Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1974, p. 2

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-w -~ ~ PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1974, WHITBY FFE PRESS Guest Editorial by Yi Mitchell Angela is 15 years old and infected with polio. Her activities should be very liited because of hier inability. t0 walk. The contrary is truc. A more delightfül and brigl young girl l've yei to meni Wliein we asked lier what she did in hier spare limie this was lier reply. "Ohi, I don't have that much spare limie to liii. 1 go to schiool and I usually have ai leasi ani hour or two homnework cadli night. After we eat aiid 1 &eti y hornework donce, I prac- lice my piano for an hour. 1 love to play. By thien its usually eighî or fine o*clock and 1 may read or watch lelevision for a while before I go to bcd. On weekends, te dne is 100 short. John, my boyfriend usually speiids most of his weekends here. He takes nie for walks iii my wheel-chair. 1 just love 'the fresh air and stinshine. We play cards or listen 10 records. Tliere's always somnething to do. 'I like to spend a few houirs helping momn because she works liard at a job ail week. 1 can't do a lot, but 1 can do some cooking, sewing, ironing; anything 1 can do sitting down. Slue sure appreciates il." The lasi generation lias bred many infected people, ,infected withi letlîargy, apathy and boredomi. Angela knows tliat slie is restricted, but slîc uses bier imagination and slîe doesni'l have thec limne 10 bc bored. Cati you say thie samne for your clîildren? Does this phirase "Mom 've got nothing to do" sound farniliar? Il may be that ii's raining out, Jatiies gone away witlh lier parents this weck- end, Îlie danîce lias been cancelled or any one of a thousand otlier reasons. Meanwlîile, tlîcir roomn looks like a disaster area, tiîey've been asked twice if îîîiey would cleaiî the basenient anîdthie grass desperately needs nîooving. Their bicycle lias been idîe for a mnonlh (you drive tllem every- whiere), thîe guitar thîey begged f'or has dead strings froin lack of' use and yet tiey liang arouiid like a wet rag comp- lainiiig aon [ iiotnîîng 10 do. Tratinialic, isn't il? Children should bc îaughit early that Iliere are more fulfilling things in life thari lîangiîîg around the Shopping Centre, dances, drinking and parties. Tlîese things certainly hold a place in our fives but they shouldn't BE our lives. They shouid learn the feeling of achievenient and accomnplishmerît after a job well donecearly in life. They should appreciale their m-aterial assets, care for themn and make use of them. Apprecialion of a healthy mmnd and body should constitute somne effort to keep il that way. Regular exercise and proper nutrition wil Ict your body know that you care and il will reward you withmore energy, vitality and a belter apperance. In these days of abondance, ils up to parents to îry 10 implant in their children a good sense of values. Children should have a certain amnount of responsi- biliîy forced on themn. Lnstead of handing themn everything on a silver platter, make îhemn work for il. They'll soon learn to appreciate things if they have 10 pour sorne of their ownl sweal into obtaining themn. And il will relieve somne of their "spare lime boredomn". The next lime your children complain about nothing 10 do, don't blamne the îown for not providin1g enough extra-curricular activities. Just ramble off a lisI of options and tell îhem 10o gel off their behinds and do something meaningful. With a bit of imnagination and exertion îhey'lI wish'the days were longer. Re d rsw it : Dear Sir:~ an issue than the artic/e I ve I suppose sonie niay think read by a Surgeon, iw/o is the Nurse Pa/mer issuie is a Jeho(-vahs' IVtness, (ait/îou- starting tb sounid like a three g/zI'nflot of t/lai fait/i ring circus between thie pub- mi' se/f) and lie ivould not lie, the board memibers of adminis ter hloodiransjùisions. t/he J. O. Ruddvi Hospital anîd I didn 't rcad olf ilm being Nurse Painer /erself, voit barrc/ froîn O.R. I suippose recent/n' pub/is/îed an article tlie lospital bourd were open- of' mine on abordions and niinded and inature enougli here Ia anigni. 