X PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS EIaorrTl -A Politicians'ewpaper It appears that the Town of Whitby is goinig into the newspaper business! Weli, it's not exactly a daily, or a weekly, but accordiîîg to what we hiear, the 'Townî' planîs on publishing its four '/2 tab page 'Bulletin' "about four tumes a year". Now we realize that the Whitby Free Press doesn't use the fancy glossy paper that the 'Town Bulletini' uses, but thin we don't have the tax payers money to play with, nor do we have ail the Town of Whitby department heads wrîting for us! The 'Towni Bulletin', accordinig to reliable sources, is costing Whitby tax payers (you and me) about $800 a shot (flot counting their time which we are also paying for). This February issue was "sightly more". That's right! We're talking, or rather they are spend- ing, over $3,000 a year of the tax payers' money to tell us who the Whitby council' and staff are.golly, we rail al their pictures on our front page flive months ago - for free!! But we do learn from reading this 'Bulletin' that "Iroquois Park is gradually starting to take shape ......""The Iroquois Park Arena is on target..the swimming pool "h as enter- ed the preliminary design stage..etc. We DID learn something interesting - "the warble fly is a ten acious insect ... !" But if the 'Town", or "the powers tlîat be" as a local councillor referred to the people wlîo put out the 'Town Bulletin', insist on continuing to spend the tax payers money in this manner, the Whitby Free Press will be glad to selI the 'Town' a couple of pages (equivalent to four - 1/ tab pages) and save the tax payers a couple thousand dollars ecd year. Sure! We will be glad to save the tax payers $500 a shot not to mention lettîng the department heads get back to their proper jobs (as many times a year as they want to put it out) we'll do it for $300 instead of $800 ....if the 'Town", or "the powers that be" will settle for good old fashioîîed news print. And we have already nmade this offer to them. They can even say what they want..and we won't even edit it! After ail, if the 'Town' is going to spend Whitby tax payers money, shouldn't they spend it IN Whitby with a WHITBY business? It's a wonder the 'Town' didn't decide to open a TV station..after they sent a letter to the 'Canadian Radio & Television Commission saying that Pine Ridge Cable doesn't have a studio in Whitby.after the studio has bee,î broadcasting here in Whitby for two years! Similarly maybe the Town doesn't realize there is a Whitby newspaper..and has been for the last four years. But they must! For every two ads they place out of towfl they place one witb us! Which is stili never-the-less giving more consideration to Whitby residents than the new region. The new region, with the exception of the Social Services department, apparently does flot; feel that it is necessary to tell Whitby people ANYTHING! Our legal advisors tell us that it would make an interest- ing test case before the* courts to sce IF in effect the 50 called "local advertising" is acceptable under the Municipal Act. So the next time you're at the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) stage keep this point in mind.the local engineers are the worst offenders. But check with us first. We'll tell you if it was advertised locally! Guest -Editorial Our Eyes Have Been Openedl Thie R.C.M.P., Durhamî Regional Police, and the Ontario Provincial Police are pleased with tie succcss of the drug raid last Wednesday morning. The investigation which started last year in early I)ecemiber, cliniaxed withi a total of 46 charges of trafficking in a narcotic or a controlled drug contrary to the provisions of the Narcotic Control or the Food and Drug Act. It was îlot clear in the Wednesday release of the story exactly lîow înany of these charges were for the harder drugs <methampbetanîine or speed. phencyclidine) and hlow nîany were softer drugs (nmarijuana anîd lîashislî). hlie inmpressions of the readers contacted were that two charges were made for speed, anîd the rest for s(ftcr drug.s. but this was a complete misconception. Sgt. Neeley of the R.C.M.P. iniformed the Whitby Free Press Monday that only 16 of these charges were for marijuana and that 30 were for bard drugs. We feel that the general public lias îlot beeîî aware of the severity of the drug problem in our