Whitby Free Press, 20 Feb 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY,20, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIh lNewman Comments An Englisli poet once said "april is the cruelest month". 1 don't think he was referring to income taxes, but in the circumstances it is appropriate. No one looks forward with any degree of anticipation to filling out income tax foi-ms and sending them on. to Ottawa, but at least the people of Ontario are more fortunate than our fellow citizens in other provinces. The Ontario government lias developed a system of tax credits which will provide for rebates to two out of every three of our citizens. Tbrough the medium of these tax credits, the Ontario 'government will distribute i the neighbourhood of $300,000,000 directly to Ontario taxpayers. 1 have received many questions about the credits, and I though perhaps it might be helpful if 1 set out here some of those that are most often asked, and the answers to them. Q. How do I calculate my property tax credit? A. The federal income tax form contains a special section for Ontario tax credits. The property tax formula for 1973 is the lesser of $90 -or occupancy cost. For homeowners, occu- pancy cost is property tax paid in 1973. For renters, occupancy cost is 20% of rent paid in 1973. Q. Do I need receipts for my rent? A. No, flot to file your return. Taxpayers may be requested, however, to supply receipts after they have received their refund. Q. If 1 do not pay income tax, do I stili have to file a tax return? A. Yes. In order to dlaim your property, retail sales and pensioner tax credits, you must file a return. Pensioners who will flot be paying any taxes and therefore are urged to file as soon as possible to get their refund quickly. Q. I share an apartment with two others. How do we claim our property tax credit? A. One tenant may dlaim the entire rent and divide up the single tax refund, or each tenant may dlaim hisfher portion of the total rent paid and get a separate refund. As long as none of you are claimed as dependants on anothers income tax, you may ail cdaim the retail sales tax credit. Q. What is the retail sales tax credit? A. The sales tax credit formula is 1% of personal exemptions as entered on page 2, line 36 of your income tax return. Q. When do I qualify for the pensioner tax credit? A. The pensioner tax credit may be claimed by any- one 65 years old as of December 31, 1973. The credit is $100 and may be claixned regardless of income. [n the case of a maried couple both over 65, only the spouse with the higher taxable income may claim the pensioner tax credit. Ontario residents over 65 are the only ones who are eligible for ail three tax credits. If you have any problems or further questions, please do not hesitate to write to me at Queen's Park. hIe Ministry The YMCA in Whitby re- cognizes the growing demand for a Kinder Gymn and is offering a special -program for the younger generation. Young children love to turn somnersaults, do minor acrobatics, Iéarn creative da- ne steps to music, balancîng proper breathing techniques, simnple gymnastics, cîinibing and play ini an active manner. Parents let' your children learn basic co-ordination with others.in a pleasing, positive Manner under capable leader- ship evei-y Saturday morn- ig. Ut our program help develop coafkkene ini your yoianter through the use of special teaching aids and crea- tive developmnent equipment. Pre-registration at the Wh- itby YMCA office Feb. 13 - 14, 416 Centre St. S., or cal the Y office for further in- formation, 668-6868. 'Me six week program for chuldi-en- will be divided into two groups. Ages 3 - 4, 9:30 - 10:15 a.m., 5 - 6, 10: 15 - 11:00Oa.m. Starting date for Kinder Gym, Saturday, February 16, 1974. For those parents who wish to wait and socialize with others over a morning coffee they wilf ,be most wel- corne to do so, Bicycle good vehile in tiny Baham Ian- town W EST END, Baharnas - It was 10:30 a.m. and aIl was seemingly quiet along the main road of this picturesque fishing village. Several Canadian visitors staying at the Grand Bahama Hotel and Country Club, just one mile from the town, ha rented bicycles and were taking in the scenery on a bright, sunny Friday morning. The bicycle is the best mode of transportation for getting around West End, located at the northern tip of Grand Bahanma Island, about 25 miles from Freeport. Suddenly, the serenity was broken by the melody of steel drum music - with the pul- sating sound of goornbay, the rhythm of the Bahamian people. Several of the bike riders decided to follow the sound, emanating from a few hundred yards down a narrow road off the main strip which runs along the waterfront. When the visitors arrived at the scene, they found a group of locals listening to a young man playing the steel drum. The Bahamians, rather amused by the interruption, învited the Canadians to join in. The visit- ors were hesitant at first - after ail, they were away fromn the main road, in a private yard. Butany doubts were soon set aside. ,', "Corne on over, said the man playing the steel drum." "No one's going- to harm you here. Don't bc afraid." He then beckoned one of the visitors to try his hand at play- in, the instrument - made from an oil drum. The Baba- mian's name, it turned out was Dennis Thomas, and he used to play witb a professional group. He's a fireman now, and tt was his day off, so he decided to have a little 'jam' session Bahamian style. The visitors were offered a drink, and then treated to a free show, with Dennis Thomas obviously pleased to display bis talents once again. Several of the locals backed him up