1<) iork oui a probable solut- I wvould /ike to relate to tion. Per/îaps thie Hosptal Mr. Ilarrv Bardoe/s ' article Board cou/l take Iîced ru (Nurse Pa/nmers Jàtiier) in WehstL>rs' de]uiniun of'w/lut todays issute of t/le Eree Press, demiocray nîewîis, Detnoc- Marc/i 2Orh, as I feel lie raci' ---/le accepiance anîd made a good point in his prachî .ce of thie princip/c of lust para grapîz and ina -'yJ equalir» or riglzits, opportuni- quote him. 'Eveui if we /ose iry, auîd treainent; lack of this case ini t/e end. at /east siiobberi'. we i// îhav'e had t/le saris- So) in closznlg, I wvou/d faction of having showu t/le like ro sa ' ro Air. Bardoel, people that the J.'O Ruddy Your daygh fer hasn t lcst as H-ospital isnuot democratica/ly she gaiuîed a /ot of respect governed, butr is simp/y run and support fromm t/le public by a very sma// clique of and uîot are al C'aî/îolics as powver /zappy individuals who I'm not m self'buit do s/tare on/y practise democracy w/z- /ier iîeCW5 on t/lis issuie. 0f en and if ir ix ro rîleir course I knoiv s/îelhas gaineci advantage. " some Criuicism too but I 0f couirse I don't think think t/he suipport s/îe- lias ibis applies 10 ail, but certain- out-weig/is it. One thing ly to t/he maîority of rnem- for sure she has proven to bers as they are the ones the public iust how unfair that ousîed her. I ceriaiuîlv and pig-headed the majority wvould think that they d be of the Ruddy H-ospital Board mature enough to realize that is and what type of dictators Nurse Palmer refusing to they are. assist in abor-tions is not an Frorn one of your avid act of def/lance against lher readers, supeniors and that she hias Sincerely, many r'a/uab/e services she Mrs. Mabel Wi/ets, could render ini O.R. other 1010 Wardman Cnes. t/ian panîîcîpading li abor- Whitby, Ontario dons. To me it ix no different EDUITOR 'S NOTE.' .T/w followinig is a cop' of a letter apparent/y sent b>' a Brookmt resideni to one of his credlitors. IVe are putb/ishinig it because we jèel it niay he/p 10 bring a /114le humour a lut/le c/oser to home. Dear Sir: In reply 10 your requesi to send a cheque, I wigh 10 inforin you îîaî thie preserit condition of iny bank accounit is almost impossible. My shattered financial condition is due Io Federal Laws, State Laws, Couiîiy Laws, Brother- in-Laws, Sister-ini-Laws. and Outlaws. Tlîrougli tiiese laws 1 amn coipellcd tb pay a Business Tax, Anmusemient Tax, Head Tax, School Tax, Gas Tax, Water Tax, Ligit Tax, Sales Tax, Liquor Tax. Income Tax, Food Tax, Furniture Tax, and Excise Tax. 1 arn required to gel a Business Licence. Car Licence, Operalors Licence, Truck Licence, not 10 mention a Marriage Licence, and Dog Licence. I ani also requîred 10 contribute to every society and organization which the genius of mani is capable bo bringing t0 life. To Womnens Relief, Uneniployed Relief. and the Gold Diggers Relief. Also Io every Chlaritable Institution ini îhe city. Including thie Salvation Arnly. Coniunity Chiest, Red Cross, Purpie Cross, Double Cross, Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts. Cub Scouts, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. as well as Way Stations for Wayward Girls, Boys Rainchi and Boys Town. For nîy own safeîy I am required t0 carry Healtît Insurance. Fire Insurance. Properly I nsurance, Liabiliiy Insurance, Eartîîquake lInsurance. Tornado Insurance, Un- enîpînymerit lîsurarîce, and Old Age Insurance. My business is s() governed thatil is no easy malter 10 find out vhîo ownes il. I an expected. inspected', suspecced, dis-respccted, rejected. dcjeccted. examinecl. re-examined, infornîed, requi rcd. suninioned. finied, cornmanded, and conîpelled until 1 provide an inextiaustible supply of money. For every known need, desire or hiope o. f HIle human race. Simply because I refuse 10 donate 10 sonîetlig or otlier 1 arn boycotted-, îalked about, lied about, held up, held down, and robbed until almost muined. 1 can tell you honestly that for a miracle that happened 1 could flot enclose this cheque. The Wolf thal cornes 10 50 many doors nowadays just had pups in my kitchen, I sold themn and here's your mnoney. Yours îruîy, George Pawluk R.R. 1 Brooklin FARM INCOMI Due 10 skyr prices, farn cas farm-ers in all i vinces have inc: than I100%6 fror Farm Cash P.E.l1. