PAGE 14, WEDNES DAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, combination living-dining rooms, full basement. 8 3/4% mortgage. Asking $48,900. WHITBY 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, living-dining rooms, partly fin- ished rec room. 8 3/4% mortgage. Asking $51 ,900. OSHAWA Duplexed 2 storey, 10 roorns, including 3 kitchens, 3 baths. garage and parking for 4 cars. S54,900. MULT IPLE LISTING SERVICF Earl Harris, Realtor Jim Wilson Doug (Scotty) Taylor Patty Simpkiss Archie Taylor Benny Stacewicz OSHAWA 3 storey brick duplex. Good income home. Asking $33,000. with low down payment. 121 BROCK STREETý NORTH WVHITBY 668-7777 AsI1See It by Rev. R. H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church Congratulations Mrs. Anna Marie Palmer on your con- victions and stand concerning abortion at the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital, Whitby. ln the past a mother bas always been known as tbe one witb the deepcst love, affection, concern, kindness and thoughtfulnes? for the life of her baby. It puzzles many today why ihis mother is now known as the person who allows tbousands of babies to be put te deatb through abortion. Why is this? Is it because she bas lost ber natural affections? God's Word says that in the last days people- wiIl be without natural affection. Is it because she wants a jou to accumulate wealth, have a fancy borne (if it can be' home witbout her child) have wîld parties and nigbt life rather than the love and care of her baby? Is it because she is out of wed lock and so finds this the best way ont of an embarassing.dilemma? Congratulation' to the Birthright Mo vement! Th.1ere is a way te let your baby live, if for some reason you do flot wish tQ care for your cbild, Birthright will find someone who will love to. Surely if we will committ our ways to e the L.ord, life for ail of us will' have a deeperrmeaning, peace and satisfaction. Let us ail livea rigbteous life and let live. "Be sure your sin will find yotu out'. Congratulati'ons to the mother ' whô is at home' doing without those extras but giving ber child *24 hour a day love and attention and enjoying her clilidren, Government how about a bonus for her. Rev. R.H. James Free Mehitodist Church Brian Switzer New Deputy-Clerk Town Clerk, Wm. H. Wall- ace, announced last Friday the appointment of Mr. Brian C. Switzer as Deputy..Clerk of the Town of Whitby. Mr. Switzer bas been em- i il ployed with the Township of Nepean, near Ottawa since 1969 and was Assistant Io the Township Clerk. He will assume bis new duties on March 11 th, 1974. Corne to COLLINS Mid-Winter -Shoe SALE 20%-50% OFF Dlscontlnued lunes cf men's women,'s, and chlldren's shoes and wlnter foofwear no refunds or exchanges USE YOUR CHAI«;ExI COLLINS Shoos- 119 BROCK ST. S. DOWNTOWN WH ITBY (servlng Whitby Since 1872) 668-3476 OPOn DaIy TillI.6 Fr1. Til19 Planks for the ceiling which resembie llmed and weathered wood are now on the market as weil as <'hand-hewn" beams molded of lightweight plastic foam. These "planks" are easy to handie, and cost much less than their naturai Wooýd counterparts.__ LAND FOR SALE 100 acres, more of less, of very' productive land. Located, in Victoria County in Lindsay,. Little Britain area. Eight roomn brick house, 100' x 40'. Hip-roof barn, good Implemnent Shed. Hy- dro and ample water supply, also farmn pond. Suitable for Dairy or Beef Farming. Interested' parties apply to Box 206, Whitby. Asking price $ 100,000. Terms eau be arrarmged. HANDY IDEA Wearlng an old. pair of gloves helps .save harids wNile paintlng and stainlng around the home. OPEN SUGGESTION VentlatioQn is,important whçn Painting, or staining. Be sure windows are open to be sgfe. 1Il HELP WANTED .Part-time, help wanted, Ja- nitor, Whitby school, 4hours daily' starting at 4 or 5 Approximnately $3.00 per hr. Contact Glen Fitzgerald, bus. 644-7558, Res. 668-5313, evenings. il I SeALE --nonne tjlju.f III KINSMEN 4 BINGO. AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE Every Thursday - 7:45 p.m. $1.00 Admission -Early Bird Special -20 Regular Games -$250.00 Jackpot $300.00 Special -Snowball Special (Starts at $1 00. 00) -$1, 000. 00 SPECIAL STAR TS A T50NUMBERS AND GOES UP ONE NUMBER PER WEEK UNTIL WON. LOO 0K!! THIS WEEK $1 ,000.00 JACKPOT 15 AT 55 NUMBERS I 'I 3 a 1 tir . -b- 1