community. Our eycs have been opencd and thanks to the liard work of our police forces, we are getting it under control. ReadILeVÂ'NI(3ite Dear Sir: Enciosed is a copy of tic article in last week's paper. Thie facts are so rnixed up and incorrect, i am taking the opportunitY to give you the correct facts, hoping you will reprinît it. The first paragraph is cor- rect except for tie following additions: Orono, Port Hope, Bowmanville, Cobourg, New Castle and Uxbridge. Eleven girls participated from the Whitby club, and five of theni came home with medals. Jane Stuart of Brooklin won a gold medal in the bronze interpretive class under 1 2 years. The silver medal in bronze inter- pretive class 1 2 years and over was won by Soroya Heggie of 'Whitby. and three bronze medals were won by Christine Piho, <Brooklin) ini the Juvenile class under 1 2 years, Linda Piho ini the Pre- iiminary class under I12 years, and Sue Ann Reid (Oshawa) ini the Pre-Novice class i12 years and over. Other skaters from the Whitby Club wcre Leslie AI- lemis, Carol Richardson, Chri- stine Richardsonî, Roxaîîne Steeves, Lori Jeffreys and Babs Fletcher- , Tic club should be con- gratulated on ajob well donc. Yours truly, H. Piho R.R. I Brooklin Karen Marie Varty', dauglîter of Mr. and Mrs. George Varty, 47 Scott Street, Witby, Ontario, is shown receîving her cap after graduating fromn the one-y'ear dental assisting program at George Brown College. Awarding the cap is Miss Sylvania Hazel, supervisor of the Dental Assisting Prograni. MFiE WHIITBY FREE PRESS (Voice o)f thîe Coun ty Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. Serving total of approximatey 2i,OOO readers. Published every Wedncsdav by Whitby Free Press mnc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at : Free Press Building 121 BrockStreet North, Whitby MAIL: Box 206,Whitby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-61 il TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Advertlslng Manager - Graphlc Arts - Marie Rutter THIS WEEK PARLIAMENT MEETS l'lie second session of tiie 29tb Parliarnent opeîwed on Wed nesday, Iebruary 27[lî. The new ('anadian C;overnor- General. Jules Leger, deliver- ed his firsi Speech from the Tbrone. The party standings in the House of ('ommons at the resunîption of Parlianien t are Liberal - 1 09, P.C. - 1 06, N. D.P. - 31, Social ('redit - 15, Independent - 1, Va- cant - 2. GUARANTEED INCOME 1-edieral Welfarc Minister Marc Lalonde and Manitoba's liealtb and Social Develop- ment Minister Saut Milter an- nlotll)nc the beginning of an experîîncental guaranteed an- nutal iinco mie project t bat \Vitl involve 2,500 Manitoba faim- lies over the next three years. l'le first dozen families vvilt start receiving t heir gu a- Sra nteed rnonthly incones» within two weeks. perimient will cost $1i7 million. 'l'lie federal govern- ment wiîll pay 75% of the monthiy payments and the Manitoba governînent 25% to the families, ail of whom vo- iunteercd for the project. Thle experiment will test the usefulness of a guaranteed annual income scheîne. STUDENT SUMMER JOBS Secretary of State Hugh from Ottawa F'aulkner annouiiied that prn- vate social serce agencies in Ontario wili receive $732,000 fromi the federal government this sumnnier to hirc 240 uni- versity anid comrnunity col- lege studenits. DONALD MACDONALD- "MAN 0F THE YEAR" The Toronto Globe and Mail's Report on Business lias nanied Energy Minister Donald Macdonald " 1973 Mian of the Year". The news- paper praised the niinister's bandilîng of bis difficuit port- folio du rinigi1973. GRAIN PRICE INCREASES Otto) Lang, Minister res- ponsible for the Wheat Board, an nouriced t bat ('anadian far- mners will reccive substantiai price increases for wheat, du- ru ni andc barley. Effective March i1, the initial prîce for ail gradies of nuilling wheat will be raised hy $1.50 a bu- shel, durum wbeat prices go up hy $ 2.00 a bushel and bar- ley increases by 75 cents a bushel. NOVA SCOTIA ELECTION The Nova Scotia provin- cial election bas been set for April 2. This is Premier Ge- raid Regan's first bid for re- clection. The party standings at dissolution after two pre- vious by-elections, were Lib- erai - 24, P.C. - 19, N.D.P. - 2, Vacant -1. NOTICE TO THE PEOPLE 0F THE WHITBY AREA who have been misinformed - Hieardà 's Tax'i IS STILL IN BUSINESS. 1 50 Perry Street, Whitby, Ontario mmý mm@zmmmý zoom