KA.LNINS SingIe's Barsin v.' Toronto For the last couple of weeks I have been patronizing some of the better-known singles bars in Toronto since that beautiful Latvian friend of mine I mentioncd once in my column has taken off for greener pastures. Mara, The Lioness, bas just disappeared - perhaps somewhere in the human jungles - where rnost people can be found in search for a brighter and better future. Or, she might have found an Exorcist and is busy-driving the devil out of ail those miserable men in Toronto. Whiatever the reason, I have,kept Lup my optimistic outlook on life. For a single guy like me, Toronto is still a fair game. So far I have been at Maîîoney's. the SRO, Mr. Tony's, The Generator, Julies and the Attilas Cave. AIl these places more or Iess are known as Toronto's singles bars whiere youi can have a drink and cast your cyes towvards the opposite sex. Usually., a place like Malloney's, is often crowded. particularîy on Fridav n ighits. It attracts the office crowd young nien and women, just out for good times. Often, the interpretation of "good times" is a bit fuzzy - at least from the woman 1s point of view. Neyer. the less, they ail corne, dressed up in the latest finery. As the evening progresses. so does the hustling. The nanie of the game is: be fast and shoot a lot of bull. For each gUllible mri. there must be an equally gullible female just waiting to be taken home. A real disappointmient sets in, if one of the partners differ in their moral opinion of what constîtutes a "good time". Many a time tu a girl the worn-out phrase "l'mn having a good tîiie" mneans uni>' to be wined and dined by men and then taken home alune before midnight. The poor fella finds hiniself out in the cold - also alone with the m-orning edition of The Globe and Mail. Mind you. this is a higlhly pessimistic view. My favorite place is SRO atl Hyatt Regency Hlotel. YoLI pay a little more and you get a littîe more of car-fulI ini return. The conartistry here is at its best. Mcen are much more "ou îspoken" at the bar and the womien wvho hustie free drinks are said to be more "liberal", by any social standard. But, the men-women ratio is somcthing tu shout about: four meni to a single woman. It simply means, you must prescrit yourself in the best possible light. This can be donc if you introduce yourself as a bank manager, art director, sales manager, vice-president, etc., etc. And womcn 1 st place winner 211d place winnier 3rd place winner $250.00 SI150.00 $ 100.00 RULES AND REGLILATIONS - 1. This contcst is open to everyone - professionals and amateuirs, childrcn and adults. 2. Ail applicants must subrnit a brief written report with their design to explain its mneaning and significance. at SRO can counteract thcmselcves withi equally "important" positions. Most men, futile as it imay be, are scarching the singles bars for would-be actresses, rnodeîs, dancers, fashion consultants, and so on. As this is ail part of the "4singles" garne, just carry on. Lif*e can bc worse without singles bars in Toronto. W hat.is IroqU ols Park?0 It is a recreation development in Whitby located on the northwest corner of Victoria and Henry Streets. Facilities will eventually include: a twin ice pad arena, an indoor pooi, a physical fitness centre, a commnunity centre with conference faciities, a hotel..motet complex, basebal diamonds, soccer pitches, tennis courts, a field house and a track. The Whitby Recreation Department is seeking a design to identify Iroquois Park. This design may be in the form of a sign, monument, sculpture, mural, or any other artistic arrangement based on the following critedia: 1) suitable size - must be large enough to be seen from a reasonable distance in ail directions. 2) lettering or design must be synibolic of the Iroquois Park project. 3) niust be durable enoughi to withistand aIl wcather conldit ions. 41) mlust serve as a landmiark for Whiitby and Iroquois Park. PRIZES!! NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: AGE: OCCUPATION: THE LATEST REASONS WHY EDROPEANS BUY MORE FIATS THAN ANY OTHER CAR ARE NOW IN OUR SHOWROOM. The biggest sel!ing car in Europe. MARIAN AUTO 25 ORENFB.L AT KUNO ST. W. 2 BLOCKS EAST 0F OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA 728dh5179 O~ For te nextfive years. o And that's for sure1 Do away wîlth unoertanties by purchasing our Debentures or Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Your -money is secure. and keeps working as long as you want ht to. The interest rate is guaranteed for the term of your deposit-even if the rate changes aller your purchase. You receive mrterest half-yearly-and promptly! Buying Canada Permanent Debentures and G.LCs is ~As easy as signig your name. You may .puitchase any amount from $500 to $ 100,000 (larger amounts subject to negotiation) by m'aiL or by visiting one of our many branches across Canada Invest nc'w-with certainty. RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE canadla. Permanent Canada PermanentTrust 9 Canada Permianent Mortgage Corporation Member-Canada Deposit I nsurance Corporation 22 KING ST. W., OSHAWVA J. W. FROUD, MGR. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1974, PAGE -J 3. Six finalists will bc required to give a verbal presentation of their prujeet to a panel of judges. 4. AIl entries must be submitted to the Whitby Recreation Department no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 3 1Ist, 1974. 5. AIl applicants must complete a registration form prior to proceeding with their design. Please send to: Whitby Recreation Department, Iroquois Park Identification Contest, 105 Coîborne Street East, Whitby, Ontario. LIN 1V9 REGISTRATION FORM IROQUOIS PARK INDENTIHICATION CONTEST