PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS I-ur Some bod.Hsta Thc.Ql1T{. às jLîst . ade thecir rcvicw. of the CBC rdio~tclcvisiôni stations and thieir licences we rc While Èo, wing thie licences die CRTC said the CBC was doinir?",good job but they'sioiîid do better. 110w?? Wcli onè suggestion - it aimost suuindcd like an' order- wvas le élit out or' down on commnercials on bothi radio anîd tcievision. Thie CBC is ownced by you and 1 because Hie CBC radio and television network is run by thle govmrment. Win(î the CRTC did net suggest was who is going to pay for die operating of the stations withiout advertising reven ue. 1Teievision, radio stations, newspapcrs and magazines arc supporîcd by those nýasty thiiîgs called advertisci-niis. They are often rcgardcd as a ncccssary cvii. Thc cditor rights for more rlcwspapcr SpaCe l'or more ncws and thc îîuilisiecr fighits for miore^ advcrtising spacc 10 bring in mlore dollars. Wiihout ncws thimpper would be an adpapçr and withou t ads thc ncws couldn't bc printed. The saine hoids truc for radio and TV. If the CBC cul out advcrtising there would bc no revenue from (hosc quarters to support the nctwork and to con tinuc opcration the moncy would have to corne from sornicwhcre cisc. Gucss whcrc?? That's righit, you ,nd 1 would have tô support the network comnpietcly with out tax dollars if advcrtising & the revenuie gained from it's sale were discontined. All ibis brings us to mec question'et wlîo is geîng 10t puy to support the CBC Mien thcy have no more ad- vcrlising. Supported'by tax dollars means al] tax payers would divý ilu, whether they watched TV, listened to the radio, or flot. If tic CBC is to be supportcd by advertîsing revenue thcn the people who buy the producis support the network b ecause part of the profits gained from selling the producis advertised goes mbto an advertising budget which goes partely to the CBC. Would you'rather watch TV wîth ne ads and pay for it in tax dollars or wouid you rather put up with the ads and have the CBC supported by advertising revenue?? a member et' the C.A.F. for 5 years. At the prescrnt tlie he is based at Namnao, Alberta. Cpi & Mrs. Appleby ar- e residing in Edmnonton, Alberta. One of Cpi Appleby's brothers, Norman, is aIso with the C.A.F. He is at the present lime on a Nato Cruise with the H.M.C.S. Yukon. West Lynde Assoc. Elects Evoy Pres. Brià n Evoy was elected aret Boyce, secretary; Jack president of the West Lynde McMillan and Dan Pelletier, Comniuniîy Association by directors for a two year term 110 mnembers at a meeting and Gi Hoffman and Heath- at Henry Street High Sch- er cromien, directors for a ool last Thursday night. one year term. The new executive elcl- Ail offices were contested cd with Mr. Evoy are» Kevin excepting one acclamation; j Frech vie resdet;John as fourteen West Lynde res- Bates, treasurer; Mrs. Marg- dnscmedfoth -v - positions. o Mi*nk Ranch Cont,From P. 1 Following the passing cf the by-law Mr. Korte, who was absent in Holland at thç lime, learned of the new by- law on his returfi home. He made represen talion t0 the amalgamated council of Whi- tby 10 have his property ex- empted from the by-law as a non-conforming use. As a resuit of the repre- senlation the counicil suggest- cd a public meeting be heid. The property owners within the 400 feet limit of the area were notified on Oct. 27th, 1971 that a public meeting would be held on Nov. ISth, 1971. They were notified by personal notice (mail), Mr. Wallace said. "A number attented the meeting", said Mr. Wallace. "I can verify Ihat there were a number of people presenit who were in favor of the mink operalion. 