WH ITB Y FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JA AnrCH 97. 1q74 PAflE 7 Bih lNewmaný Comme nts Recctlly severaý,l major an it1ounicenien ts have beeni mnade which I1 would like te rcvicw brielly witlî you. ANOTHER FIRST IN ON- TARIO 1IOUSING The On tario Govcrnnen t will provide up to S 14 tmill- ion in grants this year to iiunicipalities, co-operatives or private developers of non- profit housing. The provincial prograin will provide grants of' up tii I1O per cent of the total value of hiousing projects and will provide rent subsidies to lowver and nîoderaîte inconie carners --those earning up to S 15,000 a year. A total ot S60 mil lion has been currently allocaited for thiis new programi cover- ing a period of' fiftecn vears. PROGRAMS FOR THIE MENTALLY RETARDEVD As ot Apr-il I st. 11-74. respensi bil ity f*or Provincial p)rograins teor thefiementaillv retarded will be t rainst'rred f rot[the NIinîstr i rv e Li t h et(f, îun I am Social Services. This is the result outIthe G reen Pape r ot (;()iiiim n n i t living f *er Itle nîentaffv relta rded A long w ill tlhe in tegra tion eof ai Iporaî \Vithliii one îuinistry Itlîe da- nue wil ilaseia ke avaîiable ai variety of f acilities se that eachi i tarded persoîtge ts îlie ki n oef* care lie, oir sIte neci s. The est iiatedo cost teIlIle Province of' ifs menital re- tardiat ion pregrai is budge t- ed at about So)0 million. There aire about 6,600 retard- cd ini provincial ÎlintiutienIs and another 3-100 in ether facilities. LAW REFORMCON'INISSION REPORT The Law Reforni Commn- ission Report, a massive dec- unien t tablcd ini the Legisla- turc March 11I tIh, las rec- ommended 299 legislative changes. Thie most extensive e f these suggests tîtat iiarriage slîeuld be viewed ini l:iw as an ecoinmic part- niershil) in wxhich beth htis- band ,and vife have eqttaf shares. Upon termni a tien e f i aTir- ige . On tarieoxvîves \weuld sîare taifv lyasse Is acqtIjired du n n e thfena ritage. Thte mlarital heome. as w'ell aw jein t hank acttt vtl lie ctisi de red Joinitpi ett olf hlt h )useý. .itiuii\ \vîld .bolisli tIlle Status ut ilîee-iIitiiac\ v >tb lislî al mltîiied Jîil(ut te lel xs itî aIl tattî\ al miatters. atndletîstre hi fl Fa,1nîlv (< trsipu etr- vices aIre attacfied to Ithe couLirt. WilliamîîNcwiiîi Ntinisier et'tthe Eiivironiiieiit. -AsI1See It by Rev. R. H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church Kidnappers, streakers. robbers, miurders. who are these people? What do they accomnplish? Or is it that there is someone who is hielping thern in their aecomplishiments? A few years ago it was announced on the Amnerican Radio thit a publisher had gone broke. He was one that had decided that hie would publishi only uplifting news. the good. noble cleeds. kind- ness. lielping hand ias the only articles to go) ini his paper, but the pLîblic did not buy his paper and hie went broke. The papers who headlinie the gruesomie. horrid news of' crimes by inan or humnanity catch the eyeN of the reacling public. Really. who is the crim i nal? If there iac! been no0 publication oni the rad io. or TV of' the foremnentioned persona 'lities we, the puIblic. would net have known about it. If* we the public delighted in the good of' humanity. the attention getters. would titrn their actions towarcl doing good, helping the needy, etc. Yours truly, Rev. R.1-. James. GEORGE'S Barber Shop, New Opening 130 Brock St. N. Whiltby BAYSHORE FU'RNITURE Our great annual Spring sale is now in progress. We have ail the "Hard to get' merchandise NOW an display. Just look at aur Pine Dining Roam Suites. Heritage Dining Raom and Bedroom Suites, Cape Cod Dining Raom Suites by Kroehler. Beautiful French Provincial suites by Victoria- ville as shown abave, plus 10,000 square feet of floarspace filled ta the last inch with hundreds of brand name merchandise and ail at very reduced prices. Yau awe it ta yourself ta corne ta Bayshore Furniture and check over aur prices before purchasing eisewhere. Instant Delivery. Store Houri: lL Mon. - Fni. i 9:30 &mi. to 9:00 p.m.-a Sut. 9 to 6 Sun. 1 -to 5 for browsing c2ayaflore unfr - s9 I-IWY. 2 L HWY. 401 __BASEL UNE ROAD Our Location Dîiliîngam Road u o 980 BROCK RD. S. PICKERING 839-4461 Celebrate the return cf Spring. The Sun Bug is as carefree as a Spring With a new limited edition VWV Sun Bug, morning. (Whichit con affcrd to be since it's spcrting a dazzling metailic gold finish as bright covered by VW Owner's Security Blanket.) as its namesake. It gels about 3 0 miles te a gallon*. And t has a sun roof to let in (what else?) last but net Ieaist, when you buy one cf these sunshine, and the scent cf ai greening wcrid.~~ extra-specia! golden cars, it'I ccst you literaily There's a tcuch cf the wild in undreds cf dollars less than if you tried te its mecha brewn upheistery. And make il extra -special ycursèif. a touch cf the wind in.Its jaunty'( . Who said there was nething new racing wheels. under the sun? Teu u Fer the teuch cf your i--~ hands, the re's a cave red stee ring wheei, special sunburst shift %9 kneb and a reseweed-grained dash. Iw0 Sunny days are h ere again. *DIN 70C30 iAovs en Beetle& conv ertbl ersons,