PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS I-EdiltorM TakeA Good Look If you think buying food on sale or buying by the case is a great bargain you better look again. A check by the Free Press at a warehouse type grocery store advertising savings when buying by the case revealed that the savings on a case of canned goods - 2-4 cans ta the case - was only 12 cents. Eachi cati cost 20 cents Mien purchased singly sa the savings for buying 24 of the same kind at once wasn't even as much as the price of one cani. More Head Table Guests For Hawl ey Sports Dinner The Sports Celebrity Dmn- ner March 25th, 1974, spon- sored by the Kinsînen Club of Whitby at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whiitby, Ontario, in honour of Sandy Hawley, will have in addition to Dunc Wilson, Don Jackson and Sandy Hawley. the folowing head table guests: Leo CahilI (General Man- ager Toronto Northrnen), Des Hawley, Bob Attershey (For- mer Whitby Dunlops), Tom O'Connor (Former Whitby Dunlops), Ted O'Connor (Former Whitby Dunlops), Fred Etcher (Former Whitby Dunlops), Gus Bodnar (Coa- ch of the Oshawa Generals), Barry Timbers (Oshawa's Tony's), Granville Liggins, (Toronto Argonauts), Des Newman (Mayor - Town of Whitby). Tickets are avilable by tehephoning Pat Hanley at 728-4223. Reader wi Mr. Kaînins, although you requested that we take our comments regarding your ar- ticle to your editor as he was said to be more soft- hearted than you, I may send themn to him, but my comments are aimed directhy at you. Welh I happen to be another one of those em- otional people who consider abortion needless killing of a heiless being. And l'm not a reigious fanatic, ai.- though I do believe in a supreme being and value ife. To me it is a crime when you see doctors struggling to prolong peophes' life w1ho are begging to be relieved of their suffering and agony and think nothing of putting an end to what probably wouhd be a perfectly beautiful and normal human being or at least in most cases. I know there are some cases where there isn't too much choic but to abort the fetus but this abortion on demand as far as I arn concerned is fairh chose to what I wouhd cal murder. The cases I arn referring to is where there is every indication that al is normal, as far as the deliver is conemred. And you also have no business tehing the people to stop their yapping ini public as that is how some of you pro-abortionist hehped get some of their bis passed, and we happien to have some- thing in our country caled freedom of speech. And as far as your comment regard- ing abortions as no Iess than a trip to the dentist chair is a buneh of bull ---. I'm sure the world can't be as calhoused as that. One thing I wihl agree with you about is, that hospitals are for sick whicb is right, they are flot supposed to be used for slau- ghter. When a medical re- search scientist can tell me that he can detect a heart beat and brain waves around 6 to 8 weeks from the fetus, that is enough to convince me that there is sornething quite human iîot yet born. I know for some doctors it's a touigh decision to miake, buît h still can't understand how they can tell a mnother she hasjiîst delivered a beauit- iful baby anîd in the verv rext hour end a ife that could have beenjust as beaut- iful. You say don't give you junk about abortion be- ing murder, welI 1 say don't give me that junk about your If something like cooking oil is on sale it's wise ta check the code on the can to find out if the product is near the end of it's sheif life. The stores often won't tell you but the Consumrrer Affairs Departrnent of the govcrnrent will .and they frequently deal with complaints of grocery stores who have not rotated tlieir stock. Witli the price of food as highi as it is bargains, real bargains. are hacrd to find and if you think you've got one play it srmart and check it out BEFORE you spend your money. It may ilot be the bargain you thoughit it was. .97~- - Roy Barrard, Oshawa city cîerk, (left) and Bill Swan Durhiam College teacher, both bodies being your own and having the right to control the ife that is in it. YoulU fight for the seughter of baby seals but the unborn fetus doesn't seem to be worthy of such considerat ion. I would ike to say in closing, that I arn more than grateful to thc woman that chose to go through with her pregnancy and bore us a beautiful son who gives us hours of pleasure and he lias five brothers and sisters that think lie is pretty suiper. So there you have some commn- ents frorn a woman, whose ideas such as mine, are usually considered by stucl people as youirself. based on eni- otions rather than commn sense. Thank God for ouir emotions. Sincerely, Mrs. Mabel Willetts 1010 Wardmian Cres. Whitby, Ontario I inemnbers of the Oshawa and Legion Track Club, ran frorn Whitby Municipal Building hast Friday miorninig to Osh- awa City hall to convey a scrohl froni Whitby congrat- ulating Oshawa on its Sth birthiday. 1- -- Free Press Phioto NATIONAL PETROLEUM CO.- CONSUMER ASSISTANCE Energy Minister Donald Macdonald detailed in the House of Commons the fe- deral government's plans for the national petroleum cor- poration. The Minister said that ini- fially the corporation wilh fo- Icus heavily on exploration Iand it should also contribute t o the development of the Iathabasca oil sands. He said that ration develops,i hundreds of dollars over the ts operation. as the corpo- it will require millions of early years of Besides its own explora- tion activities, the corpora- tion will partîcipate in joint ventures with smaller Cana- dian-controlled firms. ALBERTA LIBERALS Nick Calgary elected1 Liberal Robert1 Taylor, a 46-year-old oil executive, was leader of the Alberta Party, succeeding Russell. EXPORTS 0F RESOURCES lndustry, Trade and Com- merce Minister Alastair Gilles- pie introduced a bill in the House of Commons to permit the governrnent to require more processing of ores, con- centrates and other natural resources in Canada., The bill, amending the Ex- port and Import Permits Act, would restrict the export of natural resources. The federal government has issued regulations to con- trol consumer package sizés and to upgrade information on package labels. Packagers will have 1 8-24 months to comply with the regulations. Manufacturers, not complying with the new rules, could be fined up to $ 10,000 for each offence. NEW IMMIGRATION RULES Under changes to Canada's immigration reguhations, pros- pective immigrants will be re- quired to have either a firm job offer or a skill known .to be in demand in the locality where they wish to settle. The basic point system of evahuating immigrants will be maintained but increased em- phasis will be placed on occu- pational demand. WIRETAP CONTROL LAW Justice Minister Otto Lang announced that the Protec- tion of Privacy Act, passed at the last session of Parliament, will corne into effect June 30, 1974. After that date, it will be illegal to use, buy or sel wiretappiflg equipment. Under the Act, only the police- will be permhitted to bug, andl then stipu- lated situations. Penalties for illegal use of wiretapping equipment include imprison- ment for a maximum of five years. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. ferving total of approximately 2e.,00 readers. Published every Wednesdav by Whitbv Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby ýAAI L: Box 206, Whitby 'HON E: 668,6000 or668-1 il ~ORONTO LINE: 282-1004 MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Advertising Manager - Graphic Arts - Marje Rutter E