1 don't know -how long the mink ranch has been in operation but il has been there for a consid- erable length of lime." Mr. Wallace staled that the Town Office had flot rcceived anycompiaints from any Health Department or Hcaiîh Authoriîy in regards to the operation of the mink ranch (which is the only one of ils kind on Garrard Road). The Town Clcrk testified that he had received six icît- ers from aà rea residents op- posing any "re-examination of the by-Iaw" aiong with a petition from 15 area prop- He also testified that there were "also something inwrî- ingin favor of the operalion cf the mink ranch. This is what I haven't got" for the Court hearing. Unfortunately this information was appar- entiy net in the Cierk's or the Clerk's office's possession. Former by-iaw enforcem- cnt office, Alexander Craigi- e, testified he had seen the mink, Mr. Korte has been there for 20 years, and was there before the zoning by- Iaws were passed in 1960 for the Township of Whîby. Due to a ruling of the Court only one of severai residents in the area testi- fied. Ralph G. Shortt, cf 64 Garrard Road, who lives in the ',secorid house north of the nmink ranch" and has lived there since 1967 spoke in favour of the ranch. He said "there was quile a num- ber of us in faveur of the mink ranch operation. Mr. Korte is the only person affected by Ihis by-iaw. Due t0 his absence from the cou- ntry at the lime Mr. Korle reccivcd- no notice of the public meeting or that a by- law was being passed." Defence lawyer George Pollitt apparently based his case on the basis Ihat with "deniai of notice to Mr. Korte il was a deniai of Justice."l He poinîed eut that the second by-law was passcd "wiîhout any notice being given." Ont. Riding Liberals To HoId Seminar The monthiy meetings of the executives of the Ontario Ridings Liberal Association was held March 25th. Pat Botugeois, President of the Association presided at the meeting. The Pine Ridge Haliburton District Seminar is to be held Sat. April 6 at Durham College, Oshawa beginning at 9:00 A.M. The morning session wil feature Mark McGuigan, Parliamentary Secretary 10 Rovert Andras, Lorne McDonald from the U.I.C. office in Barrie and Roger Kirkpatrick from Trinity Coilege speaking on Education. The afternoon will take the form of "What's Your Beef" wîîh Norm Cafik M.P., Vern Singer M.P.P. and Des Newman, Mayor of Whîby sîtiîng on the panel. Tickets are $3.00. Lunch will be served. Delegates te the L.,P.O. Convention to be held ln Sudbu- ry April 1-6-28 are as foilows: Vince Dincile, Bay Ridges, Aun Farquhar, Ajax, Maureen Graham, Ajax, Georgia Brendon, Port Perr, North Whi*tby Liobs Meeting v h A F p ri H The North Whitby (the esent to ai )Id Whitby Township area) Mr.Cafik wý 'iberal Association will be in Brookiin oldirig a meeting Friday, when hei ýprîI 5, 7.30 pmn at the Odd Conservativý 1ellows Hall Bagot St. in Mr. Sami 3rooklin. vice-presidel A professional group of executive, s riusicians will be present t0 ting is of e> 'rovide entertainment. Ref- ce 10 ail pec 'eshments will be served and lin, Myrîle Jorm Cafik M.P. Ontario Almoîids si iding, tlie undersecretary of are welcomi lealth and Welfare Minieter admission c] darc Lalonde wiil aiso be pr- First Housekeeping For Whiltby Pi Whitby Psychiatric Hosp- ital has accomplished anoth- er first by having the first housekceping class in Ontario graduate. Twenîy-six members of the hosp ital housekeeping de- partment succcssfuiîy comp- leted the 40- hour course which wiii now 6e mand- atory for ail new housekeep- ing staff. Certifijcates were present- ed to: Douglas Bateman, Joan riswer questions. as rOrst nominated 1twelve years ago ran weil against ve Mike Starr. n Holingsworth, a nt cf the riding says that this mee- xtreme importan- ople in the Brook- ý,Ashburn, and ;ubdivision. "Ail ie and there is no liarge." Class ;yh. Hospital Davies, Tlerrance Fice, John Gudgcon, Carmen Farrugia, Reginaîd Floody, Richard Francis, David Halton, John Kolynko, Robert A. Lyon, Joyce Marshall, Raîph Miller, Barbara Miller, Elizabeth Mc- Robert, Carla Montgomery, George Mullen, George Nen- dick, Richard Richter, Enid Scott, Florence Scott, Tho- mas Saxby, Joan Swain, Al- vin Teno, Thomas Thrasher, and Henricus Vanderlinden. