Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCH '13, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Yo>uth & Civic Administration Sponsored-by Whitby Rec.. Dept. Oit Niarcli 6tiî at 2:ý30 li.m. a preup (i*f vtwnîyGrade 1 1 and 1I-2 local Iligli seheol studeîî 15 gat hered in tie Whitbv Ceuncil Chambers. These twenity s!tudents Iiad becn slected by their teachet s anid guidanice couneillors to participate iniflic third anrutal Yout h and Civic Admnin- istr-ation Programn spensor-ed by the Wiitby Rcrieýation Departmient. The purpose of this prograni is te give iîigh seliocil students anl opporîunlity te bei teiï undet stanid the inuniiici- pal goverumnent ofi Whi tby tiirouit dir-ect inivoivemen t wvithi couniil an d de partime nt lieu ls. MIr. Fr-ed I3ecket te. Depu iv l)irectoî. of Recreation.ý welcoîned the students and discussed the purpose aiud proceedings of the programn, as \vell as iiiswerini- quest jolis. Lach student received wr-ittiîînu teriul iuicluingiii: a profile ot the Yoitl & Civic Adiîruit.Pi>rograni set tint' out thle aimis anid objectives, an ageiîda f'rein lasi year's yen th counicil meeting. a guide on 1)arilia tnetttrvproeednre. a list of' the naines and phone iiiberý cf eaeh councillor and department head, anid an erganization anid govern- mental structure cf the corporation of the Town of Whitby. The studenîts are respon)isible f'or readiîg titis int'orniatien te heilp themi better understand the prto'ramn. Mr. 1Bill Wallace, the Town Clerk, then weicemced the stridents on behaif o cf e ayor and wislied themi ail flhe best et' luck throughout the exercise. Nle feit that it was a very wortîiwhile endeaver and en1phasized that the success cf the program depenided greatiy on the keen interest cf eaeh individual inveived. Msr. Wailace said that in past vears lie had leanit a great deai froim the stiîdeuts on the Youth Counicil and truly enjeyed the expet ielce. The seiections tOr positions foliewed with the outcoîne being as tbollews: YOL'TH & CIVIC ADMINISTRATION 197.,4 LOCAL COUNCIL MAYOR NEWMIAN Rosanne Ferren COUNCILLOR EDWARDS Tirn Suiivant COIJNCILLOR EMNI Michelle 1 *titpies CO-UNC IlLO RG ARTS 110RLE Gito IgmaLito COUNCI LLOR GOODWîN Anderson Collegiate FIîRE IEPARTMLNT Denis O'Connor Higlh PUB LIC WORKS 1)LPT Omîtut io LadiesCoee REC'RiEATION DLI>T. leîry Street Iligli PLANNING DEVTI. Mike Skea COUNCILLOR LOVELOCK Debbie Maw COUNCI LLOR THOMPSON JiliiiBarcfiay H Fenry Street Hlighi TREASURY DEPT. - Ontario Ladies Coiiege CLERK'S DEP - Ontario Ladies Ceiiege REGIONAL COUNCIL MAYOR NEWMAN Johlicr0Istenl COUNCî LLOR EMM John Griffith COUNCI LLOR GOODWIN Derriaumie Tiomnpsen - Hetny Street liigli - Denis O'Connor 1lg Anderson Celiegiate DEPARTMENT HEADS PLANNING DEPARTMENT Irerie Lowe PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Anne Nrurse RECREATION DEPARTMENT PhiiiKerr CLERK'S DH>ARTMENT Jamîice Attersiey FiRE DEIARTMENT Leslie Atm hlayes TREASIRY 1)LPARTMENT Deidre Newmîan Johin Moore ('tIdy Xrighit jaîtitie Nilitrrt Mn. K. Birch Andersoni Coliegiate Mr. R.A. Kuwanl ara Henry Street Iligh Mn. G.K. Gelette Anderson Ceilegiate Mn. Wm. 1-i. Wal lace Henry Street Hlighi Mn. E. Creuch Atndersoti Coliegiate Mn. F.N. McEwetî Detnis O'Connor iiliglh 1EPUTATî ONS Andersoni Collie-'Pie Anderson Col legiate Amîidersioit Colegiate p: p ai d ti d S( p p- "iîe stridents on tlle YOU tii Ceuncil wîil be formierIy init reduced te crincilon Ttiesday, Mýarcli 26t1î at 8:00) p.in. at the regular ceuincil meeoting. i)îriîig tdie lfirsi week et A prîl, . e i lis! udenît wil I be r»ectiired te set tip) a îîteeting wit îh bis or lier cotitutet part teor app