- ~ -~- -~- BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK Pretty twenty-onie year old Kathy DesRochies' is a part-ime barber at Tony's Men's Hairstyling at the Blair Park Plaza. And Kathiy is xvell qualifîed, slie trained at VidaI Sassoon 's. But the îruthi of the matter is that Kathyv is fonid ofU horses and wishies t0 cithier work in a stable or for a vetoerinarian. .Photo by Mike Burgess Local Employment Conditions in Feb. Clienit registrations for- employmnent al tie Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa and Ajax for the month of February totalled 6,260. This ,total included 3030 maIe and 3230 femnale clients. This increase in registra- tions over the prevmous mnonth is attributed 10 in- creased client search for em- ployment in the clerical, tra- nsportation and general lab- ourîng occupations. Seasonal slow down in the construc- tion industry accounted for increased numbers of trades- men and construction îab- ourers seeking work. A total of 410 persons were placed in emiploynient during the inonth. Sonie slow dlown was noted in the demand situation, which was partialîy attributed to inter- mittant short term industrial lay-offs, and traditional winter weather conditions. The majority of place- ments occurred in the person- a] service and ret'ai occupa- tions, as well as in the inan- ufacturing field including primary steel, metal fabricat- ing,. transportation equip- ment and miscellaneous pro- ducîs. A numnber of emnphoy- ers also took advantage of the Canada Manpower Train- ing On The Job Prografn creating additional vacancies for unemployed persons. The supply' of qualified persons con tintied to meet demand in most occupations, a]lthough some shortages were noted in the following - motor mechanics, automobile body repairmen, metal spray painters, electricians, industrial painters, elecîricians, indus. trial truck mechanies, T.V. repairmen, pattern makers, engine lathe se t-up operator, salespersons, accountants, dr- aughitsmen, service station at- tend ants, eooks, hairdressers and domesties. WHITBY F REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1974, PAGE 13 by Marie Rutter l'or period of March 20 - -17 ARIES (Ma reh 21I - April I19) Personal life miay have t0 stay in the background; as career wiIl be the forerunner this week. The 25thi and 26th are your rnost signtificant days this monjh. Commn- unications should improve considerably, at the end of the week, Mien mail flow increases. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) You could be dreanming the first of the week - seeing things the way you think they should be - flot as they really are. Use your sense of humour 10 your advantage this week - but don't be too boisterous. GEMINI (May 2-1 - Jurie 20) Stay beinid the scenes this we.ek, apply yourself diligently to routine. This period won't be boring - your personal life is accentuated. Takc special precautious nioves during the next fèw weeks while doing any travelling. CANCER (J une 2 1. ,l ly 22) This seven-day rA tine sould be pretty routine, you miay have a few problemls regarding working conditions. Saturday the 23rd is a good timie for reading or browsing thriough 1)0bok stores. Don't, however, expeet to find any bargains righ t 00w. just go anid enjoy you rseh f. LISO (iuhv 23 - Aug. 22-) Seek co-operationi froni thiose who have good hackiing, repuitation and autliority. You are called uipon bt take a more active role in social activilies. Sunday the 24th is an excellent tlime for» gatlierig xvîh old friends and relatives. VIRIGO (Au<,. 23 - Sept. 22) You cati now begin projec s xvi îh hess chance of* dehay. SIl' youire liaving f'inancial deal iins xvîth someonie, check otit thecir character thorougll. Otheriwise you nmay flu victim to ani unpaid debt. Obst rodions. particuharly t hose concerning your mate or part ne r. disappear. L1131A (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) A partnership cati flourish, but you inust pay -stict attention to business. Your personal interests and social life are stressed to the point where you must choose between.having a good lime or working. You cani reach those in auth,)rity more easily. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 22) Professional interests improve, and you have assistance when you require it. Saturday is your signitkiant day, when you are especially intuitive.. Take a s.tand n0w oni those things that have been bothering you. SAGI1TT ARI US (N ov. 2 3 -Dec. 211) Expansion is the key word this week, you rnay un- expectedly accomnplisli something that turils out 10 be sornewhat of a miracle. Socialize, or lend your talents 10 a special entertainment. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - ian. 19) Monday and Tuesday you may have a change of heart regarding your personal secret life. This should be a stimulaîing seven-day period, and a change from the quiet days you've experienced in the past 1 2 days. New projects and unusual people will move you emotionally. AQUA RIUS (J an. 20 - Feb. 18) Put forth your best possible effort, don't be content PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) Ail is finie oni the domestic front during day period. The scrapping and frict *ion will donc away with. Your significanit day is the your personial desires are concernced. ,this sevenl- be entircly 2-71i, when F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY is pleased to announce the opening of an office at 15 Coiborne Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1G iMi Telephone: (416) 723-3800