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta B.C. Canada ES UP rocketing grain ish reccipîs for conipete with prices oir U.S. heef that has glutlcd the Ca- nadian market. lie P-rairie pro- Since thie announcement reased hy more o the original subsidy, the n the lasI year. minister lias said thal the i Receipts federal governmenî wilî raise 1973 1974 the amount 10 nine cents 1973 1974 froni seven cents a pound $ millions to protect Canadian beef far- 7-5 c)_6 mers. 6.9 8.0 52.3 174.2 36.6 96.2 84.3 19.7 485.7 73.8 199.4 83.9 212.4 165.8 26.4 789.5 Saskatchîewan farmers in- creased their cash incomne by 11% from the samne monîh last year. Farniers in Mani- toba got 129% niore than in January 1973. Alberta far- niers received 97% more. BEEF PRICES TO DROP The recently ann<>unced federal government suhsidy on Canadian beef will cause retail beef pnices to drop 15S 10 '-0 cents a pound, in a week or two. Agriculture Minister Eu- gene Whelan announced that the goverrnnîent will pay seven cents a pound on Cana- Jian cattle for Canadian con- ;umption. The subsidy is de- signed 10 provide adequate income to farmers and 10, permit Canadian farmers to OIL SUBSIDY - $1.4 BILLIO', Encrgy Minister Donald Macdonald has revealed that the subsidy 10o ou consumers ini Eastern Canada wilI cost thie federal governiment a total of $ 1.4 billion this year. RURAL DEVELOPMENT Ottawa and Alberta have signed a I 0-ycar general de- velopment agreement. The agreement will em- phasize joint federal-provin- cial aid in job creation in rural areas. Similar regional economic expansion agree- ments rernain to be signed wilh British Columbia, Mvani- toba, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. SAUDI ARABIA EMBASSY The Department of Exter- nal Affairs announced Iast week that Saudi Arahia has agreed to the establishm-ent of a Canadian embassy there. It is expected to open in the autumrn and it wilI be Canada's first embassy in a Middle East Arab oul state. ~Dear Sir: 1 amn sure we aIl appreciate the fine service that our Fire- men give our community, their quick, aîert on tlie job response they give 10 thie caîl of need. 1 understand that fighting a fire their instructions are 10 bring il under control and. cxtinguish it as soon as poss- ible which is indeed comm- endable. I have one question 10 ask when ihcy have thie fire under control and by then the building is a total loss why do they nol let the building burn complcîely for example the recent barn which was burni on Thickson Road South and other house fires. There would flot be thie fharing up of fine, the caîling agaimi of'te firemen, there would not be the mis- erable sight ofwonlhless iim- bers lying about. Thirty or more years.agoý my cousins lost their home in a morning fire, when i t was a total loss, miy cousins' dad requested the firemen 10 by while remaining tlîe tim- requested tlie firemen 10 stand by whihe the remaining timbers burnt up. This îlîey did, no miserable black tim- bers 10 dlean Up and no dan- ger of flare ups. Mr. Fireman what is your opinion? Yours truly, R.FL James Free Methodist Churcli 1916 Rosshand Rd. E. Whitby, Onîtario Dear Sir: Anderson Collegiate Voc- ational Institute will be hold- ing ils f'irst Science Fair on Thursday and Friday, March 28 auid 29, 1 974. Projects will be enlercd frorn ail grade levels duniing ftic wo days. We expect between 400 and 500 entîes. The Fair wil be open 10 thec public froni 6 to 8 paîn. on Friday. Mardi 29. The Science Deparîmient would appreciate it if you could puonsh ani announce- nient con tainiing the above WIN information in your March 27t1î edition. Thank you. Yours truîy, B. Marritt Science teacher at A.C.V.I. 400 Anderson Street Whitby, Ontario $5.oo THE WHITBY FREE PRESS IS NOW PAYING $ 5.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE 0F THE WEEK. PHONE: BEST NEWS TIP 668-6111 - days 668-6700 - îîigls, week-ends IF YOU KNOW 0F SOMETHING NEWSWORTHY, CALL NOW ...... YOU MAY EARN $5.00! THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also serving Ajax and Pickering. lerving total of approximately 25.,000 readers. Published every Wedncsdav by Whitby Free Press mnc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at : Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby MAILING PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Graphic Arts - Marje Rutten g :::::::::::::~::::..:.::.:. .:.:.:.: . .:.......~ ... .. . THIS WEElK from Ottawa MAIL: Box 206,Whitby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-6111 TORONTO LIN E: 282-1004 m --l

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