Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1974, p. 1

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Vol. 4, No. 14 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, APRI L 1lî. 1'174 Tuesday A.M. Fire Causes $20,00OO Ioss To PaI..O-Pak A tlire at Pal-O-Pak Mati- tilactLii îngCo. Ltd- 2'4 Colborie St. F.,Vlitb\ e rlv Tuesday morning caus d man esttmiatcd S20.000 (lainaîge 10 hie roui. w ls and contents. 1ive Wliîtby F'îre .Depart nment trucks and 20 lire- flighters respondcd to tlhe cal at 2:45 amr. Tucsday. Quick action 0n1thie part olfIthe tir-eCilihters uLsin11 heacrial ladder to spray the roof whýile olliers fou gh t the blaze iii- side saved the plant I romi possible total destructioni. The Wh-itby menin anaged ho gelt te blaze under control in about hialf-an-lîour. The cleatî-upý operation îook thie better part oîf five lîours, anîd because of, a 5 a.m. cadlIol another lucatioti the firetighiters were stili xorking at the Pal-O-Pak lo- cation ai 10 a.m. The cause of tlhe fire Îs This early Tues( presently under investigation. ing fire ah Pal-O-I The lire was spotted and reported by Ontario Provîî- cial Police Constable Don aht this location ii Beckett who was driving pasî îxvo years. said W~ inI liscruiser. CifE ruh 'This was the third fire ChefECrc. Council Decides sday miorn- -ak Nanît- facturing Co. Lui., 324 damage. The cause is pre- said that lie was told part of'- Free Press Photo by Mike Coibornie St. E., Whitby scntly under investigation. thec plant xviii stili bc Butirgess cauised an estiiînated S20,000 Whithy FirýCief-Ed ('roucli uperative. Sec story. n the last Vlhitb)y lire No 3-metre Board >Whitby council lias decid- cd not 10 have a three-metre diving board or a whirlpool bathi at tic Iroquois Park Swimming Pool. Counicil voted 4 to 22 ag- ainsItlh board with Mayor Des Newmnan and Coun. Tomn Edwards being fhc only hold- OU tS. Coun. Johin Goudwxvin bld counicil that itl had voted ag- ainst the 3-metre board tliree limes previously and felt il was frivolous 10 procced xith the mnotion agaîn. Mayor Des Newvman spoke for the board saying that Iroquois Park slîoild not be linîited by the additional S30,000 necessary tu include t1e board. A motion (by Cotin. Good- win) 10 report on tlhe cost of' th1e wlîirlpool was put 10 a vote and also doeeated. Whitby Bus Depot For Coiborne St. The Whitby bus depot. after nearly Ilîrce months of negotiations, will set île in the old Wilson's Cycle & Sports Store at 106 Coîborne St. E. The bus terminal nîoved from the' old location on Dundas St. E. last Januiary to the Corner Store on Brock, St. S. but because of ob- jections_ ollier locations in- cluding Siorly and Son 's billiards on Dundas W. have been considered and opposed by council. The new loeation of'Gray CoachLiUnes will be mnanaged by Gord Nieuwendyk and will open at 7 a.ni. 10 acc- omodate comnioters tb Toronto1. .One douiblc-hecaded park- ing mnelre will be rcmnoved f'rorn cach side of' the streel to accomiodaie the siojpig of tlîe buses. 120 Room Hotel Cornes to Whitby A syrnbolic brighît orange ribbun-trimnmed spade was used by Whitby Councillor Gerry Emm nat 2 p.m. yester- day when lie turned thie sod for thîe newcst Howard John- son's Molor Lodge. The hotel is being built on an 8.26 acre site at Thickson Road and Highway 401. Thîis I 20-roomn ho tel is an- other of the Canadian How- ard Johinson's hotels being' dcveloped by Orangeroot' Canada Limited. Eric Han- sink. an Oshawa builder is the licensce lor thte property. In additiontluthie 120 bedroomns. tlie hotel \vill f'ea- turc a 1 50-seat Howvard John- son s zesturanit,*,an 80-seat lounge. a 150-seat lounige. banquet and conterence fac- ilities for 150 peuple and an induor pool. The* arclîilect is Normian A. Wrighî of Oshîawa. Thîe restaurant is due Io open ini late Faîl of titis year, wiîhthei hotel openting early in the Spring of' 1975. Total c(;st of' the prjeci is an es- timated S2.5 million. When asked wly he wanted lu build a tloward lohnson's Molor Lodge, Eric Hansîink conîmented, "1 got involved willh the idea from ail îny travelling ini the LUnited States. 1 alxvays stayed ai IHoward Joliiisoii's and 1 liked it. Th'1a*fs niy reCason, as simple as tha it. Whiotby Counsellor Us Now Un Oshawa Keith Marlowve. liitby's family couniscilor. lias been nioved to the Oshawa City' Hall. Mr. Marlowve was previous- ly located on the second floor of the Whitby Fire Hall on Brock Street South. but liad lu miove because the Whitby Recreation Deparîmnent app- aren îly needed more roorn. He mnade applications t0 thie Regioni's Social Services Cornînittee to relocate at Wh ilby's four-corners but xvas retij se d because it would '6cost 100 niuch nionley". Now aniyonle wishing te sec Mr. Marlowe miust trave 10 the Oshawa City Hall un. less lie or slie is willîoui transportation in whichi cas( Mr. Marlowe will corne t( WVhitby. Much ot Mr. Mar lowe's lime is now taken ul with travelling back and forti froin Oshawa trying to servie( his hecavy Witby case load 2 Armed Robbers Captured Quickly Two armned men' who robb- Tlîe two rohbers lied ina cd the Becker's Milk Store, waiting car, but werc followec Brock Street N., Whitby. of hy anltînidenlitied observe, S399. last Wedipesday nighit who had wilnessed the cntir were captured hy Whitby div- incident. ision I18 police minutes after. The robbers were followed Apparently two men dis- north on Brock Street anîd thenl guîscd in stocking masks enter- east on1 Rossland Road passing ed the store carrying a 12- the (Whuîby) Division 18 Dur- gauge sawed-off shotgun short- ham Region Police Station. ly before closing tirne. Thcy There the observer -tlagged forced the cashier anud a wonu- down Const. P.E. Naumienko an cusionuer Io stand bhlind and poinicd out Itue get away thie counter whiîe ithey riflcd car. the cash register and cut the Consi. Natîmienko folloxvec ilephone wircs. A man \vho tlie car Io Thickson Rd. wluerc encered lthe store wvas amso oîd- CONT. P. 2 cred bcluind tihe counler. CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 24 IIRS. I

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