Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1974, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCdH 13, 1974, PAGE 3 TV TIMES" - CBC-TV lis an option on Lulu Street, by Ann Henry, fornner Winnipeg niewspaperwoman. The play was originaliy staged in 1967 at the Manitoba Thecatre Centre by Johin Hirsch, niew head of CBC-TV dramia, and hias hiad many productions across the country since, including a production (also by Hirsch) at the country Festival hi the summner of 197-1. The play is about the 19 19 Winnipeg Sîrike and its effect on ordinary people; that was an evenit that Ms. Hienry lived îhroughi as a child. CBC lelevision also lias an option on Teii LosI Years, the stage version of Barry Broadfoot's best-seller on the Depression era in Canada-, the production currently rurnning at Workshop Productions in Toronto. This is projecîed as a one-hour drama special, adapted by Workshop Productions' dramia- list Jack Winter. One of the cast in the Workshop show is Jackie Burroughs, who, last Saturday won the Earle Grey Award (Best Actor/Actress) for her performance in Vicky, on CBC-TV. - Canada's first lady of song, Anne Murray, stars ini a onie-hour television special Friday, May 24 aI 9 p.nm. Title is Annie North of 60, and was produced on the road when Anne, feîlow Maritimier Johin Allan Caneron and a film crew were on a tour in the Canadian North. Anne's first dog sied ride took place in Churchill, Man., on a 30-below-zero day with a wind-chill factor so pronouniced that cameras froze. Anne, bundied up in furs, went out for haîf an hour and got a wind burn. -- A charming film on Bauhaus painter Josef Albers will be shown on CBC-TV Stinday, March 31 at 2 p.ir. The film is called Plus Equals Minus - Josef Alberg. It was directed by CBC Vice-President Lister Sinclair for the series Man at the Centre. The father of optical art, Albers is one of the few men to be honored in his own lifetime with a retrospective showîng of his works aI the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Albers, now elderly, lives in Orange, Conn., and he chats candidly and intensely on how he produces his works and some of the influences in his life. - Executive producer Leo Rampen is ultra enthused about his working trip to Romania last year ho film Resurrection in Moldavia, a religious special to be shown on Good Friday, April 12 at 10 p.m. "Beautiful, fanlastic, most moving" are some of the words Leo used 10 describe the experience of viewing the Romanian lilurgy, a cere- mony thal seems almost casual by protestant standards of church behavior, and the fervent devotion of the Roman- ians. He speaks about the humnaneness of life, where the farmers, close to real events like birîh, deahh and marriage, are without the frenetie pursuit that characlerizes North American life. He also speaks about the co-operation Romnanian authorities gave 10 himself and his, Canadian film crew. - In addition 10 being a columrnist of some note, Doyle Klyn is also a collector, of sorts. Her collection? Namies ..strange, unusual, somnetimes hilarious names. Ail of themn real. Doyle discusses lier collection wilh Juliettle on Juliette & Friends, Monday, Marchi 25 aI 2 p.m. On the same prograrn, Bryon AIl'exandroff talks about the diff- iculties involved in getîing a patent for new inventions. -Don R. McRae and Colin Maclean, producer and writer of the upcoming Stomipin' Torn Couinors series, have headed casI from Edmonton. Thiey are doing a survey for the show, plotting out the route ho be followed The three-metre diving tower for the new swimming pool surfaced again at Mon- day night's council meceting. Recreation director Gerry J Geicîte reported 10 town council that he had been advised the addition of a threc-metre tower 10 the pro- posed swimming pool wouîd cost an additional $30,000. Mr. Gelette said that as the new pool would be the major pool for Whitby il would perhaps be very desir- able 10 have the three-metre tower. At the last council meetig hé had expressed his feeling that veîy few people aclually knew how to, use a high diving board, and indicated -that installing a high tower would be caler- ing to a select few divers and forcing swimmners to swim oniy in the shallow end away from the tower. Coun. John Goodwin moved that the board be included and to irîcrease the cost of the pool by $30,000., but failed to gel a seconder. Coun. Jimn Gartshore questioned whether it was in order to raise the price of the pool by $30,000. when the price of the pool had not yet been estabîished. Counci-l eventualiy passed a motion 10 accept the rec- realion director's report, but no action be taken. Sharpen up for your spring gardening During these between the seasons weeks while youi're waiting for favourable outdoor wvork wveather, you can use your spare time ta catch up on some of the o verlooked chores. Last fail you oiîed the garden tools to prevent rusting, and now is the time to sharpen the spades, edgers, and sheairs. You don't hiave to be an expert to do this job yourself with a file. If the handies of your garden tools ncd painting, use a brighit colour of paint so that you'l be able to spot them ezsiîy on the iawn. If you arc re- placing a crackcd handie, cut and shape the oîd handie into dibblers (to make holcs for transplants). Take your power mower to a lawn mower mechanic in your area for a thorough go- ing over before the mnowing season starts again. If you forgot to drain the gasoline from the tank iast fail, it has probabiy gummed the feed uine. This could speil trouble. Have il sharpened, set, the spark pltig checked, and cleaned. It shouldn't cost much and the experts can give it better attention at this time of year. DON'T remove muich that was applied last fali around the roses because you can't predict what the weaîher is going to be. 1 sure can't, so I like 10 "piay-the-gardener's- waiting gamne", and when the wealher is in my favour, then l'Il remove the winter protec- tion. And as the weather warms, you can gently pull the muich