Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1974, p. 11

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Fre e Press Emporium FOR SALE - Ultra-nmod- ern Sound System for DJ or1 rec-room. 3 portable sections, 1 vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- 1 ntrol pÎanel, switches, bogen amp., 2 garrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, 15S JB Lansing. Speaker mount-, ed in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100. wili take $700. or best offer. Calil 668-9746. emp. FOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, walnut, circa finished, $175.00. 4375. Antique and 36" 1825, re- Cali 668- emp. FOR SALE - Shetland Sheepdog, sable, female. $ 135.00. 668-3820. Cail after 5 at emp. FOR SALE - one register- ed 7/8 Arabian weaniing colt. Chestnut with white blaze. Excellent disposition and breeding. Asking $400.00. Cail 668-4368. emp. FOR SALE - used, heavy duty stove, suitable for cot- tage. S15.00 or best offer. Call 668-3844. emp. SPRING CLEANING? Seil those items you clearedi FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction ýbook. New condition. $50. Cali 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 3/4 wooden bed, springs, dresser, $35.00. Cali 668-2843 after 4:00. emp. FOR SALE - German Shepherd, one year oid, black and silver, spaded, ail shots. Cost $100., asking $50. Calil 668-8418. emp. FOR SALE - 1 daima- tion, 10 months old, maie, has had ail shots, beautifuiiy spotted, good with children. Cali 728-5497. FOR SALE - one apart- ment size fridge, like new, $ 100.00. Chest of Rogers Bros. Silverware, neyer used $50.00. Portable radio and record player $20-00. Set of figurine bedroom lamps, $6.00, other househoid items. Please caîl 668-4435. emp. FOR SALE - Carpet Sweeper (Bissel) like new, S5.00. Fluor polisher (Gen- eral Electrie) in excellent condition, S1O.00. Phone 66,8-8453. emp out of the attic in the Free Press Emporium. Pay only when you seli FOR SALE - Modern two piece sectioilal couch land chair ini good condition $55.00. Calil 668-3889 emp. SERVICES CARPENTRY Kitchenl cupboards, home improvements, floor tiling and ceramic wall tiling, etc. Free estimnates. Phone after 6 p.m ., 668-4686. p .4 7 HANDYMAN -Home repairs, reasonable rates. Cail 668-4768. INCOME TAX Have your income tax returns prepared locally. Reasonable rates,. Cali 668- 5072. apr. 10/74 BUSINESS OPPORTUN~ Fairy godiothers flot exist in the real w( We have no magie v but we do provide expertise and, capital chatnge business dreamis businesses. For ouru tance in the formula developmient and evei capitalization of your1 iant business idea, enr( our program today. $10.00 to: Silent Pai Associates, P.O. Box1 Station B, Mississai Ontario, Canada._ HE LP WANTED Can you qualify? someone to assist in nv mness 2 hours a day, 5d week. $45-$50: For sonal interview cali Mrs. at 728-2301 between a.m. - 11: 30 a.m time.«0r times Wh« y@u ne"l CALL 579-1121 d people Thec DISTRESS CENTRE volunteers off or their friendship 9:030 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. in complote confidence OLYMPIC LOHTERY TICKETS SALES AGENTS WANTED For the York and Ontario County Districts Phone 889-3142 Write: P.O. Box 959 Thornhiii, -Ontario WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1974, PAGE il q1T 1lES NOTICE TO READERS do Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay 'orld. ONLY wheu you sell! There will flot be any charge to vand, advertisers 'n the Whitby FREE PRESS unless the advertis- thed ed item is '.old. Whien the advertised item is sold, you pay a 1 o commlrission basd on the advertised price as illustratd in to below. Al advertsements must be placed on an exclusive asist- basis with the Whitby FREE PRESS. a sis- A E (fa tce ss l ýnta % o ,.dvAtE(ifedarice is So$40.: Stui 52%,ofudherbts' epr p $400.0 br1i- >2oEX balnc or $450.00-comsindu-$25 ol jnEX (mi iem msls for s$51.00).cmisos u 25 Srted {miivatu commisions $ las nti1.00).ourid 1191~, ret-ifler listed as a private advertiser. tugua, Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when > item is sold so that we may delete it from f.ollowing issues. N'eed y bus- Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal îays a message type ads can only he handied on a prepaid basis.. ir per- I ndutcl:668-6111I- Pe rry Mail ail ads to: Whiby Free Press Emporium 930 Whitbv. SALE. FAR1ML -57 Acres with bouse and barn 25 minutes~ drive from Whitby. Veridor wiil consider your house in trade. Asking $90,000. Sec it and enjoy a -thrilling Scenic View. WHITBY $48,900 - 4 bedroom, detached brick bungalow, sit ed on 57 x 100 lot in sought after location with 3 finis roomnS in the basemefit an added feature. 121 BRC MW 4RW )OSHAWA S 5T T D 44,900, beautiful 3 bedroom brick, 2 storey home lastefuliy decorated with panelled rececation room and bar. Cýompleteiy fenced, many extras. 668-7777 or 668-6336. MULTIPLE LISTING SERIIICI We urgentiy require listings on farm - commercial. and 'esidential properties. luat- ished OSHAWA Older triplex with geood income, vendor has bought, wouid like to seil 1 two bedroom apartment upstairs, i two bedroom downstairs. L-shaped living and dining room. 1 bedroom in basement. Phone 668-7777. For further information on these and other proper- tics cali 668-7777 or Toronto line, 282-1004. >CK STREET NORTH IITBY 668-7777 r 4; 2nd.&3rd MORTOAGE MONEN AVAILABLE *5 "Mr tenu " Open Mortgoges "*rNo payo fw frthaue momthi " Ne bonus. " No credit checks >* No inquiry from mighbours " Confido"c orrangmeoeut mode in your born *"Boow os low os $1,6w CO M.. Wks 942-» 1 1 (L.ed) 99-1 121 (Tere.te) 30 maEyIy St. Bey mlds 'i a ldý mmumma a mannommirAm

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