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Hometown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; also servlng Ajax and Pidkering. Servir.g total of approximately 25,,000 readers. P ubli!shed every Wednesdav by Whitby Free Press Inc. Bruno Harilaid, President Located at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, WhitbV MAI11NG PERMIT NO. 2941 Editor/Gen. Manager - Mlike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Graphie Arts - Marie Rutter Rita Law, Bay- Ridges, Verne Hoey, Bay Ridges, Pam Hacker, Bay Ridges, Bert Giroux, Bay Ridges, Jim Farquhar, Ajax, Sandraý Stapieton, Ajax, Bill and Inna Lightstone, Bay Ridges. Three candidates are running for the Presidency of the L.P.O. They are Jeff King, Ottawa, Don Roseborough, Toronto and David Weatherhead, Scarborough West. The Executive has passed the motion to organize a Provincial Riding Association. Vince Dinelle, Bay Ridges is Chairman of the Committee to formulate the new Constitution. Two more local Associations have been formed withip the Riding. In the Glendale-Dunbarton area Jack O'Haior- an is Chief Organîzer and in the Greenwood-Brougham- Kinsale area Pete Byberg, John Coates, and Bob Mason have been instrumentai in the establishment of an Or- ganization. Science Fair '74 Slated For Anderson C. V. 1. Thurs. Science Fair '74 will be hield on Thursday and Friday, April 4 and 5 at Anderson C.V.l. in Whitby. The public is invired to attend on Thurs- day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Friday fromn 8:00 a.m. t0 8:00 p.m. The participating students, who come from many schools within thejurisdiction of The Durham Board of Education, will exhibit and compete in the fields of Boony, Zoology. Physics and Engineering. Ice Revue '#74 Brooklin Arena The Whitby Figure Skat- ing Club wiil be presenîing 'Ice Revue '74' Sunday Ap- rit 7, from 2 to 4 pm aI the Brooklin Memorial Ar- ena. Approximately 300 Whit- by children wili take part in a skating exhibition and will demonstrate what they have Iearîîed over the scason. The openuîîg number wil be a scene from "Hello Dol- ly,, Admission is one dollar for adulîs and fifîy cents for students. AIl proceeds -will go te- wards paying ice lime for the figure skating club. Twenty-four ,Graduate Fire Prevention Course The Whitby Fire Depart- ment's first home fire fight- ing and fire prevention ciass graduated last Thursday. Twcnty-four graduates, in- cluding one man, attended the four week course one af- ternoon cach wcek. Instructors of the course wcrc Captains Ron Hawkins and Bill Clarke. The graduatess're Geri A- tkinson, Jaqueline Bergevin, Jean Bessel, Ruth Brooks, Theresa Clarke, Ruth Edw- ards, Elsie Hawes, Mcl Van Hevelline, Bessie Hlodges, Deidre Hope, Johanna Jett- en, Edna Keeler, Maurcen McDonald, Ruth McKay, R- uby Munro, Carole Murkar, Marlene Nichols, Betty Plas- kitt, Nora Rogers, SaIly Ru- dat, Lorraine Sobczak, Pat Vine, Judy Wichman, and Brian Winter. F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. i TRUSTEE IN IIANKRUPTCY 1. 1<G;/Au I' Ctp/Ln<': (*.1I(JI 723.3<vo<; Wedd'ing M UM am- m Oka *Mr. & Mrs. Ted Appieby R.R. I Ashburn wish te afin- ounce the marriage of their son Cpi Alian Appleby te Miss Cathy Fox daughter of Mrs. Josephine Fox & the late Mr. Fox of Hamilton Ontario. The wedding took place Feb. 26 in Norwood UJnited Church, Edmonton, Alberta. Cpi.- Appleby has been AlsoHoId MAIL: Box 206, Whitby PHONE: 668,6000 or 668-61 il TORONTO LINE: 282-1004