rex i1ua te y e e hmir i un iiart*aitige t o It ir te ti itorr weekiy thirouglhott tîîe nmon Ii of' A pil . lTle purpose olf thiese weekly mecetigs are te ao i athte sturdent witiî tlie Job this persen perferis anti enabie thieni te rrîn their )wrt council meceting ut tie end et' April on tie -19111 ut 8:00 p.mn. Hepefuiy tiitis meeting wili be covered tlireugh ail news media. Thie departmnent hecads are aise required to write at îeast onie report te the Youth Council dUring the month. Each person is also encouraged te attend at ieast one regtîlar council meceting and one comimittee ineeting du ring April. Eskimo Art APickering* Tli Ar Galer olOntrio exhibition by the Innuit Ga- 'resents an exhibition o e rFims To skmonrtoi. rints and sculpture by Can- Fbesoia erainat ies idian Eskir-nosat the Sheridan esonacrtitms 4aI, P~keing aspar cf during thîs exhibition. For vlal, Pckeing aspar of further information on these he Gaiiery's curreni Art Trip screenings, please cajil 839- 74 pregram. . 4858. The exhibition opens On view wili be 40 prtnt s dnsaMrh6ndc- Iepicting powerful images ofWenesdaygl t March adcn lie Canadian Eskirnoiieritage 3Utin sihrothe Sat.Mari- y prninakers froem four t30, jofShernid h an cMa-f ifferent regions: Cape Don- Htrhance2efhedn ail offi et on West Baffin Island; Hgwy2 hegieyi ovunignituk, Quebec; and open Tuesday te Saturday, A-é-ri1te 8:30 p.mn. Admission Lake, Northwest Territories. The three techniques ne- presented are stone eut, ste- mîii and engraving. AIl cdi- tiens anc iimited to fifty and the signature of' both the artist and the printmaker appear ont each work. The Eskîio print exhiibi- tion is lenît te the Art Gallery by rte Territorial and Social Develepînetit Branch, Depart- tment of Indian Affairs and Nortlierni) eveiopient, Ott- awa. whie thc three sculp- ttitres showti are loaned e,%- pecially fo(r the Pickerntg is free. Threugh the Art Tnip '74 ptograrn, the Art Gallery of Ontario bnings exhibitiotns if Canadian -art eut te the peo- pie of Met ne Torenito whene- ever possible, whiie the Gai- licry's pictrîre spaces arc closed feor renovatien. This progranri continues until the îîew Gallery opens iin Sept- enîber. Umîtil theni, watch for ether exhibitions at Pick- eritig. 33 Haze!ton Avenue, Yerkdaie, Mississauga, and, after May i . the new Con- course ut thie Tcroiit,e)-Domi- in iot Cenitrne. Notice of Public Hearings into the Transmission of Power 1 ThfProinceLennox to Oshawa 1 . he rovnceof Ontario appointed Dr. Omond Solandt, under the Public Inquiries Act, by Order-in-Council OC836/73 dated the 2lst day of March, 1973,.."10 inquire inb the I most appropriate route or routes for the transmission of power to thoToronto load centre I from Ontario Hydro's existing Lennox Gencrating Station and proposed stations ai * Wesleyville and Bowmanvilte". * 2. Commissioner Solandt has requested Ontario Hydro 10 file a written (technical) re- * port, pertaining to this malter and 10 present an oral summary of the report to interested parties at a public and press conference beginning at 10 arn., on April 2, 1974, in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 99 Toronto Road, Port Hope, Ontario. 