with a variety of tools used in goom- bay music - such unlikely in- struments as cowbells, whistles and goat-skin drumis. It was quite a show, and a completely TODAY'S HEALTH I'mi 0K-or arn 1? by David Woods There was once a tirne wben nobody talked about mental illness. Sure, therc were whispered corn- miertîs f the effect that Aunt Maý,ry was ai bit funny, so they came and took her to one of those special hos pit a k. But, living in a more enlightesned age, if also in one that imposes considerable mental and emotional stress on uis and therefore increascd chance of breakdown. wve have learned to accept emiotional or mnen- tai illness sinmply as a fact of life. Statîstically, one person in seven or cight will sufTer sonie kind of psychological illness during his life, although nutch of it k îtreaied in sion: ralking [o yourself is the first sign of rnadness?) But there's no- body there f0 pass judgemnent. "Ne ai (on[1 strangle the driver who cuis in in fr-ont of us. Take cither of those c\arnplcs a stage further by talkîng to youirself in a crowded restaurant, or graibbing the offend- ing driver bk the scrufi of the neck -and they hecomie rat her question- able bch,îvior forns. Suiiîc yc.rs ago, two Washington physicans developed a scoring sys- teni for trramatic life events. A deaih in the family. a divorce, loss of a job, îaking on a mecrigage, or %%hattes er. ail added up Io a certain siumibet- of points aboe which the person concerned %vas considered to hav~e a high tisk. litit this (foesn't .illowv for îndi- %idua~liît'. The prohlemi is that each person's toicrance differs frorn the doctor's office or in a generat hospital. The nev. openness abouit psylchol- ogy is heartening. btt e live in an age when people are possibîs %,geltting oVeriv concerne(] abouit their identi- TI'OLJg tics and psyches. One question fr-e- quently asked of psychiatrisls ÎR: Flvedon tielt hema 'a di ahnt o' f p re c Hotwe domialu teti ih tiirenc hehav ou 2 A oronto psych iît ris! %%ho sat. a e y iahrappropu iaîe ly, ou the couich l t l . in ny oAlice t he ut lier es eint!. ufe rcd alnau e.vI p>art ut , Jcpîobcmis thi tdefini- iou COUlUddo si fions of acceptable hea Wo ie about it. nmade h% peuple in pou er, lie said. As a reit wc're constantly trs in.g Different bronds of the to plea% ise otiiCle s -- to live li drug vary widely in prý to standaîrds inîposed b, othet s. ihe pr-obteni is there are no teal % arning Next time, when y> signs for ntaliii illniess. as theue are prescription, osk this qt for- many formis of physical diseaise. e.in the Iowest cost Not oîily that. lue went on, bu 1t ttîngCOT sonie peoples tolerance for nîclîtaLl t ACS disconîfort ks greater Iihan others'. PARCOST is a pr< and sumne peopte hetiese theý run*t you of "Prescriptions Aý deserve help. [o conîpouind tuie tYordcrc problem. v bat is irratîia behavior - useitYord trc for one individutal miay bc rat onal o bout it through the PA for another. quality drugs. Suiicide is a case in point. cener-- Think PARCOST- ally. attenipted suicide stemns fromi mental disttîrbance. Buit for sonie- participating pharrnoc) one wit h a termn ral disease. suiicide nay represent an inteligent opt ionî. History piovides other cxanîplcs. People like Joan of Arc mighit 'ell have been referred for psy'chiatrie help becauise of their 'irrational' m - VIC'vS. 'Very often, tolerance by society for certain forms of behavior is as imiportant as the indîvidual's own assessnient: a person's view of him- self as OK or flot OK depends on %Ahat he considers society will put up %% ith. Talking to oneself in the privacy of the home is somiething most people probably do at one time or another. (Remember the expres- PARTICIPATING PHARMACY BIKE BRIGADE - The bicycle ls the best mode of transporta- tion for getting around West End, a tlny but picturesque fishlng village located at the northern.tlp of Grand Babama Island, about 25 miles from Freeport. Town Is located only one mile from Grand Bahama Hotel and Country Club (above) wbere bikes cao lie rented. On bicycle tour of West End, you may see Bahamians playing impromptu goombay music; open-air school- rooms; straw mnarket; and variety of small bars and restaurants. unexpected treat for [the visitors. Why did Dennis give it al up? "Well, ail the young feîlows today just want to play those evcrvhbodv eise's: one maan could scorec phenornenaliv high, and cope: anoîher might go to pieces on the basis of just one of the events occttrring. A recent U.S. study. reported in t he London Sunday Tirnes, shows that sorne commion major fears are, surprisingly: speakiniz in public, heights. insects, financial problerns and ,deep Water. When it really cornes down to it, if vou feel you're not 0K. the deci- sion can only rest with you about seeking help. One real bit of pro- gress to be thankful for in the field of mental health is that today there's no StigmaL attached 10 visit- ing a psychiatrist. David Iooils i.Ç a frmrdiior of Catiacian Fail v Physiciatnimaga- zine. Ili, lias serîc'd on the inedical 3/a/j of four inedical publicatio,. anzd ivri (<nutfor several o1fiers iii C~anadau and iinrc'rniatotidi. big electric guitars in place of steel drums," he said somewhat sadly. "There isn't much place for me any more. But 1 love to play. You can find me here on just about any off.day." CARE is people heipmng people . 1 1 it about the cost riptions omething some quality rice. y'ou need a luestion, "Arn I drug occordingI ogram thot assures t Reasonoble COST" and pharmocist know ARCOST Index of - choose o Yi. Ontario Honi. Rchard T Potter. MD. Minister

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