercury Drive, Rexdale, were spending the weekend at Round Lake with eigbt other men, when tbey decided to go for an early morning ride on the laIýe. Their snowmobîle fell th- rough thin ice about fifty feet from open lake and were both drowned. allowed to continue working in the operating room l'il bave to take furtber action",. but said that she couldn't at this time say wbat the "f urtber action" would be. This Sunday nignt fîre at 1707 Dufferin St., Witby, caused an estimated $4,000 damage before quick action on the part of the Witby' Fire Department brougbt it under control. Mr. & Mrs. Ajax - Ontario NDP leader Stephen Lewis said last night that the new Pickering air- port f6was madness" and the goverment'"s "first profound mistake". Mr. Lewis said "there's nothing anyone's sbown me to justify tbe need for a new airport. 1 find few political episodes as offensive as the manner in which they (the Pickering residents) have been handled". Mr. Lewis was wrapping up a one day whirl wind tour of the Durham Region by speaking at an Ontario South NDP general meeting in Ajax Monday nigbt. He said that tbe 150 million dollars to be spent acquiring the necessary land wiII only result in a simple extension _ of Metro Toronto.__"À'ndi they're going to do it witbout the enquiry allowed, under the expropriations act," he said. Referring to a recent meet- ing between the People or Planes group and Bob Welsh, Lewis said "Bob Welsh is a master of circumlocution."' 1"Tbat's just a dishonest sham", he said, "They've got a management tearn planning the town of North Pickering now" Mr. Lewis added "there isn't a single vestige of that scbemne that makes any sense" Mr. Lewis bad met witb the POP group earlier in the day and said that be "could feel tbe way the people, the David Baker were returning home to their badement ap- artment after going to a movie with friends when they spott- ed smoke coming out of the bouse, and called the Whitby Fire Dept. Tbe upstairs resi- whole community feels". He said it is wrong to drive -the POP group to the wall, because they can neyer afford the repeated necessary présentations to govermnent' Mr. Lewis said "there is an element of integrity miss- ing ini government" and added "there is somnething wrong in the quality of politics in Ontario." Speaking on the recent offer made by Paul Godfrey through the media to meet with hin concerning the-pro- posed Toronto garbage dump- ing, Mr. Lewis said that he would "be happy to meet with Paul Godfrey." "What Paul Godfrey has to understand is that there are very strong feelings and very- strong resentment a- the >way Métro Toronto is proposing to bande this- sit- uation".- Mr. Lewis said further that Paul Godfrey bas to bave some feelings for the people in the peri- pbery around Metro Toronto. "There is not a penny in this year's budget for re- cycling, and I'm interested in meeting to find out exactly wbat Metro Toronto is going to do about recycling instead. of pushing it into the peri- pbery. lt's the alternative 1 want to know about". Mr. Lewis added "Comm- onsense dictates that Hope townsbip or Vaughan town- ship is flot the place to dump Toronto garbage." dents were away at the time. vol 4>,No. 7 Mayor Des Newman (left) held an informai meeting with visiting Ontario NDP