3. Any interested party who wishes to present a brief shouîd file a copy of such brief * with the Secretary on or before April 26, 1974, indicating at the same lime whether he * wishes t0 speak at a subsequent public hearing and, if so, whether at Port Hope or at I Belleville.I I 4. Any other interested party who wishes to make oral representations at the subse- I * quent public hearings, either personally or through a representative, should indicate his * intent to do so in writing to the Secretary, on or before April 26, 1 974. Such parties should specify in writing the area of their concern and indicate the nature * of the testimony which they wish 10 give at the subsequent hearings, and whether at I Port Hope or at Belleville.I 5 . Commissioner Solandt will hold a pre-hearing. beginning at 10 a.m., on April 29, I I 1974, in the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Port Hope, in~ order that the schedule and pro- I * cedures of the subsequent public hearings may be discussed. with interested parties. i I 6. Commissioner Solandt will hoîd public hearings, beginning aI 9:00 arn., in the Royal * * Canadian Legion Hall, Port Hope, on May 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 1974, (and on such addi- tional days as may be required); and at the Four Seasons Hotel, il Bay Bridges Road, Belleville, on May 15, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31, 1974, (and on such additional days as may be I required), in order that interested parties may have an opportunity 10 ask questions of I * Ontario Hydro and 10 present evidence. I 7. To accommnodate specilal circunstances, and unique local concernis, Commissioner I * Solandt will consider requests, by interested parties, t0 hold additional heanings in other * * parts of Ontario, either day or evening sessions. Ail such requests, however, should be filed with the Secretary on or before April 26, 1974. 8. Copies of Ontario Hydro's report and recommendations wilI be on view in area Munici- pal offices, and the Solandt Commission office. Copies of ail briefs filed will be on vuew I at the Solandt Commission office, the Royal Canadian Legion Hall in Port Hope, and the I I Ontario Hydro Eastern Region Office, 420 Dundas Street East, Belleville. Individual I * copies of Ontario Hydro's report may be purchased from the Ontario Government Book- store, 880 Bay Street, Toronto. For further information, please contact: *Neil B. Cole, Secretary, I The Solandt Commission, I 9th Floor, Ferguson Block, * Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. (416) 965-1ý431 I . ~1f E il Town of Whitby 1974 [--LDE-RLY i>ENSIONFRS' TAX ASSISTAN('E PROGRAMMEt (HOME --OWNERS IN THE TOWN 0F WIIITI3Y ONLY) To pri)vide f'inancial assistance to eiderl i ome-owriers.'lo\iî ('ouucii lias ail iîorized the Town Treasurer te allow certain owners of'residential 1)rolie rt\ a credit of'S 100.00 against the I1974 taxes imposed ou such real p)roperty . su bjec t hie 1followinig qualifications: TO QUALIIFY. T-iiL OWNER OR S130LISi,- U0FTIIE OWNER MIUST: A. 1Be 65 years of :ige or miore byv April 15, 1974, whiciî is tir last day t'or f-iling a p plic at ionus: B. Be in receipt cf' the montîily GUARANTEELI iNCOME SUL-EIMIENT provided Under the Old Age Security Act (Canada): C. Occupy te prop)erty on wh ichi tir municipal taxes are iuiposed and: D. I -lave been cenItiuuou)LSIY assessed as the owner of' residen tial reai1 property in the Town cf' Whitby f*or uet less than 5 years inîediateiy prcceding Aprii 15, 1974. If you quality lfor titis assistance and have not received an application 1'onîn.T ELEPHONE -THE TREASURER'S OFFICE AT 668-5803. and an appilication 1b(riin wiil he mnaiied te youI. Application inUs! hecnmade each year l'or this assistance. Tii credit, where alowed, wili be an outnigitt gran t trade by the Town and wiil net etîtail repaynient cf any kind. For f'urther iii formiation or assistance, telepflioue 608-5803. R.A. Ciaringboid, D)epulty-TrreaIsLrer. APPLICATION M UST BE MADE NOT LATER 'TIIAN A>RI L 15, 1974. W71, M,

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