from around the protecied plants. DO NOT remove it entireiy 50 that if a frost warning is heard, il can be pushed back int place. Seed Shortage Several seed houses have told me that their 1974 seeds are moving fast. If you are planning to enjoy the taste of home grown vegelabies this year. you'd better obtain your vegetable seeds as quickly as possible, even though it is a uitIle early 10 50w them. This is the big year for vegetable gardens and 1 don't want you to discover Ihat the seeds for yoLir favourite vegetabies wiIi Beckers MI k Tries Again The architect for Beckers Miik made a deputation to Whitby couticiI Monday night to alîow the re-zoning appli- cation 10 permit the building of a store in Brooklin. A representatîve of arch- itect, Earnest Annau, said that the triangular piece of land on Hwy. 12 (Baldwin Street) and Casseils Road in Brook- lin is a "good location" be- cause Hwy. 12 "is a major thoroughfare." He said "the park can be complemented by a smaîi food store for people who wish to have a picnic can pick-up small food' itemis." 1le added that the traffic would be kept away fromi the residential area, and thiat the signage would retlect the iight into the parking lot. Mr. William Baker, of Beckers Milk Store, broughit files with imi that lie said "dated back over three years on this project." I-le said that hie had been informed in 1970 by Whitby planning director Dr. Michael that the malter was approved subject to a site plan agreement and the acquisitlion of' additional property. In 1971 hie acquired the acquisition of additional pro- perty and engaged architect Ernest Annau to work with the planning departinent and corne up with a site plan agreemen t. Mr. Baker said that he "even brought a professional landscape mari in" and "sub- mnitted drawings after draw- ings." He also pointed out that he had not been notified, of the counicil meeting when the application was rejected. Coun. Joy Thompson said I hiave symipathly for Mr. Baker," but added "I don't sec any sense in re-zoning any othier properties.' She said that shie had talked to area residents and was told thiat they dîin't wan t the store. Cou n. Don Lovelock ( no- rti wvard) said "tie commiiit tee broughit it be fore ihe couincil turned il down." Regiorial CouIncillor Ger- ry Eiinm, wlio chiaired the meeting in Mayor Newiani's absence, suggested thit Mr. Baker could seek othier aller. natives. and Mr. Birch btld Mr. Baker 10 consult luis solici tor. SPORTSMEN'S SHOW MARCH 15 TO 24 COLISEUM, EXHIBITION PARK " Hourly Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. " Free Parking at most GO Stations. " Children under 12 haif the aduit fare. For further bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 248-3112 Ctarkson-Oakville 845-6694 Burfington-Hamilton 527-8'187 Pickering-Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa 942-2000 -m M ÀIM ý Gomerment of Ontarlo Transit Operated by ON and Gray Coach Lines be sold ont. Tuberous Begonias One of the best bulb buys for the home gardcn is the group of Ilicotee, carnellia flowered tuberous begonias. They are easily started in- doors for beautiful blooms outdoors in the summer. The colour range is so vast that youi're sure to find just whaî you want. If you are buying 'tubers from your local garden shop or department store, pick out the good and piurnp ones he- cause tic wrinkled tubers are dehydrated. Nice firm bulbs ensure garden beauty. Easy To Start 1 like to start them in a fjsh flat containing sand and peat moss, however, you can start them in 5 inch pots and let themn grow until ail danger of f rost has passed before you set them in the garden in their own pots. This will make 'it easy to lift themn in the fali to bring indoors to store. One point to remembher T A GA R LKING DENIN w i t h 'C' HARTNOL1J keep the growing area, whe- ther il be a pot, hanging bas- ket, or fish flat, moist, NOT wet. This may mean watering about once a week. 1 prefer a warn area, ,abouit 60-65' for starting-and when top growth appears. a good source of nat- tirai light. If you are starting thcmn in flats, thcy can be placed in pots when leaves appear. Remnember that the more moving that takes place, the more the feeder roots are injured. Water soluiable fertilizer, like Instant Vigoro, will give them tie boost they need for flowcr developmnent and good colouir in' the leaves. Tuberouis be- gonias are excellent showy plants for bedding puirposes and they can take both shade and filtered sunlight. Yoti can start tuberons begonias from seeds, but yotu'll need patience and lime 10 have themn deveiop into tubers. lt's a challenge and it doesn't cost very much. D26462/73 IN THE SUPREME COURT 0F ONTARIO B E TW EEN: HELEN VIRGINIA ELIZABETH WALL Petitioner -and- JOHN HOWARD WALL and JUNA GUTNAM Responden ts NOT IC E TO: JOHN HOWARD WALL, late of 511I Canonberry Court, Apt. 2605, Oshawa, Ontario AND TO: JUNA GUTNAM, late of 511 Canonberry Court, Apt. 2605, Oshawa, Ontario TAKE NOTICE thiat this proceeding was set down on Friday, the 1lst day of March. 1974, for hecarîig at Whitby in the Judicial District of Durharn at thie sittings of the Hligh Court commencing the i 6îh day of April. 1974. AND FURTHIER TFAKE NOTICE-_ that if thiis proceeding is flot heard at suich sittings thie saine may be hecard at a subsequent sittings wvt1out Iiîrther notice to you. AND FURTHIER TAKE NOTICE that tis Notice of Hlearing is served uipon you by this advcrtiseinent pursuant to the Order of The Honourable Mr. Justice Morden dated the 24th day of Jan uary, 1974. DATED thiis 7th day of March, 1974. PHELAN, O'BRIEN, RUTHERFORD, LAWER & SHANNON, 10 1 Richmond Strcet West, Toron to, Ontario M5H 1W 1. Solicitors for the Petitionler. UN $5.OO0 THE WHITBY FREE PRESS 15 NOW PAYING $5.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE BEST NEWS TIP 0F THE WEEK. PHONE: 668-6111 -days 668-6700 - nights, week-ends IF YOU KNOW 0F SOMETHING NEWSWORTHY, CALL NOW ...... YOU MAY EARN $5.00!

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