Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, VEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK Lovely Anne Dowdall, 21 years old, is a *"Kiosk-girl" sum mer s0 she cani go bicycling and play football "with for Eaton's Financial Services. She is studying to be an the boys". interior decorator and is now spending most of her spare -Photo by Mike Burgess, trne decorating a friend's home. She is anxiously awaitinga TV TIMES - There'l be a Celebration on CBC-TV Monday, Marchl 18 at 7:30 p.m., the airwaves reverberating to the joyful sounds of a haîf-hour rock gospel concert starring Tommy Ambrose. Music i> the medium of Ambrose's non-preachy ,r message extolling Christian love, and accompanying the dynamic singer is the eight-member Celebration Choir. Other performers are, from Nashville, Tennessee, the Oak- ridge Boys quartet and the stunning blonde gospel artist Barbara Fairchild. "Entertainment with thought-provoking content," says Ambrose of Celebration, most of which was taped live last December by director Bill Davis and producer Sam Lovullo before a studio audience in Toron to. - Judy ILa Marsh, former cabinet minister and, presently, visiting professor of law at Osgoode Hall Law School, York University will be the guest panelist on Front Page Chall- enge on Tuesday, March 12, 9:30 p.m. - The Howie Meeker Hockey School winds up on Wednesday, Mardi I13 at 7:30 p.m. The school lias proved so popular this season, tlîat plans are alreaidy underway to hrîng it back for canother year. Budding NHLers cani look fbrward to rejoining Howîe iii, the faîl. - The Canadianl Brier. the annual curling classic, got underway ini London, Ontario on Monday. March 4. CBC- TV will carry nightly reports at 11:45 p.m.. witlî the final game scheduled live on the network, Sat., Marcli 9 at 2 p.m. Don Chevrier and Don Duguid wviI1 cali the action, with Douig Maxwell handling the hosting dtities. -CBC phone reaction to some of its programming ruils the gamut. For instance, for the Macbeth (opera) telecast on Musicamera, Feb. 6 (the "Pros" were slightly ahead of the "cons"), comments ranged fromn "That was exceptional a fine and artistic nmusical production" to "How mucli longer do we have to watch this trash?" - The Collaborators, as it neared the end of its first season run on CBC.TV early this month, kept steadily climbing ini terms of audience and enjoyment index, acc- ording to CBC*s Research Survey. ln its 7th week (ian. 27), the audience was up to 1 8 percent (almnost 2 million) and had un enjoyrnent index of 75, comparable to Police Story (ain audience of 20 percent, enJovnent index of 78). Thie Collaborators 15 110w in produiction for a second I 0- week series, for next fall. -- To the Wild Cotimtry specials continue to rate high iii the CliC stirvey: Land of the Big Ice (Jan. 2-7) liad its biggest audienèe of the series this sezison, at 20 percent, well over 2 million-, with a higli enjoynment index o)f 89. @toi by Marjo Rutter for period of March 12 - 19 PISCES (Feb. 19 - Marceh 20) You will exceed a greater degree of confidence and optimisrn if you choose this period to improve your wardrobe and highlight your appearance. Your cycle is high this week and you could receive benefits from your efforts. ARIES (March 21 - April 19) This seven-day period is one of intrigue and stimula- tion. A hobby could turn into a lucrative sideline. Look at the amusing side of situations this week. Your most significant days will be the l3th and l4th when the moon occupies your sign. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) This should prove to be an interesting 7 day period for you, as opportunities corne your way this week. This is a very good period to travel especially if business is involved. Important people can now be approached with success. Get plenty of rest this week. GEMINI (May 21 - lune 20) Things settle into a more normal pace this week. This should prove to be a very interesting period. Sunday and Monday are significant days, when youir helpfulness and kindness will be repaid twofold. A friendly gathering could prove to be very successful this week. CANCER (lune 21 - July 22) A slight relaxation of tensions should occur this week. You could be called on to use an area of learning placed in- your unconscious years ago. Your "Most signiificant days are the I7th and 18th. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) 'Mis period should be less hectic than the last few days have been. You should feel exceptionally well. Ail projects should be approached with ingenuity and inventive purpose. Your significant numbers are 6 and 8. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) You have a Iow cycle on the 13th, I4th, and lSth, and you should complete previously begun tasks. Let others take the initiative., stay on the sidelines. Think before you speak, use extra caution while travelling, and in areas of speculation. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) This should be ail interesting, although sornewhat uneventful period. Pressures on you should lessen, and you should feel freer to pursue hobies. and engage in social life. Concentrate on being a delightful companion this week. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) Activities settle down somewhat during this exciting 7-day period. Significant days are Monday, the 18th, and Tuesday, the 1I9th. This is a good time to work quietly behlind the scenes. Do not become involved in financial matters that don't concern you. SAGITTARJUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) Energy is still high during this interesting seven--day period. Emphasis rests on your personality, personal outlook and appearance téi others. During the j-ust part of the week every task at home needs attention. Home entertainment should be kept simple. urday Night Scrapbook. NOTICE Mrs. Virginia Chanî of the to ail to attenid. Whitby Psychiatric Hospital Also on March 13, 1974, - Cilidreni's Wing, will be Wednesday. at 8 p.rn. a Coin- speaking on "Retardation in munity Card Party is to be Children" at the Brooklin held at the Christian Educa- United Chuirch, Christian ti<)f Building of the Brooklin Education Building, Monday, United Church.CGaines of March I1, 1974 at 8: 15 p.m. Bridge, Euchre e., will be Thle Brooklin United Churchi pltayed. Refreshnents Wvil I Women extend a welcomne be served. AmsinSIJ.00.

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